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Obamacare Upheld

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If you all think everything will be alright in November just as long as Romney is elected....well, I feel sorry for you. I'll wear my big pants the day Romney is successful in getting this law repealed, so monkeys can fly out of my butt! ROMNEY INVENTED OBAMACARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wall:

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I love how Yahoo's website spins it.

"Cheif Justice's turnabout saves health law"

Dang hippie media.

I was just reading some of the comments on another Yahoo article about it. People on there are just plain vicious. It's amazing how when a person who is against it and brings up valid points gets attacked by people for it.
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This has effected the micro-economy already. I was going to sign up for health care at Lowes to bridge the time between when I go on Medicare and my wife becomes eligible.

Plans cancelled.

If Obamacare stands, no company can afford to supply health insurance as a benefit. Lowes is operating under a one-year exemption now. No insurance, no reason to stay.

Guess now I'll wait and see if the new Congress has the balls to overturn Obamacare and I'm betting, politicians being what they are, they won't. Workers will become a cash cow for the IRS to milk so the poooor people can have what we've worked for.

So, it looks likely that I won't be working at Lowes another 4 years - more likely I'll be re-retired in 6-9 months.

Who is John Galt?

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Ron may have a point. This whole thing may help send Obammy packin'.

May help send O'Bama packin, but without control of but houses of Congress, don't see any hope of repeal. We are screwed. What will we be required to purchase next?

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Guest bkelm18

If you all think everything will be alright in November just as long as Romney is elected....well, I feel sorry for you. I'll wear my big pants the day Romney is successful in getting this law repealed, so monkeys can fly out of my butt! ROMNEY INVENTED OBAMACARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wall:

Take your pick: Obama or Romney. You're gonna get one or the other whether you like it or not.

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Guest 270win

We are no longer a constitutional republic. We are a democracy that the congress and president can tax people to force certain behavior. The constitution might as well be toilet paper if congress is given the power to tax for NOT buying anything, income.

Oh well you aren't eating healthy enough, and the govt will know because of the electronic health records, new tax on being unhealthy.

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The company I work for, stopped paying any health insurance benefit last year. They work with the Insurance companies to provide us with plans, but we pretty much pay the whole thing, to the tune of almost $12,000 per year. Add an additional $2000 for an FSA and I'm spending around $14,000 per year for health care costs for me and my family, plus the deductible and co-pays.

As for a Republican Congress and Romny overturning Obamacare, I don't see that happening either, unless they can win enough to capture the 60 votes in the Senate needed to override a filibuster and I don't see that happening. Then there is the fact that once a law is passed it's all but inpossible to get it over turned. This is Washington and money is power and Health Care is big money!!! I think we are stuck with this ladies and gents, no matter how much we dislike it.

Edited by Moped
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If you all think everything will be alright in November just as long as Romney is elected....well, I feel sorry for you. I'll wear my big pants the day Romney is successful in getting this law repealed, so monkeys can fly out of my butt! ROMNEY INVENTED OBAMACARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wall:


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As for a Republican Congress and Romny overturning Obamacare, I don't see that happening either, unless they can win enough to capture the 60 votes in the Senate needed to override a filibuster and I don't see that happening. ....

Commentators today talking about since the "reconciliation" thing was used to pass the final version of it, would only take the same ploy to repeal it, or at least remove all fiscal details from it, essentially rendering it a toothless shark. As little as I understand all that, budgetary bills passed by reconciliation process only take 51 votes.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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As little as I understand all that, budgetary bills passed by reconciliation process only take 51 votes.

- OS

Reconciliation is not required. Budgets only require 51 votes, not 60.

Still, even if the Senate manages to go Republican, they will need an even greater majority to account for Republicans who become weak in the knees when it actually comes time for repeal. I am not optimistic about it. Hopefully I am wrong. It does happen from time to time :)

If we get really lucky and Obamacare is repealed, the worry then becomes what will it be replaced with. You know the Republicans are going to do something. Remember all of the TARP crap? The first attempt was a crap sandwich, and a lot of the politicians complained about it. The second attempt which was given bipartisan support ended up being worse than the first.

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Still, even if the Senate manages to go Republican, they will need an even greater majority to account for Republicans who become weak in the knees when it actually comes time for repeal. I am not optimistic about it. Hopefully I am wrong. It does happen from time to time :)

Alexander... :whistle:

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Guest 6.8 AR

If you all think everything will be alright in November just as long as Romney is elected....well, I feel sorry for you. I'll wear my big pants the day Romney is successful in getting this law repealed, so monkeys can fly out of my butt! ROMNEY INVENTED OBAMACARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wall:

I doubt anyone thinks it will be alright until a track record is established. Now, if Romney gets elected, which is too long away,

and he doesn't do what he said we will have bigger problems. But you know, we could just keep the status quo. Keep Obama in there.

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  • Admin Team

This is certainly an opening salvo in a much larger fight. In voting with the majority, Roberts definitely wrote the opinion more narrowly than it would have been written otherwise.

While I would love to have seen it overturned, I'd rather see it repealed.

It does set up the next battle. During oral arguments, solicitor General Verrilli was asked multiple times if this was a tax, and each time he answered, "absolutely, not.". Roberts wrote that this wouldn't stand under the commerce clause, but that it was okay as a tax. So now, Obama has "raised taxes on the middle class."

I was always skeptical of making the argument based on the individual mandate. As much as I'd love to see the court decide that Wickard vs. Filburn was wrongly decided, both of our parties, and our whole modern Federal government are way to dependent on it to let it be overturned - or even weakened.

This fight is far from done, and hopefully with the benefit of time we'll see how this was a strategic move.

It sure doesn't help this small business owner right now, though.

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So if I have health insurance, and don't need/want Obamacare, do I have to pay a penalty? If so, is is a one time penalty, or is it yearly?

This is crap!

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Your video is encouraging but the problem is that our government doesn't live in reality.

As of now our best hope is with voting in Romney, and since you feel there is no difference between the dictator and the business man, you really shouldn't care.

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An interesting take on Roberts decision: http://www.ijreview.com/2012/06/9398-why-chief-justice-roberts-made-the-right-long-term-decision-with-obamacare/

Basically saying that Roberts nixed any future mandates based on the commerce clause, and forced all future mandates to be funded by tax increases. That would make them a much harder sell if a new tax is involved. Unfortunately, either way, we are stuck with this stupid law. Hopefully, repeal is in the future, however, I am not holding my breath.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I don't know about the Dems trickery by "deeming it passed" in the House. There may be something to it.

Wasn't there a furor (maybe still, is and should be) about the Hughes Amendment not being voted on?

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For what it's worth, just got this from Romney in an email...


Today, the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare. But regardless of what the Court said about the constitutionality of the law, Obamacare is bad medicine, it is bad policy, and when I'm President, the bad news of Obamacare will be over.

It was always a liberal pipedream that a 2,700 page, multi-trillion-dollar Federal Government takeover of our health care system actually could address the very serious problems we face with health care. With Obamacare fully installed, government will reach fully half of the economy - that is the recipe for a struggling economy and declining prosperity.

On Day One, I will work to repeal Obamacare to stop the government's takeover of our health care and intrusion in our lives. I will push for real reform to our health care system that focuses on helping patients and protecting taxpayers.

We cannot afford Barack Obama's on-the-job learning, Big Government proposals, and irresponsible spending. Our basic liberties are at stake - and I will fight to restore our freedoms, renew the respect for our Constitution, and halt the government takeover of health care.

This November it's all on the line. The stakes couldn't be higher.

Donate $10 or more to put a stop to the policies of Barack Obama and the liberal Democrats.


Mitt Romney

Yeah,ok. I hope you don't believe that.

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Just received from Ron Ramsey (I was hoping he was going to say that TN was going to fight it):






Dear Friend,

As you likely have heard by now, today the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare's individual mandate calling it what the Obama administration had always asserted it was not: a large new tax. In a shocking move, Chief Justice Roberts sided with the left - betraying the high hopes so many conservatives had for him.

It is intensely disappointing that this court failed to recognize what constitutionalists and conservatives know deep in their hearts: A federal government which can coerce its people to buy a product is a government unrestrained and out of control. Democrat Governor Phil Bredesen called Obamacare the 'mother of all unfunded mandates' and stated it will cost Tennesseans 1.1 billion dollars in the next few years.

However, the fight does not end here. The court may have made its decision today but the people have yet to speak. When they do, Mitt Romney will be elected president and I will do all I can to aid him as he fulfills his solemn promise to repeal this insidious law.

I hope you will join me this election season and work hard to elect true conservatives committed to preserving our liberty. This is not an end. This is a beginning. The final battle for our liberty has just begun.



Ronald L. Ramsey

Lieutenant Governor

Speaker of the Senate

1 Legislative Plaza

Nashville, TN 37243

(615) 741-4524

Ron Ramsey could not decipher what the Constitution intended with three lawyers and a thesaurus, (nor does he care). He is supportive of an Elitist group which will choose our Supreme Court and upper division Judges, denying the specific instructions of our State Constitution to allow that as a responsibility of the People.

Now, if we could somehow match the funds for campaigns that Fed Ex supplies, maybe he could/would hear our cries...

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