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For the Libertarians Planning to write in Ron Paul

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There is a huge difference between Romney and Obama; if elected, Obama can’t run again. The gloves are off and he can do whatever he thinks he can get away with.

At least with Romney we have a chance to better prepare. biggrin.gif

Explain to me how a winner from a group other than the two parties would change anything or why it would matter? An independent could get elected, so why do some of you think we have a two party system?

The American people elected Obama. The poor and underemployed that want the government to run their lives, and want every dime they can get from the government aren’t going to vote for Ron Paul or Gary Johnson. That group appears to be about half the people in this country, how does splitting the other half help us?

Conservative working class Americans would have to be united to elect a President.

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Guest ThePunisher

The American people elected Obama. The poor and underemployed that want the government to run their lives, and want every dime they can get from the government aren’t going to vote for Ron Paul or Gary Johnson. That group appears to be about half the people in this country, how does splitting the other half help us?

Conservative working class Americans would have to be united to elect a President.

It's time to start uniting, because this country won't be standing after 4 more years of the commie.

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Makes me chuckle that voting for the status quo, which has screwed us over and over for decades, is somehow the 'smart' decision.

Y'all can bash me all you wish, I couldn't care less - but until you realize voting for the same crap over and over and expecting something other than crap is fruitless, we're all stuck with Groundhog Day.

Not sure why I even posted, none of the panicked party voters here will think about breaking the pattern for half a second...

They won't think about it for a second. Thinking like this just makes us commie Obama lovers. I admire your restraint.

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Good question. The ones that went past general math seem to be the ones that see the numbers clearly enough to call some things, like a third party win, impossible. I was really joking... kinda.

Can you show me an example of where someone advocating a third party canidate has stated they expect said canidate to win this election year?

Maybe someone missed a few English classes while we were missing our math classes.

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Can you show me an example of where someone advocating a third party canidate has stated they expect said canidate to win this election year?

Maybe someone missed a few English classes while we were missing our math classes.

I could, but have better things to do. Don't think I missed any English classes.

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I could, but have better things to do. Don't think I missed any English classes.

Translation: I can't show an example of my false claims, therefore I am choosing to avoid taking responsibility for said claims and silly insult.

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I'll say it again. I kinda like Gary. Better than our current commie in chief. It's just those pesky numbers.

Well lets get them numbers up The publicans lost me so thats one more for liberty if you come over from the dark side that will make 2 and so on come on we can do this. Edited by plank white
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Well lets get them numbers up The publicans lost me so thats one more for liberty if you come over from the dark side that will make 2 and so on come on we can do this.

Can't afford it. The economy is now. Maybe next time, if we're not sitting on the hairy edge of death and destruction.

Edited by mikegideon
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Most people are too scared and spoiled to make any real sacrifice for the betterment of society as a whole. They are afraid of losing what little they have. The same "stuff" they can't take with them anyway.

This is something that's a little difficult to understand, especially when so many claim to be God-fearing Christians. There should be nothing to be afraid of.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

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Can't afford it. The economy is now. Maybe next time, if we're not sitting on the hairy edge of death and destruction.

No better time then now ! If romney wins can you honestly say things wont keep going down hill just as fast

Opinions aside can you look at Romneys record and say the direction of this country will change for the better with him ?

Remember dont go off what he says he will do base your views on his record and what he has done words are meaningless.

You may not want to keep looking into this though fair warning once you see it for what it is "You cant Unsee it"

Edited by plank white
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