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IDPA Match - Music City Tactical Shooters 07/21/2012

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Thanks Rick. And thanks for taking care of the new shooters last weekend.

And to anyone wanting to come out and try your hand at an IDPA match--please come out and give it a go. You do not have to be a member to shoot. We strive to make new shooters feel comfortable and at ease.

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Guest rbrooks65

Thanks Rick. And thanks for taking care of the new shooters last weekend.

And to anyone wanting to come out and try your hand at an IDPA match--please come out and give it a go. You do not have to be a member to shoot. We strive to make new shooters feel comfortable and at ease.

No problem, John...always glad to help.

I remember that queasy feeling at my first IDPA match, and how much it helped to have patient, experienced shooters who were willing to take time to explain things to me. I also remember being completely addicted after that first match. My score was absolutely horrible, but everyone was so encouraging that couldn't help but stick with it.

Part of the enjoyment for me (and others like you, Michael, and many at MCTS) is helping introduce new shooters to the sport. No matter how good any of us eventually get, we were all first time IDPA shooters once.

I'll gladly take the new folks any time.

See you in a couple weeks.

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Weather looks great.

We will need some help in the morning setting up. I'll be there at 7:00am.

Pretty nice match, I think. Two drop turners and a swinger. Some retention, and retreating shots. And a few zombies that need to be shot in the head. Looks to be a pretty high speed match. 5 stages and 83(minimum)round count.

Quit thinking about it and come out and shoot! ;)

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Guest rbrooks65

Looking forward to it. Should be more of the usual -- challenging stages and great company!

I'll try to get there early to help with the set up.

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I will be at the range by 6 AM to survey any damage to the range and to begin setup. The shooting bays will be mowed prior to the match. Any additional help is appreciated to ensure match will be able to start by 9 AM.


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