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CO Shooter received $26k Federal grant

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So, it was a government funded affair. Your tax $$ hard at work.

Obama and the government village built it.

Irrelevant and unrelated really.

While obviously in hind sight a poor choice of the selection process, the other five recipients did not shoot up theaters.

This guys actions are solely and squarely a product of his own twisted mind. Not his parents, not the government, nor the village.

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Irrelevant and unrelated really.

While obviously in hind sight a poor choice of the selection process, the other five recipients did not shoot up theaters.

This guys actions are solely and squarely a product of his own twisted mind. Not his parents, not the government, nor the village.

That's how I see it.

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Guest bkelm18

Irrelevant and unrelated really.

While obviously in hind sight a poor choice of the selection process, the other five recipients did not shoot up theaters.

This guys actions are solely and squarely a product of his own twisted mind. Not his parents, not the government, nor the village.

Pretty much.

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While my comment was intended more as a joke, the government has no business giving grants out. Why the hell should I be taxed to give my money away to other people to do research on something I may not agree with.

Just another form of welfare.

Edited by sigmtnman
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R_Bert, I believe you hit right on it. The grant is no more guilty than the guns.

I heard on another forum that investigators have looked through his notes on the crime and that

in these notes he wrote that he chose the theatre in Aurora because city laws forbid the carry of guns.

I haven't found any news sorce that backs this up.Any of you seen anything about it?

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Guest bkelm18

While my comment was intended more as a joke, the government has no business giving grants out. Why the hell should I be taxed to give my money away to other people to do research on something I may not agree with.

Just another form of welfare.

Because many people don't desire to live in the stone age. They want to better themselves and better the world. Thankfully our opinions on the matter don't matter much.

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R_Bert, I believe you hit right on it. The grant is no more guilty than the guns.

I heard on another forum that investigators have looked through his notes on the crime and that

in these notes he wrote that he chose the theatre in Aurora because city laws forbid the carry of guns.

I haven't found any news sorce that backs this up.Any of you seen anything about it?

Someone else said that also, but when I looked a handgunlaw.us I didn't see anything in their CO page about limits on city carry. The only thing I saw was no magazines over 20 rounds in Denver. Am I missing something here? I thought the state had preemption on the carry laws in CO.

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Did he say yet why he did it ? or did he ( or laywer)give any statement yet pertaining to that?

I have not watched it in the last few days because I just get upset about it.

He's playing the crazy card. Look at his court video. He's a bad actor, but that works these days.

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I agree with R_bert. I will say I am almost concerned both Left and Right seem to agree it is not a time to bring up gun control or new laws. With both sides agreeing, that in it's self is a reason to be concerned.

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Because many people don't desire to live in the stone age. They want to better themselves and better the world. Thankfully our opinions on the matter don't matter much.

So you are saying it's because of government grants we don't live in the Stone age, eh? Thankfully yours don't matter much either.

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Guest Old goat

Hey at least with a grant he's actually working. As far as most are concerned a lot of things would not have been made possible without grants to promising scientists.


B S, everything we have today would still be here, probably quicker and less expensive, and nobody wanting to say "you can't buy it if it's over16 oz.

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He's playing the crazy card. Look at his court video. He's a bad actor, but that works these days.

Ohh I seen that on TV.. he either looked pilled up or just tired.. maybe he is acting..I was wondering if the lawyer said to do this or said that we need to go with the "insanity bit"

I understand that he gets a fair and speedy trial.. but he does not deserve that.He needs to be euthanized.

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Hey at least with a grant he's actually working. As far as most are concerned a lot of things would not have been made possible without grants to promising scientists.

Thats how most of the meds we have today are done . grant money and research.

I know there are some really odd grants floating around some rather funny actually.. but yeah.. alot of the meds started out as a grant..

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Irrelevant and unrelated really.

While obviously in hind sight a poor choice of the selection process, the other five recipients did not shoot up theaters.

This guys actions are solely and squarely a product of his own twisted mind. Not his parents, not the government, nor the village.

Spot on!!!

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So you are saying it's because of government grants we don't live in the Stone age, eh? Thankfully yours don't matter much either.

Without research and the grants that fund research, many of the things we enjoy today, wouldn't be around. I think it's very important!

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Thats how most of the meds we have today are done . grant money and research.

I know there are some really odd grants floating around some rather funny actually.. but yeah.. alot of the meds started out as a grant..

This is why our prescriptions Meds should be much cheaper them they are. Example I believe my migraine meds are like 200 dollars for 8 pills, with my insurance I get them for 35, but still you know they can't have that much expense in making them. Since these companies get grants they should be able to produce/sell them much cheaper.

Back on Topic I agree with out he appeared on TV, looked drugged up and they didn't even bother to do anything to his hair to make him look normal. I am sure they are going for the insanity plea.

However their was so much premeditation, there is no way I will believe insanity even though the act it's self seem like an insane thing to do. Difference is premeditation. My uncle always said something when a killer got off with insanity look at what he did, and if he didn't know what he was doing he couldn't have done it. My uncle would say he could not load a gun if he didn't know what he was doing. He couldn't have made those bombs if he didn't know what he was doing. My uncle would probably continue with if he didn't know what he was doing, he would have blown himself up trying to make those bombs. He CLEARLY knew what he was doing.

Edited by vontar
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Without research and the grants that fund research, many of the things we enjoy today, wouldn't be around. I think it's very important!

A government funded scientist is no different than a government funded artist.

So, tell me which grant funded electricity? Or radio wave transmission? Oh, that's right they were privately funded. How about the myriad of other inventions that occurred prior to the massive expansion of grants under the New Deal and FDR.

When the government steps into the market, it causes issues and drives out private money. It amazes me that the same people who despise the nanny state wanting to hold one hand can't imagine letting go of it with the other.

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This is why our prescriptions Meds should be much cheaper them they are. Example I believe my migraine meds are like 200 dollars for 8 pills, with my insurance I get them for 35, but still you know they can't have that much expense in making them. Since these companies get grants they should be able to produce/sell them much cheaper.

Back on Topic I agree with out he appeared on TV, looked drugged up and they didn't even bother to do anything to his hair to make him look normal. I am sure they are going for the insanity plea.

However their was so much premeditation, there is no way I will believe insanity even though the act it's self seem like an insane thing to do. Difference is premeditation. My uncle always said something when a killer got off with insanity look at what he did, and if he didn't know what he was doing he couldn't have done it. My uncle would say he could not load a gun if he didn't know what he was doing. He couldn't have made those bombs if he didn't know what he was doing. My uncle would probably continue with if he didn't know what he was doing, he would have blown himself up trying to make those bombs. He CLEARLY knew what he was doing.

I have migraines and I know the Imitrex shots I used to have to get where really expensive. Now I opt for Exedrin Migraine OTC and they work fine( not as fast but still)

And I think some grants do drive up the costs of meds.. Its insane how much stuff costs..

I wonder IF they do the insanity schtick if it will stick tho.. I know they have to evaluate him and stuff but still.

A truly insane person cant even function for one day by themselfs.. much less plan. build and carry out what he did.

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