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After illegal alien drunken driver kills son, mother billed for cleanup of street

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Not sure why she was billed. Not unless he was under 18 and she was still held responsible for him.

I think maybe they billed her because it's obvious they aren't going to get him to pay it. (her son)

I know that sounds bad, but I'd tell them it's not my problem. I wasn't in any accident. Bill it to the other guy

since he is still alive and was in the accident.

Honestly, this does not surprise me at all since it involves money.

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Not sure why she was billed. Not unless he was under 18 and she was still held responsible for him.

I think maybe they billed her because it's obvious they aren't going to get him to pay it. (her son)

I know that sounds bad, but I'd tell them it's not my problem. I wasn't in any accident. Bill it to the other guy

since he is still alive and was in the accident.

Honestly, this does not surprise me at all since it involves money.

The bill's came in the name of her deceased son ... I would have told the city to shove it and make the illegal pay.

"First of all, having to open the mail and look at the charge to the deceased, Justin Darryl Walker -- the deceased! It's just a hard thing to deal with in the context of your child," she said.

Edited by xRUSTYx
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That’s terrible that she had to deal with that.

I’m guessing there is some bad information in that story. If the car had to be held as evidence “in case there is a trialâ€, it would impounded as evidence and they wouldn’t make her pay. I’m also guessing that the $50 “clean up†fee was tacked on to the tow bill by the towing company to sweep and pick up the glass and debris from her sons car.

Of course I could be wrong. I guess it’s possible that the law there allows for the Police to hold a vehicle for evidence for months and then bill the owner. I also guess its possible the city billed her for cleaning the street. But I doubt it.

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To my understanding, all the state/ city can do is bill the estate of the deceased(unless underaged.) Car insurance should cover these costs as well. When my duaghter totaled my wife's PT Cruiser a few months ago, the tow and clean-up bill was $275. I think $75 of that was for clean-up. We can ask the LEOs on here but I think that the wrecker crew is required by law to make the street safe and passible before they leave.

Edited by jtmaze
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