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If Obama gets re-elected

Guest ThePunisher

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Guest ThePunisher

Now that Obama's liberal/Marxist base has been reenergized by the SCOTUS decision on Obamacare, and it appears very possibly that he will be re-elected for four more years; what do you think will be his main agenda objectives in another term? He doesn't care about job creation, and tax increases will go in effect in 2013 to further stall the growth of the economy. Gas and energy costs are likely to climb higher since he only cares about green energy. Speculation about an assult on 2nd Amendment has sparked huge gun sales with the gun industry being one of few industries in US doing well. He most likely will continue his executive orders to circumvent the constitution. He may even announce his dictatorship of the country.

Anybody have a crystal ball, and see what Obama will do to further reduce our liberties and freedoms while destroying our once great country?

Edited by ThePunisher
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Guest 6.8 AR

Nothing is out of the question, but I doubt his re-election bid depends on Obamacare and his base

couldn't elect squat by themselves. The percentage of liberals depend heavily on so-called moderates,

fraud and winos for their bids to be successful, and for a bit of conservatives to sit it out, like all the PaulBots

have indicated they might.

They may be energized, but I think there are a lot of the right and middle that are equally energized. Don't

count Romney out so fast.

Everything you say has been a worry from day one with this prez. I don't see anything good coming from a

second term. Maybe a coronation with Greek columns for entertainment for all us little people.

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Obamacare is here to stay. Don't think it matters who wins. 2nd amendment under assault big time. I have started seeing stories on main stream networks about Holder's problem. Most are blaming the evil gun stores for selling the guns. As far as dictatorship, that's a stretch. They will find someone to run that holds to extreme left views and appears to be middle of the road. I do believe our freedoms will continue to be diminished as more and more become sheeple. . . . .

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Guest bkelm18

If we take the Senate, we'll be alright, at least on the legislation front. He'll still load the SCOTUS with his bretheren though. If we lose the House, yep we're pretty much SOL.

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Honestly, if Obama wins a second term it is pretty much over. Our debt at the end of an Obama second term will well be past the point, if it is not already, of recovery. At current rates, our debt will exceed $22 trillion at the end of his second term. The federal government will have spent more money during those last eight years (2008 - 2016) than the aggregate amount since the founding of this country.

We will probably enter into a couple more large scale military skirmishes during his second term which we can't pay for. Obama will probably nominate a few more justices to the SCOTUS, which is very important because they will declare all of those executive orders that he issues in his second term as constitutional.

Most clear thinking individuals believe that Obama's first term has been a disaster. With nothing holding him back during his second term (i.e. an election), his second term will make his first look like chicken s**t. The only way out of it that I could think of would be the states exercise their authority through nullification, or possibly call for a constitutional convention. However, there is inherent danger in calling for a new convention because what you might end up with could be worse than what we have.

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Guest 6.8 AR

If we take the Senate, we'll be alright, at least on the legislation front. He'll still load the SCOTUS with his bretheren though. If we lose the House, yep we're pretty much SOL.

That's why we have to win the senate. Plus, it would make advise and consent of any SCOTUS pick he makes, extremely

difficult. That's a big maybe and wishful thinking, I know.

I think we will gain more in the House and take the Senate back, along with Romney, if he doesn't start behaving like McCain did.

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Guest bkelm18

That's why we have to win the senate. Plus, it would make advise and consent of any SCOTUS pick he makes, extremely

difficult. That's a big maybe and wishful thinking, I know.

I think we will gain more in the House and take the Senate back, along with Romney, if he doesn't start behaving like McCain did.

If we control congress we can at least keep the reigns on O. It would definitely put a hamper on any SCOTUS appointments he would make. Though I do not know what would happen if one of the justices retires or dies and Congress rejects all of Obama's replacements. I don't know what would happen with that vacancy. If anything. I wouldn't doubt O would try to circumvent congress, like he does all the time anyway. It will be interesting, this election. Interesting like a train wreck.

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If reelected, I believe the Democrats will focus on getting more and more citizens onto the public dole, thereby ensuring perpetual reelection of their party.....much the same plan as the Republicans have.

These two groups put on a public show for you, and sit back and laugh as you swallow it, hook line and sinker. I don't see how more of you can't see this.

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Guest bkelm18

If reelected, I believe the Democrats will focus on getting more and more citizens onto the public dole, thereby ensuring perpetual reelection of their party.....much the same plan as the Republicans have.

These two groups put on a public show for you, and sit back and laugh as you swallow it, hook line and sinker. I don't see how more of you can't see this.

We only have two choices there. Republicans or Democrats. You either vote for one or the other. Voting third-party is a waste of time. Republicans and Democrats are too mainstream for any third-party candidate to get any real traction whatsoever.

Edited by bkelm18
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Then you won't really accomplish much when voting, will you? It's not that I disagree with your statement here, but I believe the two party system needs to be changed. Our efforts to that end will be much more profitable than any effort put toward electing nimrod #1 instead of nimrod #2 (Romneycare instead of Obamacare).

Edited by gregintenn
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If we control congress we can at least keep the reigns on O. It would definitely put a hamper on any SCOTUS appointments he would make.

While I don't diminish the importance of regaining the Senate, you guys are way more optimistic than me. There are too many weak-kneed senators still in office that are much too accommodating. The only way I can envision keeping the reigns on Obama is by removing him from this Nov. Lest we forget,

We can't wait for Congress to do its job, so where they won't act, I will.
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If reelected, I believe the Democrats will focus on getting more and more citizens onto the public dole, thereby ensuring perpetual reelection of their party.....much the same plan as the Republicans have.

These two groups put on a public show for you, and sit back and laugh as you swallow it, hook line and sinker. I don't see how more of you can't see this.

We see it. I like Guns and Big Gulps, so my choice is easy. I don't expect much out of those clowns. I just wanna keep what I have.

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If reelected, I believe the Democrats will focus on getting more and more citizens onto the public dole, thereby ensuring perpetual reelection of their party.....much the same plan as the Republicans have.

These two groups put on a public show for you, and sit back and laugh as you swallow it, hook line and sinker. I don't see how more of you can't see this.

Couldn't have said it better.

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Then you won't really accomplish much when voting, will you? It's not that I disagree with your statement here, but I believe the two party system needs to be changed. Our efforts to that end will be much more profitable than any effort put toward electing nimrod #1 instead of nimrod #2 (Romneycare instead of Obamacare).

I'll drink to that!

However, we do have a multi-party system; the Greens, Communists, Constitutionals, etc.

Corporate America and the wealthy elect to support one or both of the two major party's, and we all know power is rooted in who has the most money. It's totally ludicrous to spend millions of dollars, much less hundreds of millions of dollars for a political office that pays a salary that is meager by comparison.

In my mind, only two types of individuals would want to hold high political office in these modern times. Those that want to participate in the plunder, and those that want to stop the plunder. Those that want to stop the plunder will never get elected because they would have to accept campaign contributions from big business and lobbyists. And they don't give that money out of the goodness of their hearts, they demand something in return, more plunder and access to some serious ear bending.

Another thing I've noticed since the Eisenhower presidency. It seems to me Americans vote by looks (both physical and projected), spit and polish, and not the character, substance and message of the candidate. That has become very apparent during all the presidential debates and is capitalized by the liberal media.

And these days, who would argue with this fact? Americans WILL vote into office those that promise them the most plunder, not what's best for the country as a whole.

The JFK mantra has now become; Ask NOT what you can do for your country, ask what the country can do for YOU!

Seams we've become a nation of me, me, me?

IMHO. We are well on the road to becoming subjects, come next November it will most likely become official. It's a sad state of affairs ladies and gentleman.

Soap Box / OFF

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Guest bkelm18

While I don't diminish the importance of regaining the Senate, you guys are way more optimistic than me. There are too many weak-kneed senators still in office that are much too accommodating. The only way I can envision keeping the reigns on Obama is by removing him from this Nov. Lest we forget,

Well our options are limited. We can argue which party is better til we are blue in the face. They're both crap parties but we are stuck with one or the other. All we can do is hope we regain this or that. That's just the way the game is played, unfortunately.

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If reelected, I believe the Democrats will focus on getting more and more citizens onto the public dole, thereby ensuring perpetual reelection of their party.....much the same plan as the Republicans have.

These two groups put on a public show for you, and sit back and laugh as you swallow it, hook line and sinker. I don't see how more of you can't see this.

Puzzling isn't it?

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Well our options are limited. We can argue which party is better til we are blue in the face. They're both crap parties but we are stuck with one or the other. All we can do is hope we regain this or that. That's just the way the game is played, unfortunately.

Its enough to depress you if you allow it. I'm glad that I know they are mind f#cking everyone and sharing the spoils.

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Guest bkelm18

Its enough to depress you if you allow it. I'm glad that I know they are mind f#cking everyone and sharing the spoils.

Doesn't bother me really. We've been on this path for a long time. The time has come to reap what we have sowed. Hard to stop a freight train once it gets rolling.

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Expect a govt. staged event to trigger emergency legislation including gun registration and "assault weapons banned". Obama will have nothing to lose. States will exercise their 10th. Amendment powers and the U.S will break off into several republics. The libertarian "free" the socialist/police state northeast and the canadian/american providences under socialist/dicatorship. Oh and the reconquista that will take place in Kalifornia and NM.

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NOTHING that he would do would surprise me if he's re-elected. But I don't believe that SCOTUS upholding Obamacare did anything to help him to that end. On the contrary, I believe it solidified Romney's election this November. My crystal ball is broken right now, but that's what I believe.

Not that I'm a huge fan of Romney, but I don't believe he's a wannabe socialist dick-tater.

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