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Disgrace to the Flag

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There wasn't any assault, resisting, or threats. I looked online and the clase was plead today. He was convicted of misdemeanor theft getting probation and they dismissed the vadalism and public intox charge.

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Yes I am if you're not a born or naturalized citizen of the U.S. You should not have full rights until you are a legal citizen,

Just so you know, WE don't.

Depending on our status (for example, I'm a Non Immigrant Alien):- We can't vote. We can't run for public office. We can't carry firearms. In certain cases we have no right to trial by jury. We are constantly under the threat of deportation for the SLIGHTEST infraction. We get no 3-strikes. We can be evicted from the country or detained within with no notice. We CONSTANTLY have to prove ourselves to the INS & Government.

There are other things that we can't do & have to do to live here, but personally speaking, it's absolutely, totally, 100% worth the aggravation.

I love this country, sorry, I LOVE THIS COUNTRY & almost everything about it.

Immigrants/aliens behaving like this probably annoys me more than it does you! You HAVE to live here, we WANT to live here & any kind of disrespect shown to the Country that has ALLOWED you to live here really, really pisses me off

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Guest bkelm18

send his ass to north korea and see what they do to him for messing with their flags

If some people have their way here he won't have to. :P Off to the gulag, comrade! ;)

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Just so you know, WE don't.

Depending on our status (for example, I'm a Non Immigrant Alien):- We can't vote. We can't run for public office. We can't carry firearms. In certain cases we have no right to trial by jury. We are constantly under the threat of deportation for the SLIGHTEST infraction. We get no 3-strikes. We can be evicted from the country or detained within with no notice. We CONSTANTLY have to prove ourselves to the INS & Government.

There are other things that we can't do & have to do to live here, but personally speaking, it's absolutely, totally, 100% worth the aggravation.

I love this country, sorry, I LOVE THIS COUNTRY & almost everything about it.

Immigrants/aliens behaving like this probably annoys me more than it does you! You HAVE to live here, we WANT to live here & any kind of disrespect shown to the Country that has ALLOWED you to live here really, really pisses me off

I meant no disrespect to all the good people that come to this country and want to better their lives. I'm well aware that our nation is a melting pot of individuals seeking freedom, and that has made it the greatest nation on earth.

When my hot button is pushed (as in our national flag) I tend to get carried away preaching about getting rid of the visiting rift raft. And fail to mention I'm not inferring any ill will to those here legally seeking citizenship.

So, with that said, if I offended you in anyway, I sincerely apologize Robtattoo.

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Dennis, no apology needed Sir. I understand completely. It's a very touchy subject on both sides of the coin & I meant no disrespect with my retort.

Having worked so hard for so long & paid so much to have the opportunity to make a better life here, I get a little defensive at times. Please forgive me if I came across too harshly.

Most Americans can't appreciate how hard it is to emigrate here legally. 5 years of petitions, paperwork, background checks (literally going back to birth) & lawyers fees kinda lace you a little jaded about being tarred with the 'immigrant' brush.

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Dennis, no apology needed Sir. I understand completely. It's a very touchy subject on both sides of the coin & I meant no disrespect with my retort.

Having worked so hard for so long & paid so much to have the opportunity to make a better life here, I get a little defensive at times. Please forgive me if I came across too harshly.

Most Americans can't appreciate how hard it is to emigrate here legally. 5 years of petitions, paperwork, background checks (literally going back to birth) & lawyers fees kinda lace you a little jaded about being tarred with the 'immigrant' brush.

So far Rob...you're a welcome member here....

Things like this P*** me off too.....I was born here, live here and "bled" for our flag....I have no room for someone disrespecting my colors...I'm glad you "have my back" and proud to call you a friend!

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