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Aurora’s Arsenal, Explained: Feds Can’t Track Stockpiled Guns

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If you want to kill large numbers of people, you should seriously consider buying a handgun or assault rifle. As the movie-theater massacre in Aurora, Colorado demonstrated, chances are federal law enforcement and homeland security and counterterrorism agents won’t see you amassing an arsenal of assault rifles, handguns and ammunition.



I didn't see this posted, so excuse me if I missed it. Not sure what to think of this. Perhaps if they can't push gun control, they can push a tracking database instead?

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The last time I saw a case of this in the news, the person in question had purchased hundreds of guns in under 3 months. The reason they come to look is to find out WHY. Are you setting up shop to resell them or do something stupid or just buying guns?

I once asked about this and the answer was you have to buy an awful lot (at least 100) in a short time (2-3 months) each of which passing thru the background check system to be flagged. Not too long ago a guy near here was doing this very thing, buying them to resell "as his personal guns" --- an illicit gun dealer and business, in other words. They got caught and are awaiting trial as we speak, if memory serves.

The tracking thing is pointless until they force you to be unable to sell/trade/inherit face to face without trace. That is direct gun control and while its been on and off the table, it has never passed.

Edited by Jonnin
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Well, eventually we'll all be implanted with a chip that will be the only way we can buy or sell anything and everything in existence will have a permanent RFID device that will identify what it is, SN, etc...at that point and by combining GPS technology the govt will be able to track exactly what we buy, where we buy it, and how much we paid for it and anything the government deems "bad" (those evil "guns", gasoline without ethanol or sugary drinks) will be flagged (or even the purchase denied by not allowing the transfer of funds from the purchaser to the seller).

The best part is that these chips we have implanted will immediately alert authorities to our plans the moment it detects that we are planning to commit crime so that the mass shootings like the one that just happened won't have a chance to happen.


Edited by RobertNashville
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I bought 2 from a dealer the same day, and there was no special form as I recall.

It doesn't require your input.

4473 on page 3:

"Complete ATF Form 3310.4 For Multiple Purchases of Handguns Within 5 Consecutive Business Days"

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Guest 6.8 AR

I think they had to prove that guy was selling them before they could proceed. Does that sound right?

Anyway, they can't do a darned thing to you even though you may have purchased 10 pistols through an FFL.

The FFL might have to report it, but that doesn't constitute anything. Let them knock, just don't go selling them

like a fool.

The most I bought through an FFL at one time was three uppers listed as "other". I don't remember if that counted.

they were for AR pistols, one of which is still incomplete.

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I know that many of us here have collections that would make his “stockpile†of guns and ammunition he has “amassed†look pretty pathetic. What do these people want “the government†to do once we are “traced� The guy had three guns and cranked off a couple of hundred rounds.

If someone decides they want to kill a lot of people; the only way they are going to be stopped is if the proper authorities get intel about it.

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Well, eventually we'll all be implanted with a chip that will be the only way we can buy or sell anything and everything in existence will have a permanent RFID device that will identify what it is, SN, etc...at that point and by combining GPS technology the govt will be able to track exactly what we buy, where we buy it, and how much we paid for it and anything the government deems "bad" (those evil "guns", gasoline without ethanol or sugary drinks) will be flagged (or even the purchase denied by not allowing the transfer of funds from the purchaser to the seller).

The best part is that these chips we have implanted will immediately alert authorities to our plans the moment it detects that we are planning to commit crime so that the mass shootings like the one that just happened won't have a chance to happen.


That does not sound so far fetched and I'd not be surprised if groups were already doing research into it. Hell, most of those pieces are already available and in use. :tinfoil:

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I think they had to prove that guy was selling them before they could proceed. Does that sound right?

Anyway, they can't do a darned thing to you even though you may have purchased 10 pistols through an FFL.

The FFL might have to report it, but that doesn't constitute anything. Let them knock, just don't go selling them

like a fool.

The most I bought through an FFL at one time was three uppers listed as "other". I don't remember if that counted.

they were for AR pistols, one of which is still incomplete.

There is nothing they can do in theory If you bought 10 pistols, but they can come knocking to find out why you felt the need to buy that many at once as you point out. I don't believe there are similar reporting requirements for long guns.

Edited by sigmtnman
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