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Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day


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So where do the insurance and car salesmen fit in ?

Well, it did take at least 50,000 years to reach the sophistication of all the current charlatans. More professions added all along the way.

- OS

I figured both were right after the wheel, which was maybe invented to expedite the process on an older profession (or at least to haul the payment easier).

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Where did Mark say he wanted to legislate morality?

There's not much difference between broken families and irresponsible parents.

They didn't have protection for STD's back in the middle ages. Technology wasn't that far along.

Survival was based on moral behavior more than technology. Somehow or another we survived.

Promiscuity is a symptom that can be a cause of broken families. The Bible says it and says not to be


Career welfare recipients cause broken families and breed lazy people to become lazier. Working the system

is a substitute of some perversion of achievement to lazy people. I call it institutional slavery.

He didn't say one thing that slanders your mother or anyone else. Aren't you being a little over sensitive?

Nope, he just blamed everything that's wrong with this wrold on unwed mothers and nontraditional families.

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Nope, he just blamed everything that's wrong with this wrold on unwed mothers and nontraditional families.

My parents are really screwed up, mostly my father who is a son of a bitch. My parents have been married since well before my brother was born and he is a very screwed up individual. He learned this from our father and had a mother who covered for him.

I didn't get as screwed up because my father was gone a lot when I was in my impressionable years as well as the fact I spent as much time out of my home as possible.

A screwed up child has nothing to do whether the parents are man and women, same sex or a single parent. It has to do with how the parent(s) raise their child. If the parent(s) are screwed up more often than not the child will follow suit because behavior and personal responsibility is a learned behavior.

And even in some cases the child will be screwed up no matter how good the parents did raising their child. But 9 out of 10 times a screwed up child is the result of a screwed up parent(s).


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There is also the logical argument that Homosexuality is in fact natural and happens in many species of animals not just with human beings. There is the equally logical argument that homosexuality is a evolutionary or "divinely inspired" form of population control. Controlling population to ensure the long term survival of the species would still be survival and therefore moral.

As far as marriage having biblical beginnings, well that's just simply not true. Marriage existed long before any known book of the bible was written. Yes it has always been traditionally defined as between a man and a woman, however its beginnings were transferring ownership of said woman to the husband. Gay marriages are not in fact absent from many parts of world history to include a roman emperor who had two legal marriage ceremonies to two men circa 58 A.D. in the second and third centuries they were extremely common place in the worlds largest empire.

Not saying we should model our society on ancient Rome, just saying there is plenty or historical evidence to support it.

Edited by c.a.willard
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need clarification.

Ornamental Horticulture, landscape design and zoology (Adam), ranching (Abel), and farming (Cain).....nah..

OK, which two one (I'll assume I know one of them) ? - lawyering, moonshining, gambling ? Any one of these can result in the assumed profession....

1. Soldier

2. Prostitute

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Guest 6.8 AR

There is also the logical argument that Homosexuality is in fact natural and happens in many species of animals not just with human beings. There is the equally logical argument that homosexuality is a evolutionary or "divinely inspired" form of population control. Controlling population to ensure the long term survival of the species would still be survival and therefore moral.

As far as marriage having biblical beginnings, well that's just simply not true. Marriage existed long before any known book of the bible was written. Yes it has always been traditionally defined as between a man and a woman, however its beginnings were transferring ownership of said woman to the husband. Gay marriages are not in fact absent from many parts of world history to include a roman emperor who had two legal marriage ceremonies to two men circa 58 A.D. in the second and third centuries they were extremely common place in the worlds largest empire.

Not saying we should model our society on ancient Rome, just saying there is plenty or historical evidence to support it.

Rome ended well, too, didn't it? I wouldn't go so far to say there are plenty of examples. A stretch.

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So, what ever happened with the gay-in?


Apparently gays aren't as outraged as the media would have us believe. There wasn't much of a showing. Based on the article only a few popped up in various places and were treated well by CFA staff. Here is a pic of a manager handing out free refreshments to protesters. Classy. Can't say the same about folks who are making a point to have PDA. I don't think it's appropriate for hetero couples to be making out in public. I don't see why being gay makes it appropriate.


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Nope, he just blamed everything that's wrong with this wrold on unwed mothers and nontraditional families.

Strick, critical thinking is a skill. If you practice it, you get better. You've reached an interesting conclusion. Would you enlighten me as to how you did so?

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Not saying we should model our society on ancient Rome, just saying there is plenty or historical evidence to support it.

Pretty sure we're doing so already. Currency devaluation, inflation, 'bread and circuses', giving (non-taxpaying) non-citizen residents the same rights as (tax=paying) citizens...

I expect it will work out as well for us as it did for Rome.

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Guest 6.8 AR

No empire has withstood the test of time.

And I wonder why?

Does that statement explain?

The founders of this country did a

fantastic job of setting America up.

It's these brainy ideas about jealousy

and perverted politics that are tearing

it apart.

Bromides don't fix the problem. Sticking

to basic principles do.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Guest 6.8 AR

All this stuff about gays is being

done by the bad actors in media

and political organizations to be

able to keep voters off the main

goals and problems. Useful idiots

those gays are.

This is not the issue some think it

is, but keep on worrying about it,

just the same.

Gays should know better ways to

become included in society rather

than to take some other groups

traditions and try to assimilate. It

won't work and most of them know


Fall on your own sword when the

time comes if you think gay marriage

is a great thing. And use that guilt

or whatever it is to keep Obama in

the White House.

More moral relativism creeps up

every day.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Strick, critical thinking is a skill. If you practice it, you get better. You've reached an interesting conclusion. Would you enlighten me as to how you did so?

HYou stated unwed mothers were once shunned. Now that they're not, we have gangs, STDs, etc. Is my memory incorrect?

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Fr. Dwight Longenecker went to a Chick-fil-A yesterday in a cassock, and he saysyesterday was a revolutionary day in protest-theory:

Yesterday’s Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day was the sort of ‘revolt’ this country needs, but it was even better than the non violent revolutions and peaceful protests which have changed the world because it was so ordinary. It was just plain, ordinary Americans getting in their cars and doing a plain, ordinary American thing: going out for lunch to a fast food joint. It was just plain, ordinary Americans doing something plain and ordinary, but positive and joyful and good. In buying an ordinary tasty chicken sandwich at their corner fast food emporium ordinary Americans were expressing the wish to be left alone to be ordinary Americans.

CFA Appreciation Day – The Triumph of the Ordinary

August 2, 2012 By Fr. Dwight Longenecker 40 Comments


Welcome Instapundit readers!


The Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day yesterday was historic. It was historic because it marks a new method of mass protest. I even hesitate to use the word ‘protest’ because it wasn’t a protest. There wasn’t any anger. There wasn’t any hate. There wasn’t any bullying. There were no unwashed crowds of unhappy people holding a sit in and causing other people stress, inconvenience and expense. There were no protest signs, no marches, no noise makers and attention grabbers. There were no revolutionary slogans, no clenched fists, no class warfare, no sullen adolescents in a stroppy mood.

The classic signs of a protest movement were absent. If they were not actually violent revolutions, the great protest movements in history have often had violent undertones. Subtle threats were made. Bullying tactics, financial and political pressure was exerted. Guns were wielded. Behind the scenes in smoke filled rooms men did deals and crossed swords to determine the future of millions. In the great revolutions hoardes of unhappy people filled the streets, rioting and on the rampage they took what they wanted, killed who they wanted and in misplaced zeal for justice overturned an established order.

Even the non-violent protests pioneered by Gandhi and the American civil rights movement had an undercurrent of threat. Nevertheless, they avoided violence and they opened the way to other peaceful revolutions in which ordinary people stood up against injustice and tyranny without resorting to violence themselves. In his great biography of Pope John Paul II, George Weigel shows how the Catholic Church, during John Paul’s papacy, inspired this sort of non violent revolution across the globe. The Solidarity movement in Poland lit the fuse which brought down the Communist Empire with little or no violence. The revolution of Cory Aquino in the Phillipines, and numerous other smaller scale non-violent revolutions in Africa and Central and South America were all inspired by the people and for the people–and most of them were also inspired by people of faith–working from the grass roots upward to change their society for the better.

Yesterday’s Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day was the sort of ‘revolt’ this country needs, but it was even better than the non violent revolutions and peaceful protests which have changed the world because it was so ordinary. It was just plain, ordinary Americans getting in their cars and doing a plain, ordinary American thing: going out for lunch to a fast food joint. It was just plain, ordinary Americans doing something plain and ordinary, but positive and joyful and good. In buying an ordinary tasty chicken sandwich at their corner fast food emporium ordinary Americans were expressing the wish to be left alone to be ordinary Americans.

There were no protest signs (except from a few glum pro-gays who said we were eating ‘hate’ sandwiches) There were no noisy, angry scenes. Folks in the drive through lines did not honk their horns or proclaim their Christianity with bullhorns. There were no statements against homosexuals or homosexuality. (Indeed, the only statement put out by Chick-Fil-A affirmed their commitment to serve and employ all people equally without notice of race, gender, age or sexual orientation.) The brilliance of the event that it used the network of a nationwide fast food chain as the foundation for a visible, peaceful, creative nationwide statement.

There was no bullying, no hateful anti-homosexual loud mouthed preachers. This grace, patience gentleness and community good humor contrasted with the ugly and spiteful comments from the ‘other side’. Nobody wished their enemies to get cancer the way ‘comedian’ Roseanne Barr proclaimed. Nobody was using back room political and financial pressure to bully the majority of Americans the way mayors of Boston, DC and Chicago were doing. For all the talk of the traditional marriage supporters being full of hate, there was not hatred apparent. It was just ordinary suburban Americans sticking up for their way of life by buying a chicken sandwich with their friends and neighbors. These were not scary people like the folks from Westboro Baptist who tote guns and hate homos. They were the folks next door.

Yesterday’s demonstration was a truly American form of revolution. Where else could it happen but the USA? Read More.

Edited by JG55
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There is also the logical argument that Homosexuality is in fact natural and happens in many species of animals not just with human beings. There is the equally logical argument that homosexuality is a evolutionary or "divinely inspired" form of population control. Controlling population to ensure the long term survival of the species would still be survival and therefore moral.

As far as marriage having biblical beginnings, well that's just simply not true. Marriage existed long before any known book of the bible was written. Yes it has always been traditionally defined as between a man and a woman, however its beginnings were transferring ownership of said woman to the husband. Gay marriages are not in fact absent from many parts of world history to include a roman emperor who had two legal marriage ceremonies to two men circa 58 A.D. in the second and third centuries they were extremely common place in the worlds largest empire.

Not saying we should model our society on ancient Rome, just saying there is plenty or historical evidence to support it.

One can make arguments about almost anything but without empirical data to support the arguments I'm not sure they have much value.
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Actually, unwed mothers and nontraditional families are the symptom.

True. While I don't doubt the love present in these types of families, they are but two of many symptoms of an unhealthy society.

I am grateful for the traditional rearing I was privileged to experience, but I suppose my mom and dad are a rarity - they will celebrate their 69th wedding anniversary this year. I can't ask for a better example of love and devotion to each other than that.

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Apparently gays aren't as outraged as the media would have us believe. There wasn't much of a showing. Based on the article only a few popped up in various places and were treated well by CFA staff. Here is a pic of a manager handing out free refreshments to protesters. Classy. Can't say the same about folks who are making a point to have PDA. I don't think it's appropriate for hetero couples to be making out in public. I don't see why being gay makes it appropriate.


Been saying it all along. Sanctimonious libtards "defending" the poor gay folks.

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True. While I don't doubt the love present in these types of families, they are but two of many symptoms of an unhealthy society.

I am grateful for the traditional rearing I was privileged to experience, but I suppose my mom and dad are a rarity - they will celebrate their 69th wedding anniversary this year. I can't ask for a better example of love and devotion to each other than that.

I'm one of the lucky ones too. Mine will be together until one of them goes.

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Whether you call it unwed mothers, broken families, or dead beat dads, it's a symptom of societal breakdown...not the cause.

We can't keep telling welfare recipients they lose benefits if they work a little or stay married or have fewer kids without them gaming the system.


We can't keep downplaying the role of responsible parenthood without seeing a nanny-state step in to raise our kids for us.

BUT most of all...

We can't judge everyone else with one set of moral values through legislation and NOT expect a backlash.

I firmly believe that some moral values are inherent and come from out instincts, but most come from centuries and centuries of religious influence. Atheists, Christians, Muslims, and others seem to all agree on a core set of moral values (like killing is evil and not being productive is bad for society and mistreating people we don't agree with is wrong) as belonging to humanity, regardless of where the ideals come from.

Likewise, the general belief that a strong family unit is a good thing is true. Sure there are strong parents that can do a good job alone, but 2 strong parents are always better than one. In all fairness, one good strong parent and one piece of crap parent may be worse. Still, that comes from us downplaying the importance of morals. If either/both parent(s) is a drunk, abusive, absent, neglectful, and/or weak minded, the kids don't stand much of a chance turning out well.

..BUT, how do you legislate that?

Edited by BigK
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Gays should know better ways to

become included in society rather

than to take some other groups

traditions and try to assimilate. It

won't work and most of them know


WTF? What "groups" are you talking about? Christians? I've known married couples from ALL the major religions. The group is heterosexuals, and it's just plain old discrimination.

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