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ORSA IDPA July Match

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I made it out to ORSA today and shot my first IDPA Match in better than 5 years.

I also brought a couple of friends, and one of them shot his first ever competitive event. He did great.

I was impressed with the quality of the match and the professionalism exhibited there. Great stages and props as well.

With nearly 100 shooters and 100 degree weather it couldn't have run more smoothly.

My hat is off to Mike Madden and all of the S.O.'s and folks that ran such an excellent match. And to the great bunch of shooters that made us feel welcome. :up:

I am definitely looking forward to the next match at ORSA, that'd be August the 4th. I hope to see/meet some fellow TGOer's out there.

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Which bay did you start in prag?

Sorry for the delay in replying...looong day at work. :surrender:

I started on Bay #5. Great group of folks and S.O. :up:

Thank you sschrick.

I have only shot 3 or 4 IDPA matches before, and that was in 2006 iirc. And this has certainly rekindled the fire.

I used to shoot "tactical matches" based on NTI/IDPA themes back down south in the late 90's...but ORSA is the only place I've shot sanctioned IDPA matches.

btw...My "real name" is Jamie..an old gray fart sporting a goatee and shooting a Glock 19...

I look forward to meeting/greeting/ and shooting with you guys in the future.

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I was one of the James' (the bigger one) that was in your group.

I was thumbing through the score sheets looking for mine after everyone had left and saw the name of the guy (BQ) that you brought with you.

It suddenly dawned on me that I knew him, we went to high school together and our wives are friends also.

It was good to see you guys come out and I look forward to seeing you all at the next IDPA match.

Don't forget that there is also USPSA on the 3rd Saturday and Steel Challenge on the 4th.

I should be at both this month.

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I was one of the James' (the bigger one) that was in your group.

I was thumbing through the score sheets looking for mine after everyone had left and saw the name of the guy (BQ) that you brought with you.

It suddenly dawned on me that I knew him, we went to high school together and our wives are friends also.

It was good to see you guys come out and I look forward to seeing you all at the next IDPA match.

Don't forget that there is also USPSA on the 3rd Saturday and Steel Challenge on the 4th.

I should be at both this month.

Hope it's a little cooler for the USPSA shoot.

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I was one of the James' (the bigger one) that was in your group.

I was thumbing through the score sheets looking for mine after everyone had left and saw the name of the guy (BQ) that you brought with you.

It suddenly dawned on me that I knew him, we went to high school together and our wives are friends also.

It was good to see you guys come out and I look forward to seeing you all at the next IDPA match.

Don't forget that there is also USPSA on the 3rd Saturday and Steel Challenge on the 4th.

I should be at both this month.

Wow! Small world isn't it? That's awesome.

I remember you guys quite well...Great shooting...both of you. :up:

I need to forward BQ this link and get him signed up here at TGO.

I have to work ever other weekend (and then some...friggin creditors! :down: ), but as my schedule forces me to rotate weekends, I plan to rotate match venues...but I'm hoping for cooler weather as well guys.

I look forward to shooting with you guys again.

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Guest Brad1758

Hey guys, I had a great time at the IDPA match. I went home joined IDPA and plan to make it a monthly habit. Now all I need to do is actually hit the targets.

James I knew l knew you from somewhere I just couldn't place you. I'll see you out there again I'm sure.

I want to thank everyone that helped put the match together. It was a blast.

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I thought that might be you when I read the intro. I'm Craig (the big guy who stutters). It was great shooting with you guys. Look forward to seeing you all out next month, or you can come out and shoot run and gun USPSA the 3rd weekend of the month.

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I thought that might be you when I read the intro. I'm Craig (the big guy who stutters). It was great shooting with you guys. Look forward to seeing you all out next month, or you can come out and shoot run and gun USPSA the 3rd weekend of the month.

I'll try to run the USPSA, if it's not quite as hot. I signed up for the USPSA classifier in Sept.

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I'll try to run the USPSA, if it's not quite as hot. I signed up for the USPSA classifier in Sept.

I'm really thinking about joining the USPSA for the classifier. See if I choke on it as badly as I did the IDPA one!

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The USPSA classifier system is different from the IDPA system. WIth USPSA, there are dozens of "standard" stages, with very specific target arrangements. Over time, USPSA has determined with the top hit-factor for each stage should be, i.e. they have averaged the highest hit-factors over time to get a maximum for that stage. Then when you shoot the stage, you compare your HF to the max. After you have shot a number of classifiers, your percentage is averaged together,

Grand Master- 95% to 100%

Master 85% to 94.9%

A 75 to 84.9%

B 60 to 74.9%

C 40 to 59.9%

D 2 to 39.9%

Every time you shoot a classifier, we virtually always have 1 classifier each match, the results get submitted to USPSA and it may change your numbers. It is sort like a rolling average but they use your best 4 (?) scores out of the last 6 valid scores are used. However, not all scores are valid - for example, if you shoot significantly below your ranking - you are a B shooter and you scored 25% on a classifier, that score is essentially thrown out.

As stated above, we will be having a "Special Classifier" match o 29 September, in which will have 6 classifier stages.

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The USPSA classifier system is different from the IDPA system. WIth USPSA, there are dozens of "standard" stages, with very specific target arrangements. Over time, USPSA has determined with the top hit-factor for each stage should be, i.e. they have averaged the highest hit-factors over time to get a maximum for that stage. Then when you shoot the stage, you compare your HF to the max. After you have shot a number of classifiers, your percentage is averaged together,

Grand Master- 95% to 100%

Master 85% to 94.9%

A 75 to 84.9%

B 60 to 74.9%

C 40 to 59.9%

D 2 to 39.9%

Every time you shoot a classifier, we virtually always have 1 classifier each match, the results get submitted to USPSA and it may change your numbers. It is sort like a rolling average but they use your best 4 (?) scores out of the last 6 valid scores are used. However, not all scores are valid - for example, if you shoot significantly below your ranking - you are a B shooter and you scored 25% on a classifier, that score is essentially thrown out.

As stated above, we will be having a "Special Classifier" match o 29 September, in which will have 6 classifier stages.

I have shot some "interesting" USPSA stages. One where the shooter climbed a ladder.

Seeing this target would convince me that hell does exist.

Edited by bubbiesdad
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