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My son wants a Remington 870 for his 17th birthday. It will be for range work and home protection. Are there any legal issues with him having the gun when I'm not home?

I plan to get him a safe for his room so That he won't have access to my safe or pistols.



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Guest 6.8 AR

Not that I'm aware of, but you're

certain to get different answers

on this one. The safe idea is a

good one.

I grew up with a .22 rifle from about the age of twelve, and the gun stayed

under my bed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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No law against minors possessing/owning long guns or handguns for legal sporting purposes.

Most things with minor children generally come down to DHS actions if anything goes badly, including the rather iffy part of just when a kid is old enough to possess a loaded gun without supervision.

I myself got my first gun, a .22 pump, on my 12th Christmas, and at 15 could take it (and a shotgun I'd been given by then, too) out shooting/hunting by myself. But of course that was back when the world was young and one couldn't hardly walk around without stepping in common sense.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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My first rifle was a .22lr revolver, and my second was a .22lr rifle. Both were by the age of 8. By the age of 14, I had shot enough various firearms that I was allowed to keep a single shot 12ga in my room. After turning 16, my father gave me free run and use of any of the rifles or pistols in the house.....why, because not only was I trustworthy, but had taken a few "saftey" courses by then and had shown proper use of the weapons....

I say go ahead if you think your son can and will be safe with it......

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My son wants a Remington 870 for his 17th birthday. It will be for range work and home protection. Are there any legal issues with him having the gun when I'm not home?

I plan to get him a safe for his room so That he won't have access to my safe or pistols.



I got the same gift when I was 17 (for graduating) and still have it. I don't think there are any legal issues other than you can be held accountable if he does something stupid or hurts himself.

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Thanks for the replies gentlemen. He has been given the safety talks since he was old enough to understand what I was talking about. He has also taken youth safety classes. I trust him to do what's right, so I guess that he will be getting that 870.

Until now when me and mom are away from home the twins only means of defending themselves were verbal warnings, knives and pepper spray. I want them to be able to win the fight.

Thanks again,


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