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Man Orders TV, Gets Sig Black Rifle Instead

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That makes no sense, they would have been drop shipped from two different locations and came together at the shipping terminal, the driver would have never touched it with out a shipping label...

unless the TV store and gun shop did shipping favors for each other and it got screwed up there...

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Guest 6.8 AR

Like the commenters on the Blaze site, I think it was a setup.

How many times have you seen a shipping label on a UPS or Fedex box that would come off easily? And notice

the Brady bunch was quick to point out about the ease of shipping of firearms.

I would have kept the damned gun and given a good review about the TV. Considering the cost of a 39 inch TV,

I'd say he got better value.

He's probably a bleeding heart liberal, though.

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Guest HvyMtl

This was probably a shipper or origin shipper error. The stickers, if not stuck down, will stick to anything. I bet the store with the TV did not remove the plastic backing and attached only the corner of the sticker. And then when it got to the sorter it had transfered to the other package, or the minimum wage temporary just stuck it to the closest box.

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Now we'll have a bunch of morons calling for stricker shipping regulations. :stick:

Obviously due to this incident, 17 illegal alien minors have died so we must immediately impose a 27 day wait time for all items shipped to allow a new agency to open and review the contents of every box in the country that is being transported.

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Like the commenters on the Blaze site, I think it was a setup.

How many times have you seen a shipping label on a UPS or Fedex box that would come off easily? And notice

the Brady bunch was quick to point out about the ease of shipping of firearms.

I would have kept the damned gun and given a good review about the TV. Considering the cost of a 39 inch TV,

I'd say he got better value.

He's probably a bleeding heart liberal, though.

He said he's never touched a gun before.
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Guest dfsixstring

Fox said it was ordered from Amazon. I know Amazon doesn't sell real firearms. Something doesn't "smell" right here.





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Like the commenters on the Blaze site, I think it was a setup.

How many times have you seen a shipping label on a UPS or Fedex box that would come off easily? And notice

the Brady bunch was quick to point out about the ease of shipping of firearms.

I would have kept the damned gun and given a good review about the TV. Considering the cost of a 39 inch TV,

I'd say he got better value.

He's probably a bleeding heart liberal, though.

I've seen lots of envelopes with rhe label inside come off. Can't say I've ever seen the self adhesive type come off though.

Although rarer nonadays, I think some places still use envelopes to save bucks. A case of possible but not plausible? :shrug:

Edited by strickj
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