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Gun store with Gunbuster sign

Guest SheepDog10

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So, you must also feel that the store owner is responsible for anyone hurt or killed by criminals during a robbery.

Keep going yes, since this has obviously happened to you numerous times.

" Other customers ", who would that be? I refuse to spend money in a gun store that disallows carry. As far as I'm concerned, they should sell something else,(golf clubs tennis racquets,fishing poles and bait? Maybe ladies lounge wear).. We have one nearby that is really ridiculous, not only do they prohibit carry, they specialize in defensive handgun training. :stunned:

Can you state for certainty that the owner wouldn't be held liable? This is America ya know, where a mandate with a fine can magically become a tax in court.

More to the point, don't shop at the store you mention. Tell other people about it and let them decide if they want to shop there. But at the end of the day, unless you run a gun store, do you REALLY have any clue what it's like day in and day out? I used to work for a company that handled housing/apt rentals, and the reason they had multiple pages of rules was because people do stupid things. It was like we wanted to rent places, but only to people who acted the way we wanted...gee go figure. We didn't want people who would put plastic bags on the windows to block the sun. Not only does it not look appealing, it can also melt and be a real mess to remove.

So yea, I get the idea that a gun store might not like morons pointing guns in their faces. I also get that people like you seem not to realize that I don't know you. So why should I trust you with a firearm? Nobody I don't know personally brings a loaded firearm into my house with a badge and a reason. If I trust you, I could care less if you have a permit etc. If I don't, then I still don't care. Why should a store be any different? If you don't like my rules, don't come to my house.

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Guest ThePunisher

Yep, it is kinda stupid and hypocritical for LGS's to post gun buster sign if they are in business to sell guns. I have no problem for the LGS posting for HCP's to keep guns holstered. When business starts slowing down, maybe they will get wise and remove their gun buster signs. Now, it obviously is not a problem for those gun stores that have ranges, so why should it be for non-range gun stores.

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the only time this old man uses a place with the gun-buster sign is when i have no choice like a hospital. almost anything else is available elsewhere.at my age though doctors and hospitals seem to pop up regularly

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Guest 270win

The keeping guns holstered sign seems to work at stores in Memphis. Sell guns but try to even legally keep people from carrying? That is nuts to me. So typical of our politicians too.

I have yet to see a gun show with signs that can legally keep me from carrying, so of course I carry. I just wisely do not carry the gun I am trying to sell. Just plain common sense.

Edited by 270win
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Guest bkelm18

Being shot by a robber in the comission of a felony robbery does NOT reflect on the business owner as something he condones. Being shot by some dumb*** because he is mishandling his weapon, because the business owner ALLOWED that to happen inside the store is a whole different set of circumstances!

Since I am now getting "blue in the face" trying to explain all this....I need to run out in the heat and flip my ribs.....later!

Nah you're good. You've got a gunbuster up, no crime will ever happen in your shop. The internet said so.

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Any business that tells me my legally carried firearm isn't welcome is telling me that I'm not welcome and that my money isn't welcome either; and I'm happy to oblige them by NOT giving them my money.

Any business who makes their money from the sale of firearms/firearms training, etc. bot doesn't want me to carry my legally carried firearm onto their property is not only telling me that they don't want my business but they are schizophrenic, inconsistent and perhaps moronic - they may feel they have legitimate and rational justification for their position; they may even have rational justification but I'm still not going to give them a dime of my money.

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I dont know of a single gunshow that will let you carry a loaded gun

several of thr gunstores in middle tn have signd no loaded guns

that is their right to do so i respect that right even if the sign is worded wrong

are there any banks that are not posted mine is i normaly use the drive up

i dont know of a single drs office not posted either even though i know mine carries at work

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That is a good point David.

I wonder how many of the people in here saying they will not enter a business that is posted actually go to the gun shows. Gun shows do not allow you to carry your loaded firearm either and I have yet to read about anyone boycotting the shows because of it. But they are posted for safety reasons.

There is a difference between posting for safety reasons vs. posting because of political views. There is a difference and I think some in this thread are not seeing the difference.

And I have yet to see a hospital that ISN'T posted. I guess all you guys who will not enter a posted business probably need to look into holistic or faith healing.

Problem is a lot of people put themselves on a high horse until there is a benefit. I bet some people would suspend their values if the gun they have been looking for could only be found in a posted shop for 20% less than anywhere else.


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Guest bkelm18

There is a difference between posting for safety reasons vs. posting because of political views. There is a difference and I think some in this thread are not seeing the difference.

Sorry but there is no difference. Posting for safety and political reasons is the same reason when you boil it down. In both cases you are concerned about safety and in doing so at the same time do not support the rights of the people to protect themselves. I've never been to a gun show in Tennessee, I do not willfully enter any business that is posted. It's quite simple, those who do not support my right to self-defense do not deserve my money, regardless of whatever reason they tell themselves to sleep better at night. You can try and justify it anyway you want, but in the end it's all about money and they don't want mine.

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Sorry but there is no difference. Posting for safety and political reasons is the same reason when you boil it down. In both cases you are concerned about safety and in doing so at the same time do not support the rights of the people to protect themselves. I've never been to a gun show in Tennessee, I do not willfully enter any business that is posted. It's quite simple, those who do not support my right to self-defense do not deserve my money, regardless of whatever reason they tell themselves to sleep better at night. You can try and justify it anyway you want, but in the end it's all about money and they don't want mine.

If you own a gun store and post for safety reasons, maybe you should find a less dangerous product to sell. And also, if you feel so strongly that none of your customers can be trusted.

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That is a good point David.

I wonder how many of the people in here saying they will not enter a business that is posted actually go to the gun shows. Gun shows do not allow you to carry your loaded firearm either and I have yet to read about anyone boycotting the shows because of it. But they are posted for safety reasons.

There is a difference between posting for safety reasons vs. posting because of political views. There is a difference and I think some in this thread are not seeing the difference.

And I have yet to see a hospital that ISN'T posted. I guess all you guys who will not enter a posted business probably need to look into holistic or faith healing.

Problem is a lot of people put themselves on a high horse until there is a benefit. I bet some people would suspend their values if the gun they have been looking for could only be found in a posted shop for 20% less than anywhere else.


I for one rarely go to gun shows so whether they are posted or not or allow HCP holders to carry or not is immaterial to me....I guess if I do go I know up front that I won't be carrying.

My doctor's office isn't posted...hospitals are a different matter but many here have already said, and I agree, that there are occasions where exceptions have to be made, i.e. I'm not going to miss my niece's wedding just because I can't carry in the church she is getting married in and I'm not going to not visit my mother in the hospital just because it's posted, etc. But those instances aren't what most of us are talking about...what most of us are talking about are when we DO have a choice.

As for "saving 20%" I'm sure some put a small savings ahead of their principles; I can't speak for them, I can only speak for me and I will NOT spend money in a store that doesn't support my right to provide for my own protection; period.

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i think the reason some gunshops are posted is because some idiot comes in jercks out his pistol and say what kinda trade can i get.i have watched it happen more that once. now every one talks about legal postind if it aint legal i am carrying then the only way leagelay to keep loaded guns in holsters is to post .is that going to keep me from going in someplace no.i try to use good judgement in things like this i wouldnt give up my titans seats because i cant carry jusr my opinion everybody has one and i would like to think i can voice mine here

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I'll have to agree with David here. There are places we want to go, places we need to go & places we have to go,

posted or not. Some places we have the option of going else where. Hospitals for example we haven't much choice.

A gun store, I have a choice, likely won't use that one, go elsewhere.

Case by case basis.

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i think the reason some gunshops are posted is because some idiot comes in jercks out his pistol and say what kinda trade can i get.i have watched it happen more that once. now every one talks about legal postind if it aint legal i am carrying then the only way leagelay to keep loaded guns in holsters is to post .is that going to keep me from going in someplace no.i try to use good judgement in things like this i wouldnt give up my titans seats because i cant carry jusr my opinion everybody has one and i would like to think i can voice mine here

Then the idiot needs to be banned from the store.

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If you own a gun store and post for safety reasons, maybe you should find a less dangerous product to sell. And also, if you feel so strongly that none of your customers can be trusted.

Yep. Bars could take a huge step toward contributing to public safety and making sure they aren't named in lawsuits for over-serving patrons who get into wrecks on the way home by posting:


For that matter, hospitals/doctors' offices could probably cut back on malpractice suits (legitimate or not) by simply posting the following at their entrances:


In both cases, though, it would kind of go against their whole purpose for existing and they probably wouldn't get a whole lot of customers. In other words, some types of businesses come with certain risks and if gun store owners want to totally avoid those risks then maybe they should be selling hypoallergenic pillows, instead.

Then the idiot needs to be banned from the store.

Again, I agree. A blanket ban and justifying that ban by saying that a few might use guns improperly sounds like a fitting tactic for the Brady bunch not someone who wants to make his livelihood by selling me one of those guns. Ban the person responsible and don't punish a whole group for the stupidity of a few.

Edited by JAB
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Then the idiot needs to be banned from the store.

the trouble with that is how do you know who is the idiot

dont get me wrong i think you should be able to go armed anywhere but not everybody is as smart as the ones reading this thread

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i think the reason some gunshops are posted is because some idiot comes in jercks out his pistol and say what kinda trade can i get.i have watched it happen more that once. now every one talks about legal postind if it aint legal i am carrying then the only way leagelay to keep loaded guns in holsters is to post .is that going to keep me from going in someplace no.i try to use good judgement in things like this i wouldnt give up my titans seats because i cant carry jusr my opinion everybody has one and i would like to think i can voice mine here

the trouble with that is how do you know who is the idiot

dont get me wrong i think you should be able to go armed anywhere but not everybody is as smart as the ones reading this thread

The idiot is the one you referred to in the previous post. If they don't pull their gun out and wave it around, why should they be kept from carrying. Because of what something someone else might do? Maybe shopping malls should ban cars from the parking lot along with firearms. After all, you never know when someone might want to stage a race, or a demolition derby.

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The idiot is the one you referred to in the previous post. If they don't pull their gun out and wave it around, why should they be kept from carrying. Because of what something someone else might do? Maybe shopping malls should ban cars from the parking lot along with firearms. After all, you never know when someone might want to stage a race, or a demolition derby.

you are not at as many gunstores or gunshows as i am i see it more than i care to think about i chring every time i see someone jerk a gun out of a holster at a gunshow or a gunstore its not what someone might its what has happened in the past

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you are not at as many gunstores or gunshows as i am i see it more than i care to think about i chring every time i see someone jerk a gun out of a holster at a gunshow or a gunstore its not what someone might its what has happened in the past

So, then cars should be banned from parking lots.

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I go to a gun shop for good prices, good selections and friendly people. If I don't get all three, I do not return. My gun shop has all three of these things. A Gun Buster sign, although it doesn't make a lot of sense, will not stop me from getting a good price on a firearm or accessory.

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So, then cars should be banned from parking lots.

cant compare that apples and oranges like screaming fire in a building while its your first adm. right to do so it is not safe and you could be held liabel for it this is a discusion that could go on forever as i dont have that much time you can i will say nothing else on the matter
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I'll treat a gun store that posts just like every other place that posts. If I "have" to go in because its something I must have I'll honor their wishes. But if there is another game in town I'll have to go elsewhere.

Its the owners choice, no need to debate it. To be totally honest, I carry all the time, believe that its our right, but I know people that would have to disarm if they wanted to come into my house.

Its like here at tgo, Davids house David's rules.

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The idiot is the one you referred to in the previous post. If they don't pull their gun out and wave it around, why should they be kept from carrying. Because of what something someone else might do? Maybe shopping malls should ban cars from the parking lot along with firearms. After all, you never know when someone might want to stage a race, or a demolition derby.

I think he meant how do you tell who the idiot is BEFORE he whips out and waves a loaded gun in your face? Kinda moot to ban the guy who just put a bullet in you.

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Has any of us really give thought (only a few here I'm sure) as to really why property gets posted? Let's all accept those facts and move on! I can only pick idiot out after they done something stupid!

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