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Thumbs up TGO Admin and Staff

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Really like the site guys good work glad to see the trading post back to the old format.

I used to Help Admin a video Gaming website off Vb and we stayed busy as all hell trying to keep things fresh and at the same time having to basically run an internet police department on our site to deal with all the Trolls aswell and I have noticed you guys are always pretty quik on the Troll work I also notice the fact that Im not getting spammed by outrageous ads 24/7 like alot of sites will do just to turn a profit we always did ours free and kept ourselfs alive by accepting dontations etc. some of those ads generate great pay but are just full of spam and malware etc. so good job on avoiding that even though I know first hand how tempting it is , a good clean site is a good thing and needs a good ol "Thataboy" every now and then so from where Im sitting good job on running a clean respectfull yet open minded forum .

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I appreciate their hard work and attitude myself. Though our opinions very from individual to individual, it's nice to civilly discuss our questions and what's on our minds without a bunch of restrictions. It's especially nice to have a forum dedicated to the discussions of Tennessee specific matters.

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  • Administrator

Thanks for the kudos. Greatly appreciated.

Thanks! We have a great member base that really makes it pretty easy.

I agree with this 100%. What we do here is pretty easy. What the members do to keep it fun and interesting is WAY more important!

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Thanks! We have a great member base that really makes it pretty easy.

Yes I can see that I imagine you guys still get a good bit of scum lol there is a reason I "Used to help admin a video Gaming site" I dont anymore!!

Imagine having a base of 13-30 yr olds to contend with daily lol it was fun most of the time but there shure were alot of trolls and scammers etc. but I can see even on other gun forums that the trolls do lurk even in this age group of mainly adults but do away with all that and this is still a good clean well maintained site so :up: Props.

Edited by plank white
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The members here are pretty good at policing their own and it is only when they ask for our help that we generally get involved. Unless it is something outrageous we generally let things go because even the most controversial posts have their ups and downs. And it is the members that decide where the line is and that line changes all the time depending on what is being discussed and who all is involved.

Another great thing about the members here is they are tolerant of others. Even if they are opposite sides of an opinion most times they agree ot disagree. And just like any family there are members here with quirks. And we learn to live with these quirks and even look beyond them for the greater good. And if need be members help each other out. And that is what families do, even if it is an online family.

And the one thing that really suprizes me about this board is this. On most other boards where most members are men they are always trying to one up eachother. They try to impress eachother with stories of exploits as well as playing the proverbial "who's penis is bigger" game with each other. Not here, which is how it should be.

As much as you are thanking the staff I would also like to thank the members here. It is you that make this board successful as it is.


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Well, freedom loving patriots will hate this kinda talk but it works best here because it's NOT a democracy. It's a monarchy with delegated authority. Things get done quickly and there's not much grumbling from the villagers.

I've been on a lot of forums and I've said it here several times. This place is clean and straight. Strict rules with more leniency than any respectable man needs.

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  • Administrator

My pleasure guys. I love that you all enjoy the site as much as you do. This place is near and dear to my heart and hopefully soon things will slow down enough for me that I can get active in the posts and not just behind the scenes. I miss that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another member here who appreciates what David and the mods do for all the rest of us. :up:

Same here. Not only that, but the welcome and insight from all members as well. I'm new to guns and have mostly been just reading, but feel welcomed here and have been treated as if I've been here forever. I try to stop in the chat room often and have had a great experience with that and in getting to know the "regulars" in there.

I just wanted to voice my appreciation to staff and members.

Edited by JD_
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I really enjoy the sight as well. I have been around guns most of my life but until recently(last few years) I haven't been very active in the gun community. I found this sight thru a friend at work when asking questions about some of the updates in laws, gun designs, etc. The one thing I enjoy is that the sight experts on reloading, casting, etc. answer questions without talking down to people. They are really helpful.


Sent from my iPhone

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Very well regulated site. I also had some experience as admin on a guitar and music gear php board for awhile about ten years ago. Thankless work for the most part. I've had the pleasure and privilege to be able to help and be helped by a few people here and I have to say everyone I've met in person has been super cool.

I think having a top rate team behind the scenes coupled with a top rate if not a bit eclectic user base is all the difference in the world. I personally like whichever arguments come up because the one common denominator is the people doing the arguing are actually listening to each other, not just waiting for a post so they can disagree with it... For the most part.

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