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M&P Shield 9mm finally arrived w/pics of holsters

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I got the holsters from coach g (pjholster.com) on another site. Nice fit.

I have only dry fired the pistol this morning, but I can say the the trigger seems much better than advertised.

Bad cell phone pictures as usual



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Let us know how you like it.

I decided to buy the 40 flavor sight unseen and can’t find one anywhere. Buds sent me an email Thursday that they had them, but apparently it was a mistake.

They are hard to come by. I put a deposit on this one in may. My dealer said that they are slowly coming in. They had a forty in the case, but it sold while I was waiting on my tics.

I have been looking for additional mags since may with no luck. I guess it will be a while before supply catches up with demand.

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I've shot the 9mm. Very impressive indeed. Trigger is fine, main thing is that it feels like a larger gun, recoil-wise.

Only thing is, seems just a bit "in between" to me:

- Certainly not as thick as my XD SubCompact, say, but not that much smaller overall, and no 13+1 either.

- But not as small as my Kahr PM9, yet only one more round.

So it's still not quite a pocket gun for most folks, but limited capacity.

I guess the niche is there for it though, especially for M&P fans.

- OS

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OS, how do you think the triggers compared on the Shield and the PM9?

As I remember, the Shield takes up so you know pretty close to exact when it's gonna release, has little creep, and also has a tactile reset.

The PM, while perhaps smoother and the same tension all the way along travel, it's a guess as to when it's actually gonna go off. :)

They say that the discharge should be a "surprise" for accuracy purposes, but for a personal defense weapon, would prefer the M&P style. But size for capability keeps the Kahr in my pocket.

Maybe Garufa will see this and chime in to confirm, it was his heater. :)

- OS

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There really is no comparison between a Kahr and the Shield's trigger. I have no experience with the M&P line but the trigger has a very positive reset and takeup. I compare it to a Glock but the pull is much heavier.

When they say it feels like a full-size pistol I think the trigger is part of it. You know exactly when the thing is going to go off.

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Guest No Ammo

Let us know how you like it.

I decided to buy the 40 flavor sight unseen and can’t find one anywhere. Buds sent me an email Thursday that they had them, but apparently it was a mistake.

I got on the waiting list at TN Gun Country a month ago for the Sheild 40cal, at the time there was 3 ahead a me, in 2-1/2 weeks I received mind

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