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Would you trade a Sig for a Les Baer?


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i did hear back from Les Baer but wound up not doing the deal, never could make heads or tales of why it has had 3 owners and only had 500 rounds through it, the guy said it had some holster wear, if he was local i'd be willing to meet, but the guy is in Hawaii, there's more guns out there

Edited by hlb14
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Guest Grout

WOW!,I would have yanked his arm off and got rid of that nickle plated sissy pistol.The Les Baer prolly changed hands 3 times because it is a higher end gun and those tend to change hands between collectors,dealers in leau of cash,nothing wrong with the gun itself.

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Obviously you (the OP) can do as you think best but I'm not sure what the problem is with three owners and only 500 rounds? I do shoot my higher-end 1911s but even so, none of them have a high round count even though I've some a couple of them for quite a long time.

I too would prefer to deal with someone local but I don't think that should be a deal breaker.

Anyway, nothing is stopping you from selling the Sig you have and ordering a new Thunder Ranch...they are pricy but at least based on my experience, absolutely worth it.

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I LOVE sigs, and I LOVE 1911s. I'd probably do the trade, then trade the Les Baer in on a Nighthawk/Wilson Combat. Nothing wrong with LBs but they are much too tight for my dislike of cleaning my guns every time I shoot them :-)

Of course...a factory nickel model 228....nice. That's a hard choice. The LB most likely has a wider trading potential as in worth more to a non collector

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I've never purchased or sold a Les Baer with more than a couple thousand rounds thru it. I tend to put a few boxes thru them and then Move on to the polymer pistols. Never wanted to have to defend myself with a high end 1911 and have the cops take possession of it for who knows how long. I don't have the means to be loaning my pistols to the state.

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I've never purchased or sold a Les Baer with more than a couple thousand rounds thru it. I tend to put a few boxes thru them and then Move on to the polymer pistols. Never wanted to have to defend myself with a high end 1911 and have the cops take possession of it for who knows how long. I don't have the means to be loaning my pistols to the state.

Well, I don't use any of my custom 1911s as carry pistols; that's not why I have them but I know from going through two days of pistol training at Tactical Response that my Nighthawk will do just fine for carry if I decided to use it that way. I also have a Sig Scorpion that would be a great carry 1911.

It's true that I wouldn't want to be without any of them following a SD shooting but as far as having a high end 1911 taken for a while after a SD shooting, I would suggest that how "painful" that would be would vary from person to person depending on where they land on the economic scale/how many weapons they own...if you are on a tight budget and have only enough to buy one, used Glock it's going to be pretty painful to have the police take it for some unknown period of time.

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