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For the Libertarians Planning to write in Ron Paul

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[regarding Gary Johnson]

....It is a better record than I expected.

Heck, man, GJ had the guts to go on Red Eye w/ Gutfeld. I'd vote for him on that basis alone!

I'll say this about 3rd Party viability though .. if this campaign cycle were to last another year, instead of just until November, I think GJ would have a good chance.

This Super PAC thing is just out of control, 90% negative on each side, I'm sick of it, I think most Americans are sick of it. SCOTUS really blew it on this one, seems to me.

Have you seen the latest, where Mitt is accused of killing the guys wife (cancer, lost insurance as one of the companies that went bankrupt after Bain acquired it)?

It's really a total new low, not factual of course, but wow.



PAC is run by Bill Burton, who is a fer C'sake former spokesperson for BHO. But of course, there's no communication between him and the admin as required by law.


- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Guest 6.8 AR

Heck, man, GJ had the guts to go on Red Eye w/ Gutfeld. I'd vote for him on that basis alone!

I'll say this about 3rd Party viability though .. if this campaign cycle were to last another year, instead of just until November, I think GJ would have a good chance.

This Super PAC thing is just out of control, 90% negative on each side, I'm sick of it, I think most Americans are sick of it. SCOTUS really blew it on this one, seems to me.

Have you seen the latest, where Mitt is accused of killing the guys wife (cancer, lost insurance as one of the companies that went bankrupt after Bain acquired it)?

It's really a total new low, not factual of course, but wow.



PAC is run by Bill Burton, who is a fer C'sake former spokesperson for BHO. But of course, there's no communication between him and the admin as required by law.


- OS

Yeh, Burton was working overtime with that filth. You watch Red Eye, too? Every once in a while for me. I missed GJ

on there. I'll bet he was good. That show is a hoot.

Burton's interviews during the 2008 campaign made me want to hit him. He was like an angry little kid

in front of the camera more than once. Anything that came out of his mouth was like it was someone

hitting the "play" button. So canned.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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...Now to my other question, like I asked about Ron Paul, why can't these people get traction?

I think the answer to RP is easy, he's old and he's not very "Presidential" looking, sounding or acting. The lame street media isn't going to give anybody but Obama much opportunity but even if Fox turned into the Ron Paul 24/7 channel I don't think it would have made any difference at all.

Aside from what I mentioned specifically about Paul, above, all the candidates like him, I believe, are simply not where much of the electorate is politically.

It' my observation that the libertarian mindset doesn't "click" with most people; the more libertarian a candidate is the less likely he/she is to get anywhere. I'd vote for a libertarian over a progressive any day but even so, there are many of their ideas that I do not support and if a true libertarian was up against a true conservative I'm going to support the conservative every time.

Edited by RobertNashville
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...Yeh, Burton was working overtime with that filth. You watch Red Eye, too? Every once in a while for me. I missed GJ

on there. I'll bet he was good. That show is a hoot.

I'm afraid that Red Eye has been partially responsible for skewing me toward Vampire Hours schedule. Long time fan.

Saw GJ on it twice, may have been on more, dunno. He fit in pretty well.

So does another unlikely frequent participant, John Bolton. You think he's sardonic on the regular news venues, he's off the scale on Red Eye.

- OS

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Guest 6.8 AR

Bolton is cool on there, too. Have you seen Thaddeus McCotter(sp?), congressman from Michigan on there?

Deadpan face, funny as hell, talking about rock and roll, metal music.

I catch it when I'm working late at the motel, usually and end up getting breakfast before I go to bed.

For some silly stuff in the middle of the night, Gutfield has a great show.

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Bolton is cool on there, too. Have you seen Thaddeus McCotter(sp?), congressman from Michigan on there?...

Yeah, and he wasn't even on my radar before seeing him there several times. You're right, he's even drier and more sardonic than Bolton, amazing he's in Congress. He actually ran for prez I guess you know. Another better choice than our final realistic picks.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Now to my other question, like I asked about Ron Paul, why can't these people get traction? I know part of it is that

the media doesn't give them the time of day and are mostly pulling for the Obama machine, except in the case of

Fox, which is the sole outlet showing any kind of bias towards Romney. They were the one place that I saw Gary

Johnson on an interview. I also heard him once on the radio.

Well its not only the media "They dont report things like this" and if they do it is far and few inbetween But also Big money power players dont want anything to do with saying less government or Audit the FED think of it Like this some people are so rich that they have everything the could ever want but the one thing they dont have is the Kind of Power you can get from being head of the most powerfull government and Military on earth Flat out if you dont kiss the right rings and butter the right hands in one of the two major Partys you arent gonna get nominated .

If your a reporter and You Report "The cold hard truth as you see it " quite frankly you wont be getting those private one on one interviews you wont be getting anything but a revoked press pass and when someone stands up and says something like this to the government on national Tv You can bet all the High rollers will be going against you



If anyone else where giving this kind of hell to the government the media wouldve been all over it but when its someone threatening the the way things are and the people profitting off the way things are it Will be silenced one way or the other .


All i can do is throw my vote against the machine and vote 3rd party it isnt much at all but its one less vote they will get of mine

Edited by plank white
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Guest 6.8 AR

That's all the more reason that it has to be a grassroots campaign for lower offices all over, not just the presidency.

Look at how short a time the Tea Party groups have been around and how much they have accomplished. Reagan

sidestepped the media all the time. There are examples of that kind of success out there.

I think that's why they don't ever gain any traction. Libertarians could just as easily sidestep the media if they put

up candidates who, well was as good as Reagan at getting the message out.

Hmm, they may need to work a while on that one.

Well, you get the point.

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Its been going on for a while now and it is time to stop it "But We all got to come together to do it " otherwise it will never happen.

Some of you have probably seen this but for those who havent this is pretty interesting and it was a warning that was not heeded and now look at where we are at




Edited by plank white
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That's all the more reason that it has to be a grassroots campaign for lower offices all over, not just the presidency.

Look at how short a time the Tea Party groups have been around and how much they have accomplished. Reagan

sidestepped the media all the time. There are examples of that kind of success out there.

I think that's why they don't ever gain any traction. Libertarians could just as easily sidestep the media if they put

up candidates who, well was as good as Reagan at getting the message out.

Hmm, they may need to work a while on that one.

Well, you get the point.

Oh please dont get me started on the tea Party I was a huge fan of the Tea Party and big supporter but once they became big they were infiltrated and for the most part are nothing but status quo republicans now . Speaking of Grass roots All Ron Paul has ever had was a Massive Grass roots campaign if it were not for the grass roots movement behind Paul he wouldve never lasted more than a few days in the primarys after the Primarys in 07 supporters came out the woodwork to back him by the thousands and it has been pushing hard ever since. When the media doesnt mention but 1 time after a debate they come together and email bomb the news outlets etc. it doesnt get much more grassroots than that


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Guest ThePunisher

I think the answer to RP is easy, he's old and he's not very "Presidential" looking, sounding or acting. The lame street media isn't going to give anybody but Obama much opportunity but even if Fox turned into the Ron Paul 24/7 channel I don't think it would have made any difference at all.

Aside from what I mentioned specifically about Paul, above, all the candidates like him, I believe, are simply not where much of the electorate is politically.

It' my observation that the libertarian mindset doesn't "click" with most people; the more libertarian a candidate is the less likely he/she is to get anywhere. I'd vote for a libertarian over a progressive any day but even so, there are many of their ideas that I do not support and if a true libertarian was up against a true conservative I'm going to support the conservative every time.

You're right about RP's age factor. He comes off a little bit senile, and he is even older than Reagan was his first time getting elected. They played the age card on Reagan, but he was quick witted, and a very good speaker, plus he had an conservative agenda that everyone could relate to. He was the great communicator that appealed even to the democrats. I believe if RP was twenty years younger he might have been a more viable candidate especially if could have come up with a better foreign policy.

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You're right about RP's age factor. He comes off a little bit senile, and he is even older than Reagan was his first time getting elected. ...

As of later this month, RP will be 4 years older than Reagan was when he won his second term.

- OS

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Guest ThePunisher

As of later this month, RP will be 4 years older than Reagan was when he won his second term.

- OS

Yeah, and I loved it when Reagan turn the age issue around on Mondale when he said he wouldn't for political exploitation hold it against Mondale his youth and inexperience. That was a classic all- time memory of Reagan. He was really like able, and it just killed the liberals that he was the President to all Americans.

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well Im about to head off to the sack.

here is my last Jab for the night fellas .

I had fun hope we can sling more mud at each other tomorrow :yum:

Then we can talk about how Reagan Hurt the gun community more than any other president atleast since I have been alive.


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Yeah, and I loved it when Reagan turn the age issue around on Mondale when he said he wouldn't for political exploitation hold it against Mondale his youth and inexperience. That was a classic all- time memory of Reagan. He was really like able, and it just killed the liberals that he was the President to all Americans.

Yuup...that was one of the best lines ever...I watched that debate; one of the best ever.
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Guest 6.8 AR

Oh please dont get me started on the tea Party I was a huge fan of the Tea Party and big supporter but once they became big they were infiltrated and for the most part are nothing but status quo republicans now . Speaking of Grass roots All Ron Paul has ever had was a Massive Grass roots campaign if it were not for the grass roots movement behind Paul he wouldve never lasted more than a few days in the primarys after the Primarys in 07 supporters came out the woodwork to back him by the thousands and it has been pushing hard ever since. When the media doesnt mention but 1 time after a debate they come together and email bomb the news outlets etc. it doesnt get much more grassroots than that

You can get started all you want, but they are showing results, evidently not ones you want, though. I and others understand that the media is not fair. It's origins are deeply rooted in political discussion designed

to get their man elected. They are not your friend. If you wish to get into the big corporations "owning" the media, I can't do anything about that. That's why it is necessary to have strong grass roots campaign that are broad based. I think that's why political parties have become necessary. The parties have become corrupt by the same reasons, too.

If you have already given up on the Tea Party movement, well, you must have too short an attention span to allow anything to work, like so many other folks who seem to think things can be changed over night. The trouble with that idea is the Tea Party is alive and well and still accomplishing their goals.

Allen West, Nikki Haley, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Todd Akin, Marco Rubio, and many other national and state elections are being won by Tea Party candidates. They are winning in places that they are well organized and tired of the old bats still holding on that they consider progressives and are injecting that "new blood" to make the tree of liberty grow strong again.

Todd Akin and Ted Cruz are the people who can shift the Senate back to the right. Jim Demint is moving mountains against the wishes of the RNC and isn't looking back. Trouble is that these things take election cycles.

You can get started on the damned Tea Party anytime you wish. If it wasn't for that large group of young and old farts, black, hispanic and white that want their country back, we would be a lot worse off than worrying about one thing: the presidency.

And you can think I am trashing Ron Paul(which i am most certainly not), but I realize there is more to the country than just one man.

Put all your eggs in one basket and if you keep dropping the basket, you have to keep going back to the hen and wait for freshly laid eggs. You're not growing anything.

I'm not mad at you, plank, but I do get heated sometimes. I guess it's just my age is wearing me thin about these things. I hate to see the sometimes petty excuses people give when something good is just getting

momentum. It's so reminiscent of the "expediency of the moment" attitude. Some things take hard work

and time.

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I think it's called the "microwave mentality"...people think that problems that have been brewing and gaining momentum since the 1930s are going to be solved by one movement and in one or two election cycles.

If people aren't willing to work for something that may take decades, maybe even not be resolved in their lifetimes then they might as well save themselves the headaches, put blinders on and hope for the best.

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Like I said The Tea Party "was" Great when the Tea party became a mouthpiece for the republican Base I gave up on it . When they threw there support behind Romney which goes against every single thing they stood for I knew the Gig was up there are alot of good TEA party members still around but now it is supposedly being ran and headed by Romney supporters within the last year Ive seen the TEA Party fall from Pissed off Americans sick of both partys to an extension of the republican party.

The Tea Party has been against all these things since the Begining .









Patriot act


Aid To Israel and other dictatorships when we are Broke

Federal Reserve and the IRS

Drug war

Gun Grabbing


How can some one or some group claim they are against these things and then throw support behind someone who supports them?

Well the Big boys saw what was going on and basically infiltrated and took over they lost a hell of alot of there supporters with that move "But" They gained a hell of alot aswell the only problem is that anyone who looks at what the tea party has become only sees pissed of republicans now .

when I supported the Tea Party and was a huge fan they were seen as pissed off Americans very upset with both party's.

So to me the Tea Party has within the last year Fundamentally changed for the worst and is no longer what it used to be even a year and a half ago .

as for Paul and the Primary do you guys really not see how the Republican Heavy Hitters stole the Primary ?

Im sure I will get bashed for this but here goes anyway.

when Gingrich and santorm decided to stay in the race, that went against all logic. Why?

Because neither of them were on the Primary Ballot in enough states to win the Primary Unless they won every single Primary they were capable of winning.

And became a spot to place the anti Romney vote to ensure the only other candidate on all the Ballots "Paul" Wouldnt get them.

When FDR Said Presidents aren't elected they are selected and then you see things like this happen it makes you think ?

Why did the media preach non stop to the masses about how Ron Paul wasnt electable "Yet" fail to mention at all that santorum and gingrich were Mathmatically Unelectable?

Food for thought .

Bring on the hatred :rock:

Edited by plank white
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Like I said The Tea Party "was" Great when the Tea party became a mouthpiece for the republican Base I gave up on it . When they threw there support behind Romney which goes against every single thing they stood for I knew the Gig was up there are alot of good TEA party members still around but now it is supposedly being ran and headed by Romney supporters within the last year Ive seen the TEA Party fall from Pissed off Americans sick of both partys to an extension of the republican party.

The Tea Party has been against all these things since the Begining .









Patriot act


Aid To Israel and other dictatorships when we are Broke

Federal Reserve and the IRS

Drug war

Gun Grabbing


How can some one or some group claim they are against these things and then throw support behind someone who supports them?

Well the Big boys saw what was going on and basically infiltrated and took over they lost a hell of alot of there supporters with that move "But" They gained a hell of alot aswell the only problem is that anyone who looks at what the tea party has become only sees pissed of republicans now .

when I supported the Tea Party and was a huge fan they were seen as pissed off Americans very upset with both party's.

So to me the Tea Party has within the last year Fundamentally changed for the worst and is no longer what it used to be even a year and a half ago .

as for Paul and the Primary do you guys really not see how the Republican Heavy Hitters stole the Primary ?

Im sure I will get bashed for this but here goes anyway.

when Gingrich and santorm decide to stay in the race that went against all logic. Why?

Because neither of them were on the Primary Ballot in enough states to win the Primary Unless they won every single Primary they were capable of winning.

And became a spot to place the anti Romney vote to ensure the only other candidate on all the Ballots "Paul" Wouldnt get them.

When FDR Said Presidents aren't elected they are selected and then you see things like this happen it makes you think ?

Why did the media preach non stop to the masses about how Ron Paul wasnt electable "Yet" fail to mention at all the santorum and gingrich were Mathmatically Unelectable?

Food for thought .

Bring on the hatred :rock:

No hatred here. You can't just walk down the street and pick out somebody that agrees with you. I guess you can make yourself feel better that way, but you won't do much more than that. A winning candidate needs the MOST people that agree with him. That's why things seldom move in the direction we want. You need lots of mass. With that said, everybody needs to be happy with their vote.

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No hatred here. You can't just walk down the street and pick out somebody that agrees with you. I guess you can make yourself feel better that way, but you won't do much more than that. A winning candidate needs the MOST people that agree with him. That's why things seldom move in the direction we want. You need lots of mass. With that said, everybody needs to be happy with their vote.

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Like I said The Tea Party "was" Great when the Tea party became a mouthpiece for the republican Base I gave up on it . When they threw there support behind Romney which goes against every single thing they stood for I knew the Gig was up...

I think you have a significant and basic misunderstanding of what the Tea Party is, the major misunderstanding being not recognizing that there is no "Tea Party".

There is a movement of hundreds, maybe thousands of different groups with somewhat similar ideas about government...some of those groups support, Romney, some don't...most are less concerned about the Presidency and far more concerned about local and regional and state elections because there is where change has to start. To ascribe monolithic ideas to the movement is to totally miss the point.

If you've given up on the movement after only three/four years then I'd say your expectations of how quickly things can change are more than a little unrealistic.

Edited by RobertNashville
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