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Fox Admits Romney Cannot Win With Out Ron Paul Supporters

Guest ArmyVeteran37214

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Yeah and the Repub-bots, their false conservatism and blaming other's for the results of the previous lesser of two evil choices are really pissing me off.

And I resent it being insinuated that I'm a Republican, much less a Repub-bot, just because I'm not willing to let the socialists continue in office. ;)

If someone can provide me credible proof that Johnson or Paul can win this election without being the Republican nominee then bring it on...I'd vote for either of them if I thought they could win but unless Obama doesn't run and no else jumps in on the Democrat ticket then it WILL be a Democrat or a Republican who will be the next president. Even the beloved Ron Paul knows that; whey do you think he runs as a Republican when he is really a Libertarian?

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...Besides, with trillion dollar deficits from Tarp1 (Bush) and the other bailouts (Obama) we won't have a foreign policy before long.

We won't have much of a country for long and especially not much of an economy either if Obama is allowed to continue in office.

By the time Obama is done with us all the truly wealthy will have left the country and the rest of us will be taking inflatable rafts to Cuba and crossing the Rio Grand into Mexico to escape the horrible economy we are going to be left with.

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You mean the foreign policy where we support the Taliban in the 80s, then have them turn on us? Or the foreign policy where we support Saddam Hussein in the 80s then have him turn on us?

Paul believes that if need be, you declare an enemy, declare war, win, then return home. What we do now is nation building and control countries so that multi nats can gain access to sell goods.

And don't give me the whole new age nebulous terrorist enemy crap either. If another country came into our country and setup shop, we would terrorize them, or at least true patriots would.

My understanding of Johnson's policy is that it is pretty much the same as Paul's.

Besides, with trillion dollar deficits from Tarp1 (Bush) and the other bailouts (Obama) we won't have a foreign policy before long.

Good points, especially the last ones.

But, Paul is way more isolationist than is healthy. Though I do like the idea of treating our southern border porosity as an invasion and using troops to backstop the border patrol. But he wants to leave some key allies hanging in the wind while taking a reactive rather than proactive stance on countries that really freaking hate us. Iran for instance.

It is a nice break from all the foreign crap we do get dragged into but it is a little too head in the sand. If he had pulled back on that he might have been viable too. And yes, the meddling we have done with Iran-contra and Hussein was dumb. In hindsight.

Johnson though is farther along than Paul. He wants to pull all the troops out as well as completely open our borders. A recipe for suicide as bad as reelecting Obama.

But both of them have great ideas for encouraging companies to come back to the US. Both have fantastic ideas for encouraging growth. And both are awesome from a Constitutionalist, and personal liberties front.

But that isn't enough.

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Good points, especially the last ones.

But, Paul is way more isolationist than is healthy. Though I do like the idea of treating our southern border porosity as an invasion and using troops to backstop the border patrol. But he wants to leave some key allies hanging in the wind while taking a reactive rather than proactive stance on countries that really freaking hate us. Iran for instance.

It is a nice break from all the foreign crap we do get dragged into but it is a little too head in the sand. If he had pulled back on that he might have been viable too. And yes, the meddling we have done with Iran-contra and Hussein was dumb. In hindsight.

Johnson though is farther along than Paul. He wants to pull all the troops out as well as completely open our borders. A recipe for suicide as bad as reelecting Obama.

But both of them have great ideas for encouraging companies to come back to the US. Both have fantastic ideas for encouraging growth. And both are awesome from a Constitutionalist, and personal liberties front.

But that isn't enough.

So lets get this straight You guys would rather have someone who isnt a strong constitutionalist , or strong on personal libertys ,

and doesnt have a plan for bringing jobs back to america Just as long as he Hates Iran and is willing to go to war without a constitutional Declaration .

My God we really do deserve what we have coming to us in the next few years if the majority of our voting population thinks like this .And it is coming we cant keep spending Chinas money forever!

This isnt a personal jab at you just Romney and or Obama supporters in general

Edited by plank white
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Guest bkelm18

So lets get this straight You guys would rather have someone who isnt a strong constitutionalist , or strong on personal libertys ,

and doesnt have a plan for bringing jobs back to america Just as long as he Hates Iran and is willing to go to war without a constitutional Declaration .

My God we really do deserve what we have coming to us in the next few years if the majority of our voting population thinks like this .And it is coming we cant keep spending Chinas money forever!

This isnt a personal jab at you just Romney and or Obama supporters in general

Unfortunately Romney and Obama are the only choices. I'm sorry, but Paul will not win the nomination, and he will not win the election. No amount of wishing is going to make it happen. The country simply does not want a person like Paul for president. That's not pandering, that's not delusion, and it's not ignorant thinking, it's just the cold hard truth. You can vote for Paul if you want, but that'll just be one less vote that Obama has to overcome in his effort to beat Romney. It's a sad state of affairs, but that's the way it is. This train got rolling long ago, and it's going to take more than empty wishful thinking to derail it.

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Guest bkelm18

It just takes a decent size monkey wrench on the track.

That may be so, but no single person is the size of this proverbial monkey wrench.

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I supported Ron Paul. I still support him as well as several others who ran. I do not support Romney and never will. If the Repubs want my vote they better find someone who is not a wishy washy robot to force down on me.

I haven't voted for a Presidential candidate that I truely thought was the best man for the job since Reagan. I have voted in every election but my vote has basically been a vote against the other candidate. Thats the way I'll have to vote again this year. I don't think that Romney is the right man either but if I don't vote for him then thats one less vote that O needs to be put back in office.

I hate that but that's the way it is!

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... I don't think that Romney is the right man either but if I don't vote for him then thats one less vote that O needs to be put back in office.

I hate that but that's the way it is!

Well, realistically, that's not exactly the way it is, since the popular vote doesn't elect the president.

The only question for we Tennesseans is whether the Rep/Dem vote may be close enough this year so that "every vote counts", in fairly real sense. Most say no way -- I wonder. There are a lot more people on various federal doles now than 4 years ago, and most of them vote Dem.

That's really the Dems' goal, to get enough folks dependent on the gummit to have an eternal majority vote. If Obama is reelected, I'd say they may well have accomplished that goal, at least until The Big Pain.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Guest ThePunisher

The Big Pain is gonna be like releasing a lot of gas, but still not receiving any comfort. The more gas you release, the more it hurts.

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Well, realistically, that's not exactly the way it is, since the popular vote doesn't elect the president.

- OS

You are right considering the electorial college but I believe that is another reason why people say their one vote doesn't count. Even though I know how the process works I still approach it like my vote does count.

Edited by Volzfan
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So lets get this straight You guys would rather have someone who isnt a strong constitutionalist , or strong on personal libertys ,

and doesnt have a plan for bringing jobs back to america Just as long as he Hates Iran and is willing to go to war without a constitutional Declaration .

My God we really do deserve what we have coming to us in the next few years if the majority of our voting population thinks like this .And it is coming we cant keep spending Chinas money forever!

This isnt a personal jab at you just Romney and or Obama supporters in general

I would love to have a strict constitutionalist. But, he also needs to have a foreign policy that isn't suicidal.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Sometimes you get stuck with what you get stuck

with. The primaries are over. Paul ran as an R.

Romney appears to have won the primaries.

If he wins, he wins. Likewise for losing. I don't

see any relevance at this point. Is Paul running

as an independent? I think the choices are already

narrowed down.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Yes we do get stuck with what we get stuck with.

I'd put off watching this video and finally did. Having watched it now, I'd point out that yes the primaries are over, but the nomination has yet to happen. It appears to me to be the R's who keep trying to drag the supporters of Dr. Paul in to support Romney, as is the case here on TGO. While I understand the R's wanting their guy to win, it will not be the fault of Paul's Supporters if Romney does not. It will be the fault of the R's who wanted Romney.

When Rand endorsed Romney he was identified as a turncoat by the Paul supporters so, I don't see his being added as VP having much sway. If Dr. Paul were to endorse Romney, it is my belief that he would not sway too many of his supporters, as he would be identified as a sellout. We supported Paul based on his unwaivering stances throughout his tenure. We may not like all of his policies, but at least we feel we know what he would do based on his history.

If we (folks who support Paul) use the previous actions, stances and policies of Romney and Paul, while elected, to determine which candidate to support during the election, most Paul supporters would line up with Johnson, based on his actions, stances and policies which were proven during his time as Governor of NM.

You can only ask a man to fall in line then kick him in the nuts so many times before he says no thanks. I'd rather die with my boots on.

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Yes we do get stuck with what we get stuck with.

I'd put off watching this video and finally did. Having watched it now, I'd point out that yes the primaries are over, but the nomination has yet to happen. It appears to me to be the R's who keep trying to drag the supporters of Dr. Paul in to support Romney, as is the case here on TGO. While I understand the R's wanting their guy to win, it will not be the fault of Paul's Supporters if Romney does not. It will be the fault of the R's who wanted Romney.

When Rand endorsed Romney he was identified as a turncoat by the Paul supporters so, I don't see his being added as VP having much sway. If Dr. Paul were to endorse Romney, it is my belief that he would not sway too many of his supporters, as he would be identified as a sellout. We supported Paul based on his unwaivering stances throughout his tenure. We may not like all of his policies, but at least we feel we know what he would do based on his history.

If we (folks who support Paul) use the previous actions, stances and policies of Romney and Paul, while elected, to determine which candidate to support during the election, most Paul supporters would line up with Johnson, based on his actions, stances and policies which were proven during his time as Governor of NM.

You can only ask a man to fall in line then kick him in the nuts so many times before he says no thanks. I'd rather die with my boots on.

Amen Bro

Bush was a Tyrant and a sell out of the constitution and Raising our debt over and over then Obama Sold us out with The NDAA and raising the Debt over and over, we are headed toward a brick wall we predicted a long time ago the republicans will only win if they nominate paul, then the voter fraud started and made it look like Romney won , when Paul was winning, then Santorum , and Gingrich stayed on the Primary Ballot even though they new they couldnt win because they weren't on enough ballots to win but they both stayed to draw the "Anti Romney " Vote away from Paul .

It is discracefull and down right sickening that Nobody noticed that Romney stole the Primary. I mean good god when Romney has a speech or "Get to gether" maybe 100 folks will show up when Paul does it 1,000s come from all over just to be there , and I for one wont help Romney get to the white house yes I want to get rid of Obama but there is no difference Between the two other than skin color and I dont care about that so Ill be voting for Paul or Johnson.

This country discust me nowdays with its corruption and rampant extortion of the people and the way the media is used to control everything in politics.

When you have an honest man stand up and fight the corruption, tell the truth, and then you go dig into his past and see he has done the same thing for nearly his entire 70 years and still keeps pushing and fighting a losing battle for personal libertys, and you see the media start bashing him , Laughing at him , and then ignoring him when he says anything important , Its beyond disgusting, the next thing you know all the brain dead "Cnn and Fox news Zombies" fall for it and everyone starts bashing him, and his supporters calling them Paulbots , PaulTards , paullites , WTF EVER !!

We are constitutionalist who who believe in live and Let live . Its not even political "Or shouldnt be" we believe in the America we used to have before we were born.

Ive never seen or lived in a free America , and That is what we want . Im 30 years old and have been told all my life what I can and can't do and Im sick of it . I cant build a garage on my own land without a permit , I cant get a job building my neighbors front porch without a Permit , License and Insurance .hell Icant go fishing for food without a License . I can make more if i were to move out of my home and apply for government housing , and welfare but I dont want to , I just want to be left alone and quit being hassled at every turn .

WE dont need Ron Paul inorder to feel this way he just happens to be the only person standing up and speaking out about how we feel.

Just because Ron Paul doesnt Win The election it doesnt change the fact that he is right and so are we ,and Romney or Obama will not do what is needed to save this country, they will profit and that is it , and if a law or regulation stands in there way they will bypass it by any means . They dont care about your rights they care about personal gain that is it and all

if Ron Paul wasnt here ,or never existed , or passed away tomorrow I would still feel the same .

Sorry for Ranting but Ive never been So ashamed to be American

Edited by plank white
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So lets get this straight You guys would rather have someone who isnt a strong constitutionalist , or strong on personal libertys ,

and doesnt have a plan for bringing jobs back to america Just as long as he Hates Iran and is willing to go to war without a constitutional Declaration .

My God we really do deserve what we have coming to us in the next few years if the majority of our voting population thinks like this .And it is coming we cant keep spending Chinas money forever!

This isnt a personal jab at you just Romney and or Obama supporters in general

No, you don't have it straight and you own words point to the only candidate that should be voted for if you are truly concerned about "spending China's money".

Perhaps I suffer from selective hearing but all I seem to here from the Paul/Johnson/libertarian camp is how they don't like Romney but they have NOTHING to offer as an alternative (and no, a candidate that cannot win...cannot even win the Republican nomination is NOT an alternative nor is a little third-party can't win candidate).

We have a true socialist/Marxist/collectivist in the oval office who truly wants and has made great progress toward turning our country into a socialist nation...who is spending TRILLIONS of dollars we don't have and who will absolutely ruin what is left of our pathetic economy and what he has done to erase personal liberty and wants to do to further degrade it is nothing short of traitorous.

Respectfully, what should be "straight" is that...

1. Obama is as if not more dangerous to our country's future and personal liberty than any outside enemy we have ever faced.

2. The IS no other candidate that can beat Obama

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I want to here Romney supporters argue for and about Romneys strengths and why he should be president without saying "Cause Me Hates Obama"

and also like stated above If Ron Paul never exsisted Id still be sick of this countrys blind voters who do whatever they are told to do by the two party system if your a dem you better vote for Obama "Because CNN said so" if your a Republican you better vote for Romney ! "Because Fox News Said so" If your sick of the way this country is and where its headed due to both Partys.......... "Shut up you dont Matter"

Edited by plank white
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I want to here Romney supporters argue for and about Romneys strengths and why he should be president without saying "Cause Me Hates Obama"

and also like stated above If Ron Paul never exsisted Id still be sick of this countrys blind voters who do whatever they are told to do by the two party system if your a dem you better vote for Obama "Because CNN said so" if your a Republican you better vote for Romney ! "Because Fox News Said so" If your sick of the way this country is and where its headed due to both Partys.......... "Shut up you dont Matter"

Dont worry Romney supporters If he wins that means you are the Majority so you must be right.

Edited by plank white
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Right, that's why I'll throw my vote to Johnson?

You get upset claiming you are berated, yet you continue to berate. You reap what you sow.

Except in my above remark I was joking (which I thought would have been obvious); the ones I'm talking about berating me were most definitely not joking. In fact, one the most vile and abusive of the bunch I've personally had an encounter with this election cycle is in the video that is the subject of this thread, standing behind RP.

Edited by RobertNashville
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