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I'm thinking that a FN 5.7 round would have stopped the threat....

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I'm not saying I have the balls to do it myself, but I'm shocked no one tried to tackle the guy like they did in Fort Hood.

Because it comes down to your own self preservation.Instinctivly you want to duck or run. Most people say " I would do this or that" when in fact alot of them would duck or run or freeze in shock..

I would love to say if I had a weapon I would have shot him.. but I think I owuld have prolly ducked and looked for a way out.

No one knows what they woul do in a situation like that until you are in it.

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I'm not saying I have the balls to do it myself, but I'm shocked no one tried to tackle the guy like they did in Fort Hood.

Yah, it does seem that there would at some point been sort of a spontaneous movement of several to rush the guy, but obviously didn't happen.

The Unitarian Church shooting here, though small change compared to Holmes, the shooter was rushed almost immediately by several folks as soon as he opened fire; though he did kill the first one, the others got to him and he did have a semi auto shotgun.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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I'm thinking anything would have worked better than nothing.

I have heard getting hit with a 38 feels like getting hit with a baseball bat. Dont know how true it ever was, don't know about now what with advancements in tech.

If it's true I have to imagine that getting hit in the chest with six bats might just be enough to make even a defect like that slow down.

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If someone so much as fired a .22 short in his direction he woulda been outa there. Cowards like these are not going to stand and fight. He just wanted an easy way to kill defenseless people.

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Guest drwright6

This guy wasn't looking for a fight and didn't want to die. I think if anyone would have returned fire with anything, he would have bolted out the door.

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I usually carry my smallest 9mm and a spare mag to the movies. Up until this week that would have been my G26. Now it is a Shield. After this weeks events I may start carrying my G21SF and two mags to give myself a good fighting chance.

Nothing is new under the sun, so my immediate concern over the next couple of weeks would be a copy cat that thinks what that idiot did was cool.

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I usually carry my smallest 9mm and a spare mag to the movies. Up until this week that would have been my G26. Now it is a Shield. After this weeks events I may start carrying my G21SF and two mags to give myself a good fighting chance.

Nothing is new under the sun, so my immediate concern over the next couple of weeks would be a copy cat that thinks what that idiot did was cool.

But to answer your first post a 5.7 would not have stopped him. I don't even know if it would penetrate the "soft armor", but it might. I know that on standard soft armor it will stop most .45 and 9mm, but it would still hurt like hell. It wouldn't have any effect on the ballistic plates. They're a lot different than the strike plates on police vests. I have several friends who have taken 7.62 x 39 rounds in the plates and a couple of them didn't even know they were hit until afterwards due to adrenaline.

I'll stand by my earlier statement though. I don't think it matters what you carry, 99.99% of criminals are cowards that will flee at the first sign of death. The attackers that will keep coming are those that have emotion tied to it, like domestic situations or folks that are suicidal. The only video I've seen of criminals standing their ground and taking the fight to the good guys are those Hollywood bank robbers, but they were committed to dying. Look at that vid from the other day with the old guy. Those two punks couldn't move fast enough to get out of the way of that .380. Did they die or get seriously wounded? No, but it stopped the threat.

I carry a .45. I do this knowing that if I ever have to use my pistol I could easily get away with using a .22. I just figure that if I'm gonna carry anyway I might as well cover all the bases to include whacked out PCPers. I still have all the confidence in the world that if my pistol ever has to be drawn I'm going to see nothing but a$$holes and elbows before I get a chance to shoot.

Edited by TMF 18B
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We wouldn't need to even think about this again if they take the guy out to town square after his conviction, tie his limbs to 4 vehicles and televise him being ripped apart.

Bet that would be fresh on the mind of anyone else thinking about doing something stupid for notoriety

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We wouldn't need to even think about this again if they take the guy out to town square after his conviction, tie his limbs to 4 vehicles and televise him being ripped apart.

Bet that would be fresh on the mind of anyone else thinking about doing something stupid for notoriety

I doubt it. Then you will have clowns wanting to be ripped apart on tv.

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