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Magazine Speed Loaders, Need Info

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Just searched this forum using advanced search in the title, and I only found 2 hits for speed loaders. Both of which were for revolvers. So I thought I would post a new topic. Last gun range outing, I wore a blister in my thumb re-loading my magazines. Been on ebay and few other sites, are speed loaders worth my time and money? Are they clumsy? Are they cheaply made? Or are they rigid and excellent to use? I am a experienced shooter, but I admit I have never ever used a auto loader. This would be for Sigs P series (220, 226, 228, 229), Beretta 92, and Glocks 17, 21 & 22. Thanks for any pointers.

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The benchloader you linked Caster was stolen from someone.

I remember a guy on ARFCOM that built a prototype out of MDF about 8 years ago. Had a working prototype and was going to start making them for people on a small scale. Then the current sellers posted that they had acquired a patent for it and for the guy to quit selling his version. The current sellers even took legal action against the original designer. They got the patent, no doubt a provisional, a few months after the original designer posted what he had made. I can't remember if the original designer sold them one or not but I want to say he did then the buyers filled for a patent.

It was a HUGE scandal on ARFCOM.


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Never heard that before.

I've seen similar loaders made [by some talented machinists] at Knob Creek about 15 years ago. It's not a new concept. Business is cruel and ruthless. Whoever gets the patent filed first is the winner I guess.

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Never heard that before.

I've seen similar loaders made [by some talented machinists] at Knob Creek about 15 years ago. It's not a new concept. Business is cruel and ruthless. Whoever gets the patent filed first is the winner I guess.

Sorta, sometimes. Just depends on how revolutionary the gizmo is. Most gun accessories don't stand alone long.

Look at kydex/leather hybrid holsters. I thought it was ironic that Crossbreed filed a patent, after ripping off the first couple of big makers of them (Tucker, ComTac) then threatens the Kholster guy, who shuts down for a month or two, and has to come out with a different enough design to duck the heat (that's why his are now round, uncut).

Now there are any number of companies making them, including some of the traditional big boys, and you can bet they didn't have to cough up anything to Craighead either. Because they have big boy attorneys. Anyway, the product patent thing is legal shifting sand in many cases.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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I agree the Uplula is great for fast loading. I use Uplula for my pistols and I also have one for my AR mags. I just used them yesterday to load up a boat load of mags for whenever I decide to get off of my hump and head to the range.

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You don't have enough mags.

Right. I don't load magazines at the range. Load magazines at home in the workshop. Carry enough magazines to satiate your needs.

When you truly believe you have enough magazines for any said gun, go buy three more.

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