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If it doesn't effect them then they don't care. I wonder how they would react to a ban on the Internet? All of a sudden those amendments matter.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I asked a few lib antis to refrain from

the emotions when replying to my

posts about the subject on Bimmerfest.

They as much as said they would

always disagree, but never countered

what I wrote. At least they said I was

welcome since I could take a jab.

Strange bunch of folks over there.

It's a very heated political forum,

mostly libs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by 6.8 AR
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If it doesn't effect them then they don't care. I wonder how they would react to a ban on the Internet? All of a sudden those amendments matter.

There are a fair number of gun owners who only care about gun issues that directly affect them.

Edited by RobertNashville
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Guest adurbin

There are a fair number of gun owners who only care about gun issues that directly affect them.

ANY gun control legislation affects ALL gun owners in some fashion. The dens pass one piece of legislation just to see how far they can push, then another, and another, until we are all affected.

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ANY gun control legislation affects ALL gun owners in some fashion. The dens pass one piece of legislation just to see how far they can push, then another, and another, until we are all affected.

That is completely true. Unfortunately, there are more than a few gun owners out there; some who even classify themselves as "enthusiasts", who either don't understand or don't want to understand or simply don't care.

For example, some may not care about "posted properties" because they don't carry...all they care about is that they can shoot in their chosen competition or do their hunting.

They may not care about "high capacity magazine" registrations because they don't use firearms that use such a magazine.

They may not care about tracking/reporting the firearms some buy and/or they don't care about assault weapon bans so long as they can still own the heirloom firearm passe down from their great-great grandaddy they are happy.

Case in point, how many gun owners either had (or still have) no problem with "background checks" inspite of the simply truth that the system has done nothing in accomplishing its stated purpose?

Edited by RobertNashville
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Yep.. they all hate guns until they need one to defend themselfs.. Same with the Police.

Let someone like that be in a situation where they kid or wife is getting raped or attacked..

And I bet you that most cant even tell teh difference between a high cap mag and a 5 round mag.. or a shotgun and a AR-15..

I was playing a online game for a while when I met a young guy from Brasil.We where talking about guns and he said they hate guns and we should not own guns.. in his country they use words to fight wars... YEAH.. riiiight.. he wishes..lol.

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I hate it when the term "wild west" is used when guns or gun owners are the subject of discussion.

My sister`s son is very anti gun. he said that we only need guns that where available in 1780 or so...that should be plenty to defend yourself.. civillians do not need " assault rifles"

After I told him that this might not have gone on that long if people had carried in there (CO cinema) instead of obeying the law( like most HCP owners) he said that ti would have been like a wild west shoot out and more people would have died because they would have been shooting nillywilly at people and no one would have know who was the bad guy anymore.

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My sister`s son is very anti gun. he said that we only need guns that where available in 1780 or so...that should be plenty to defend yourself.. civillians do not need " assault rifles"

After I told him that this might not have gone on that long if people had carried in there (CO cinema) instead of obeying the law( like most HCP owners) he said that ti would have been like a wild west shoot out and more people would have died because they would have been shooting nillywilly at people and no one would have know who was the bad guy anymore.

You should go drop him off in the ghetto with a flintlock...

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If it doesn't effect them then they don't care. I wonder how they would react to a ban on the Internet? All of a sudden those amendments matter.

It's like I said when Susan Sarandon made her stupid Twitter post saying that the 2nd Amendment only applies to muskets. I said that using her stupid logic, the 1st Amendment wouldn't apply to her lousy acting or her idiotic tweets. Anti-gun people work simply off of emotion with no logic applied.

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was talking with a college student this weekend and he was talking about the CO movie disaster. when we talked about had a gun owner been allowed to carry into the theatre the massicre could have been reduced or avoided and he sad it would have made it worse. I aked him how? 70 people where shot, what if a gun owner was able to fire back or at least divert his attention long enough for someone to take him down?

at the end of they day, you can not discuss the topic of guns with people who do not want to reason.

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