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Conservative Group Launches “Dump Romney� Campaign

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Humm...then again...what do we really know about OhShoot??? ;)

A secret friend told me that he hasn't paid any income taxes in at least 10 years. ROTFLMAO

By God,since interest rates disappeared on what I managed to stash before stumbling into retirement, I'm getting frigging closer to that now than ever in my life!

Historical personal anecdote: first taxed job was when I was 13, dug trenches and bell holes for the local gas company that summer. 40 hours a week, maybe 1.25/hr or whatever min was back then. Saw the gummit take the first bucks from me every two weeks. So one pay period, I have to work a few hours overtime, and my take home pay was slightly LESS! A lad's rude introduction to the tax system of The United States of Merica.

- OS

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