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had a chance to try out the wifes red sabre pepper spray

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lol just bought my wife some red sabre maximum strength OC pepper spray (supposedly what the NYPD uses) and was looking for a sucker to test it ... well the nephew and his friend show up today and the nephews friend says he's gonna have to do it soon when he enlists anyway so he volunteered ... apparently this stuff is no joke .. but still hard not to laugh sometimes :rofl: .... it took a good 45 minutes before he could function normally


[/media] Edited by JoeJ615
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Whats he enlising into? I went to the gas chamber in boot, but it was 2.5 years before I got OC sprayed and that was for an auxiullary secruity detail. Glad you found a sucker though, if its anywhere near as bad as OC hes gonna be hurting all night.

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I've been sprayed several times, training and during the fight. Best decon is hose pipe to spray the resin off best you can then sit in front of fan. The only good thing about it is my sinuses are clear afterwards. Yea and don't get in the shower shortly after decon because it will reactivate and it will travel with the water down to the junk.

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Yea and don't get in the shower shortly after decon because it will reactivate and it will travel with the water down to the junk.

Which is no laughing matter. Had a can in my pocket once when I went out riding my bike. Ate sh&$ ant the can burst open in my pants. Scraped my hands raw as well and it was no fun digging it out of pocket with all that skin missing.

Not my finest moment.

Once had to go to the bathroom bad as a kid. My brother was in one, my sister in the other so I decided to use my parents. Dad didn't like that too much and decided it would be funny to spray a quick squirt into the sink. I decided to hold it.

Then there was the episode with the little bottle my sister started carrying around. Sone kind of off brand pepper foam. I volunteered for that one and it was easily the weakest of the three, like I was back inside watching Tv in less than half an hour weak.

God, I've been exposed alot for someone with no military/LE/criminal background.

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The only thing that could have made that funnier would have been to have him dunk his face into the dog dish.

no, it would be funny to take away the water and towel. I wanna see someone test these sprays with no help from water.

Edited by Jesse
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is this better than Fox Labs 5.3? i want to get some pepper spray and keep it in my truck.

i honestly have no clue im guessing its roughly the same since this stuff says "maximum strength" so unless they're lieing fox cant be any stronger

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