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So I got a knock on the door tonight...

Guest superdrew4000

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Guest superdrew4000

About 8:30, just changed into pajamas, I was finishing up dinner and my wife was tucking in the kids, when there was a very soft knock on the door. My spidey sense went off and I debated retrieving a firearm before answering the door, but did not. It was an ADT salesman. I told the gentleman that quite frankly it was way too late for sales calls, and that especially from a security company they should understand they nothing good happens unexpectedly at the front door after sundown. The gentleman said he sales manager was in the car and forcing him to make cold calls until 9pm. I took his card but firmly told him I would not discuss anything at this hour.

What the heck were they thinking? I'm debating writing that "strongly worded letter." Thoughts?

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Sounds pretty dumb. I got harassed by security companies when I moved into my house in the boro. I finally told the last couple guys that I had already contracted the 2nd amendment security company. It took one guy a few minutes to get it as he asked me if he could try to beat their prices..lol

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Wife does similar stuff for another company. They keep their workers on GPS and require them to be in certain areas during certain times. The companies usually pay for licenses/permits so they can peddle their goods, even in places that say no soliciting. I think she said the law is no earlier than 8am and no later than 9pm (not 100% sure on this, would have to ask her)

As for the complaint, if the guy was doing what he was told to do, your complaint will go in the trash once it hits their office. I wouldn't even waste the effort.. Now if the guy was a total douche and being disrespectful, that's another case altogether.

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How do you know this was legite? Maybe this was a test to see if you had a bonafide security system? Maybe his job was to get inside and scope the place? This sounds very odd! I would report it. If you get broke into in the next few days, I would expect this is related.

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About 8:30, just changed into pajamas, I was finishing up dinner and my wife was tucking in the kids, when there was a very soft knock on the door. . . . The gentleman said he sales manager was in the car and forcing him to make cold calls until 9pm. . . .

Thoughts? Here's some thoughts . . .

Spidey sense says get the gun before opening the door, then get the gun before opening the door. Spidey sense is seldom wrong, and dammit, it's your door after dark, you can answer it with a gun in one hand if you feel like it.

Tell the man at the door in no uncertain terms to go back to the car and get his sales manager to come to the door or you're calling the police. (Unless you have already called the police and maybe you should.) Then, give the sales manager your whole "who the hell do you think you are and what the hell are you doing out so late" speech, complete with waving your arms around and spittle dripping off your chin. Wipe the spittle off your chin and stop waving your gun hand around before the cops pull up.

Also, tell him you know all your neighbors a whole hell of a lot better than he does and that you are going to make it a point to tell each and every one of your neighbors what a douche-bag he is, and then actually tell them.

Oh, and have a nice day.

Edited by QuietDan
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IMHO ADT is only in it for the money. I had one ask me if I had home security. He really got pushy when I told him it was none of his d*** business. He almost got to meet my knuckles before he left. They're better than nothing, but not by much.

And if somebody comes to my door after dark, I'm calling the Sheriff.

Edited by billyscott
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Guest superdrew4000

The more I mull it over, the more I realize I should have gotten my .45 before opening the door. I did ask the salesman for identification, and he did seem legit. I'm still struggling with the responsibility of using deadly force. Not that I question the morality of protecting my family... it's just... kinda a hard leap to make from sheep to sheepdog, ironically because I have little ones. Having the kids has made me both more protective and more... reverent of human life in a way; but this was an important lesson. I won't be letting my guard down again. This guy easily could have been more shady and an advance scout for a robbery attempt.

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As I'm sitting her at midnight my gun is still on my side. Always trust your instincts. Just because you have a gun doesn't mean you have to use it BUT had you needed it...well lets just say thaings might not have turned out so well.

Glad to know everything is OK.

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They had one of these guys in Clarksville get pushy with the homeowner and wouldn't leave. Homeowner came out with a shotgun and fired a round into the ground. Homeowner charged with aggravated assault.

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As I'm sitting her at midnight my gun is still on my side. Always trust your instincts. Just because you have a gun doesn't mean you have to use it BUT had you needed it...well lets just say thaings might not have turned out so well.

Glad to know everything is OK.

Same thing here, only it's 12:25 A.M. Evidently we're not sleepy yet :snore:

I've had ADT for almost two years now. After the initial installation, their service sucks. I'd like to get another monitoring service but evidently, they're the only one on the block. I believe their hardware and system are proprietary and no other company can tap into it to monitor?

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Guest seawolf138

We've had ADT for years...the service has always been pretty good, they come out and repair any problems we have when they happen. They don't always listen when we tell them what the problem is, and have to make a second trip because they didn't bring whatever is was they needed to bring because they're smarter than we are, and know which error light represents which sensor (or not as has been recently proven). What really gets on my nerves about ADT, is that even though we've had their alarm for close to 6 years now, we still get phone calls of people trying to sell us their service...drives me batty...we already have it, check your database people.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

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My security system is just a early warning devise. Nothing more, nothing less. I only need to know that the perimeter has been breached.

Mine too...

Two "She'wa'wa's, a Golden Retriever and a Beagle...oh, and the Rooster! No body comes around without me knowing it!


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Had a couple of ADT salesmen (supposedly) come up to me while I was working on my truck in the driveway. I wasn't armed, so I picked up a BF hammer as they approached. I told them I was well protected and didn't need ADT. They asked what about when I was away from home. I told them I had a brother-in-law that was probably watching them from the house as we spoke. I also told them I didn't have to worry about the house ever being unprotected since I had been unsuccessfully trying to get my BIL out of my house for years!

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Guest superdrew4000

The lesson I'm taking away from this, is that next time I think about arming myself, DO IT! I can deal with my wife's dirty looks, as she is a dirty liberal (God love her). I cannot accept harm to my children.

Edited by superdrew4000
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Guest Nikator

. Wipe the spittle off your chin and stop waving your gun hand around before the cops pull up.

I nearly spit coffee on my laptop that's too funny.

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I just tell them I have a security system already and I'm not looking to change. I've never had a problem with them taking no for an answer. Of course, I've never had one knock on my door that late.

Edited by BryanP
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Ditto on going to the door ready. I get some of those alarm salesmen at my door too, but not that late, usually within reasonable hours. I always wonder about their legitimacy. I'm thinking about taking their pictures from now on.

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The lesson I'm taking away from this, is that next time I think about arming myself, DO IT! I can deal with my wife's dirty looks, as she is a dirty liberal (God love her). I cannot accept harm to my children.

A long time ago when my twins were born. My wife and other family members called me "Deputy Dog" and mocked me for the measures that I took to protect them. Now, if I don't do those things they become scared. I don't like my family scared.

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Guest superdrew4000

I'm definatlely in the mocking period. Thanks for the words of encouragment. I KNOW I need to be more vigalent, no matter what anyone thinks, family included.

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