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CO Shooter received $26k Federal grant

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Irrelevant and unrelated really.

While obviously in hind sight a poor choice of the selection process, the other five recipients did not shoot up theaters.

This guys actions are solely and squarely a product of his own twisted mind. Not his parents, not the government, nor the village.

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Someone else said that also, but when I looked a handgunlaw.us I didn't see anything in their CO page about limits on city carry. The only thing I saw was no magazines over 20 rounds in Denver. Am I missing something here? I thought the state had preemption on the carry laws in CO.

See this from opencarry. org. Apparently the state does not currently have preemption regarding gun laws. They only mention open carry, but it suggests that other parts are probably in same situation, which would explain the 20 round thing I reckon:

"Colorado was once one of our "Gold Star" open carry states. However, Denver filed and won a suit challenging the states excellent preemption law. Consequently, both open carry and unlicensed open car carry in Denver are prohibited. There are reports that other localities are planning to follow suit. Currently, outside of Denver, car carry is unrestricted and localities are almost completely preempted in enforcing firearms restrictions, and must post specific facilities which are off limits to open carry."

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Perhaps it was an experiment gone bad?

A video from a science camp he attended after high school shows him making a presentation about temporal illusions, misfirings in brain cells that lead to misreading the passage of time — the feeling that time stands still. In the video, Holmes refers to "an illusion that allows you to change the past."


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