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Obama - Aurora Shooter Billboard


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Guest 6.8 AR

It's political speech. No further comment.

Well, yeh, it's extreme, and that's the sad part. How do you go and dramatize with accuracy without

sometimes being distasteful?

Sometimes the truth hurts. Some people may think seriously about all the babies lost due to abortion and

others don't realize it's millions each year. Soldiers and babies have more in common now, don't they?

I wouldn't have done that, but I understand. How would you feel if Holmes had already been convicted?

Where do you draw the line? Every Republican candidate has been accused of this probably since Vietnam.

It's that evil side of politics. How many people will die because of Obamacare?

Where you draw the line has been replaced with a wide gray line.

There is a cost of life in a politicians actions and sometimes folks don't consider it.

It's still something I wouldn't have done.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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I didn't think it appropriate when people did stuff like this regarding Bush (and still do) when he was President. These people should be ashamed of themselves, especially since it is disrespectful to the victims and their families to use their tragedy as a tool. It isn't right when the right does it anymore than when the left does it.

The other side of this is that it does nothing to further the cause to get him out of office. In fact, this was probably damaging to the Romney campaign as the media will use this against him. How many "on the fencers" you think are gonna look at that and be like "hey, ya know what, that is what is going to make me vote against Obama."

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Guest 6.8 AR

Got a lot of bad actors in politics, just like Hollywood.

The one thing you have to realize is those people meant it. Got very little to do with shame. It has more to do

with high levels of frustration. I agree with you, TMF, but I understand where they are coming from.

We made the beds we sleep in.

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Yes, it's a bit over the top but it isn't exactly untrue...the political ads I hate are the ones that are absolute lies.

The main problem I have with this billboard is that last I heard (and perhaps the facts have changed now), the dirtbag in Aurora did most if not all his killing with a Remington 870; not an "assault rifle".

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