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Conservative Group Launches “Dump Romney� Campaign

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A group called "Jews and Christians Together," which backed Rick Santorum in the Republican primary, is sending a memo to Republican National Convention delegates urging them not to vote for Mitt Romney at the convention, even if they're bound to him.

The nine-page memo casts Romney's nomination in the direst terms. A press release from the group reads:

"DUMP ROMNEY" contends that no delegates are actually "bound" by law or GOP

rules to vote for Romney and that, to win the White House and toss-up

Senate seats, delegates must exercise their right to "conscientiously

abstain" from Romney on the crucial first ballot, aiming for a

stronger ticket leader in subsequent convention voting rounds.

The core of a hard-hitting new 80,000 word book and incubating Tampa

insurgency, the entire memo can be read online free via Amazon Kindle

Cloud Reader using the Amazon.com search term "DUMP ROMNEY." "Were

frontrunners simply entitled to the nomination, a convention wouldn't

be necessary," the texts say, noting that Intrade predictive markets

gives Obama odds of about 60-40 over Romney and that New York Times

political analyst Nate Silver projects about 300 electoral votes for

Obama, rating Romney's current odds around 21%.

The memo doesn't specify who Romney should be replaced with.

A core of Ron Paul supporters had been the only organized Republican opposition to accepting Romney as the nominee, but Paul campaign manager Jesse Benton told BuzzFeed that the memo had nothing to do with them, calling it "disgusting and highly inappropriate."

"We’re just saying that Romney has so many liabilities that will be exploited by Obama," Baldwin said in a phone interview. "I don’t have a problems with Mormons personally, but it is a liability issue" among evangelical voters, Baldwin said.

Baldwin said that the people who put together the memo are supporters of different primary candidates, including Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich (Baldwin is a Bachmann supporter).

Jews and Christians Together briefly made the news in March for putting out robocalls in Ohio on behalf of Rick Santorum, then still a presidential candidate. The call accused Romney of supporting "open homosexuality in the military, the appointment of homosexual judges, and the ENDA law, making it illegal to fire a man who wears a dress and high heels to work, even if he's your kid's teacher."

The memo is accompanied by an "expanded" 100-page version, available on Amazon. It devotes a lot of space to attacking Romney's Mormonism as "hostile to American monotheism and hetero-monogamy" (there's even a picture of Brigham Young in drag).


Edited by plank white
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A bit late to be taking a stand but they're welcome to drop a turd in the punchbowl.

Sorry, Romney's it, if they have any sense, they'll just have to get over it. :drama:

Or do a protest vote for a 3rd party candidate and let Obaloney have their vote. :down:

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A bit late to be taking a stand but they're welcome to drop a turd in the punchbowl.

Sorry, Romney's it, if they have any sense, they'll just have to get over it. :drama:

Or do a protest vote for a 3rd party candidate and let Obaloney have their vote. :down:

They're calling for convention delegates to abstain on first ballot and then vote for someone else there, not general public.

The Dem Dirt does indeed seem to have taken hold in polls in just last 48 hours.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Really classy move...probably motivated by bigotry toward Mormons.

It's just about as classy as the ones who seem to have nothing better to do than make up anti-Romney pictures and videos but I guess lashing out is to be expected from some when you have no chance of prevailing in the election.

Edited by RobertNashville
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Guest Lester Weevils

It is easy to understand a fella not liking the idea of President Romney. Those JACT folk want a candidate even more worser than Romney. They decline to suggest an alternative by name, though previously supported Santorum. Duh, wonder who they prefer?

If Romney doesn't have an ice cube's chance winning (according to them), then Santorum doesn't even have a water drop's chance of winning.

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Man, where's Jerry Falwell when you need him?

But, it does make me think - the DNC hasn't even really touched on the Mormon thing yet. There's a lot of mud left to sling between now and November.

Of course, the economy sure isn't getting any better, either. And that hurts Obama, just like it hurt the Republicans last time. Doesn't matter who's fault it was. Incumbent gets the blame. Maybe Romney can claim he inherited this mess.

A lot of our retail clients in automotive are saying stuff is definitely slowing down again. People bought the press that the economy was getting better or simply couldn't postpone buying durable goods any longer and started spending again. They've picked up some debt and are now regretting it.

Of course this drought is piling on, too. Sure we're getting some rain now, but it's too late for corn crops. A smaller yeild means higher gas prices and food prices through the election. I paid $3.60 today in Brentwood. I bet it gets worse before the election since they're all using corn based ethanol as the primary oxidizer.

Should prove to be an interesting fall.

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Well, so many people hate Mormons that I'm surprised they don't some Muslim's in their group as well. ;)

Any kidding aside, though, outside (maybe) a couple of western states, Mitt's Mormonism is no kind of plus in this election. At all.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Oh, and don't forget Iran. Israeli's wrote an OpEd in the WSJ yesterday saying the window has closed on diplomacy. They've got no downside for attacking on Obama's watch since he's made it pretty plain that he doesn't care for them.

I can't see any type of scenario where this works out we for the President.

Edited by MacGyver
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You are right and it's a shame how bigoted many people still are. Apparently we are still a long way from judging someone based on the content of their character.

Well, frankly, as a heathen, I must admit that I see Christianity as plenty bizarre enough already, without the extra lunatic layers that Mormonism spreads on top of it.

So it's certainly not a plus to get my vote either.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Well, frankly, as a heathen, I must admit that I see Christianity as plenty bizarre enough already, without the extra lunatic layers that Mormonism spreads on top of it.

So it's sure not a plus to get my vote either.

- OS

I just want an honest and honorable man (or woman) in the White House and as long as he/she is that, whether the motivation comes from Atheism, Mormonism, the Buddha or the Moon god; I'm okay with that.
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I just want an honest and honorable man (or woman) in the White House and as long as he/she is that, whether the motivation comes from Atheism, Mormonism, the Buddha or the Moon god; I'm okay with that.

In that case, OhShoot is your man.

OK Mac, make a quick video or two, we'll start a couple of threads, and you'll be elected before you know it. I don't need a job in your administration, and you can still shoot my guns if you want. :)

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In that case, OhShoot is your man.

OK Mac, make a quick video or two, we'll start a couple of threads, and you'll be elected before you know it. I don't need a job in your administration, and you can still shoot my guns if you want. :)

Thanks, but past is much too checkered. For conservative or liberal mainstream support. ;)

Plus, this country won't elect anything but a Christian. Yet. That's why BHO had to claim to be one, why at least half the bastards claim to be one.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Thanks, but past is much too checkered. For conservative or liberal mainstream support. ;)

Plus, this country won't elect anything but a Christian. Yet. That's why BHO had to claim to be one, why at least half the bastards claim to be one.

- OS

Who needs mainstream support? You haven't been paying attention :)

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Neither of us has the depth of soulless evil necessary for the Great American Idol Smear Campaign, even if we had the money. :)

- OS

Plus, who could stand the hree years of tasteless Marriott chicken dinners it takes to get there even if you had the money or inclination?
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Thanks, but past is much too checkered. For conservative or liberal mainstream support. ;)

Plus, this country won't elect anything but a Christian. Yet. That's why BHO had to claim to be one, why at least half the bastards claim to be one.

- OS

Your past isn't any more checkered than other politicians.

You're just a bit more honest about your past than they are.

And didn't you used to be a holy teach? there's your Christian vote


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Your past isn't any more checkered than other politicians.

You're just a bit more honest about your past than they are.

Well, that and the fact that I couldn't spread enough dough around to seal all the records like BHO. Or cause some people to disappear. :)

And didn't you used to be a holy teach? there's your Christian vote :)

Well, couple of "Bible as literature" endeavors, but don't think that would rate with the fundamentalists. Or even Catholics come to think of it. ;)

- OS

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