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local dealer question.

Guest eyebedam

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Guest eyebedam

a friend of mine bought a walther p22 with a laser for 400.00 otd today at the gun show. If anyone can get me the same deal in of green lmk & I'll buy it. If not I'm gonna get one next show. Pm me if its possible.

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Guest eyebedam
You know who to call...You know who to call.

You know who NOT to call......You know who NOT to call.

I know but I thought Id atleast check with these guys on the board first.

Edited by eyebedam
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Im trying but that combo is really hard to come up with, and that price is unbelieveable. Your sure that was a new gun, with the Walther laser, otd with tax and background? I have found the gun in a Cal version but As of right now for the combo, its not looking good.

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Guest eyebedam

Im positive. He did get the black gun though & not the green. I just assumed the green would come the same way. I told him he got a good deal. The guy had the P22 in both colors without the laser for 269.99 with background check included plus tax.

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a friend of mine bought a walther p22 with a laser for 400.00 otd today at the gun show. If anyone can get me the same deal in of green lmk & I'll buy it. If not I'm gonna get one next show. Pm me if its possible.

Thats one hell of a deal.

If fact, its SO good, that there are only ways that price could have been so low:

1. The guy may have been in the gun for nothing because of old stock, it not really being new, or perhaps part of a large trade between himself and a consumer.

2. 400.00 OTD really means 400.00 and he didnt report the sale, thus keeping the "tax" as profit.

3. He is a 10 million dollar a year dealer (like Buds) and gets those guns directly from Walther for 40 bucks cheaper than other dealers.

*I would say this isnt a likely scenario, as most 10m./yr. dealers I know dont sell off of 6" tables at gun shows.

4. The guy (like many in this industry) plays at being a gun dealer, and doesnt give a rats ass if he makes any money. No overheard + 1.00 over cost = the guy can buy his morning coffee at Waffle House tomorrow.

Most dealers use large distributors for 75%+ of their needs.

No dealer (maybe a mega-dealer or someone with more money than sense) can afford to be dealer direct with everyone. It just doesnt happen in this industry anymore.

New dealer price on that gun is: 359.99


CAP22010 989580292442 462.00 EA 2 EA 359.99 EA -- Add to... List WTH P22 22LR 3.4" BL-LSR-CALIF OK FOR CA

Most dealers pay anywhere between 13.00 and 25.00 for a handgun to shipped to them.

Some (like us) are premier or key accounts because of annual sales volume, which results in free shipping.

So, take the average dealer price, add zero margin plus tax/tics:

359.99 Dealer Cost

0.00 Shipping (lots of dealers pay for shipping)

33.30 Tax

10.00 Tics


403.29 OTD

Here is another model that is a few bucks cheaper


WAP22010 698958002513 447.00 EA 31 EA 348.99 EA -- Add to... List WTH P22 22LR BL 3.4" W/LASER

348.99 Dealer cost

0.00 Shipping

32.21 Tax

10.00 Tics


391.20 OTD

(so a guy could maybe make enough to buy a happy meal)

Anyway, hope that adds some perspective, and I hope you can find the deal you are looking for.

Edited by BimmerFreak
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Guest eyebedam

I know he got a helluva deal. I didnt know it would get you fired up though Joe. I just figured id post to see if I could get a deal like that to. As far as the dealer that sold it to my friend not reporting the taxes thats between him & Uncle Sam if thats what he did. I know That my other Walther P22 I bought less than 2 months ago cost me 310.00 OTD & I feel like I got a good deal on it plus the only diff between the 1 I have & the other is the color green & the laser. I Figured the laser prob didnt cost a ton more so I thought it was a doable deal. BTW I had a PM from Glockmeister & he said it was prob older inventory because the prices on those went up May 1st.

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I know he got a helluva deal. I didnt know it would get you fired up though Joe. I just figured id post to see if I could get a deal like that to. As far as the dealer that sold it to my friend not reporting the taxes thats between him & Uncle Sam if thats what he did. I know That my other Walther P22 I bought less than 2 months ago cost me 310.00 OTD & I feel like I got a good deal on it plus the only diff between the 1 I have & the other is the color green & the laser. I Figured the laser prob didnt cost a ton more so I thought it was a doable deal. BTW I had a PM from Glockmeister & he said it was prob older inventory because the prices on those went up May 1st.

Not at all man.

Sorry if it came off that way.

You buddy got a smoking deal. Im happy for him.

I just thought I would take the time to break it down for you, so you could see what goes on in the real world.

Again, hope you can find the right deal. Look around hard enough, and someone is willing to lose money :eek:

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Guest eyebedam
Not at all man.

Sorry if it came off that way.

You buddy got a smoking deal. Im happy for him.

I just thought I would take the time to break it down for you, so you could see what goes on in the real world.

Again, hope you can find the right deal. Look around hard enough, and someone is willing to lose money :P

Its all good. Youve always been really cool maybe I just took it the wrong way. I will say this about the guy he bought it from. He did have a bunch of P22,s maybe 5 or 6 on the table & then he had a stack under th e table to maybe 10 or more. Only ones he had with the lasers weere in black. Maybe dude bought a few for a better deal I dont know but it was alot of p22s for a table to have. On another note hows that sweet bike you just got.:cool:

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