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Any IDPA clubs hosting BUG and/or Night shoots?

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Hi Folks;

I'm just getting back into the swing of things (IDPA etc.) and was wondering if any clubs in or near East TN are hosting BUG(Back Up Gun) matches?

I was also curious if any clubs are holding low light or night matches?

I did a search, and I readily admit to being a technotard. but didn't come up with anything.

Thanks in advance.

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Music City Tactical Shooters(Dickson, TN), Green River Gun Club(BG, KY), and Henry County Gun Club(Puryear, TN) host a night matches. There is nothing I am aware of in East TN though.

:pleased: Thank you HOGNUT.

I should have extended my search.

The drive wouldn't be bad. Besides I've been reading discussion of the matches you guys run and they certainly sound good.

I hope to make the drive out to shoot some of them with you in the near future.

Much obliged.

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Our night match is on the 17th of November. Have to wait for the time to change and get dark earlier.

And you need to come down and make a day of it. Shoot the regular match in the morning.

We can be a little picky about who gets to run around and shoot in the darkness. :eek:

Had one of the most experienced shooters on the range last time AD.

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Our night match is on the 17th of November. Have to wait for the time to change and get dark earlier.

And you need to come down and make a day of it. Shoot the regular match in the morning.

We can be a little picky about who gets to run around and shoot in the darkness. :eek:

Had one of the most experienced shooters on the range last time AD.

I can certainly respect and appreciate what you're saying. You can never be too safe.

I've R.O.'d night matches back home in MS and found it best to almost ride piggyback with some shooters.

Sometimes immediately behind someone with a firearm is the safest place to be. ;) ...besides, it's easier to watch for any safety concerns from there.

Thank you for the head's up on the date.

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If you are new to the area and looking for a close club to shoot IDPA at check out ORSA. Oak Ridge Sportsmen Association. They hold a IDPA match the first Sat of every month. there is some kind of pistol match going on there every weekend. I usually always attend the IDPA match, its a good place to shoot

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kettlefoot in Bristol has IDPA matches every fourth Saturday, and usually follows the standard match with a BUG match (although they lately been toying with carbine and/or full autos a bit, IIRC).

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