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US Army Training In St. Louis City Streets


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Take off the tin foil hat. It's Army Reservists doing their annual AT. It's not like their practicing kicking in doors taking away your 10/22, Natty Light, and torching the King James while shooting the family cat.

I'd be VERY surprised if there was armed trucks rolling about. That's not how it works.

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Take off the tin foil hat. It's Army Reservists doing their annual AT. It's not like their practicing kicking in doors taking away your 10/22, Natty Light, and torching the King James while shooting the family cat.

I'd be VERY surprised if there was armed trucks rolling about. That's not how it works.

Tin foil hat?

I don't think you know me well enough to make such a judgment.

I did not take any sides on the article. I merely wondered what it was all about as I am not former or present military.

But by all means, continue on with your ignorant assumptions. :shake:

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Guest 6.8 AR

Maybe they are there to clean up some of the gang activity.

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That's not any of their business, at least it wasn't. Things may have changed with some of the authorizations

of late. And it could just be what scoutfsu said it was.

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Guest ThePunisher

Never have heard of such training in civilian neighborhoods before; maybe some others have recollection of this happening before. Anyway it is alarming with all the speculation of what the commie might be planning on doing to distract from the election or no election in November. Been reports of a lot of FEMA camps being built around the country.

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Tin foil hat?

It wasn't specifically directed at you but if the shoe fits.......a better option would be to scroll down to post #8. Then you'll see what I was preemptively talking about.

If you were looking for information on why the Reserves are training in St. Louis, you could've worded it better. The Reserves are soft skill MOS's. About the hardest people they have are the CA and MISO (formerly PsyOps). During the summer, they actively go into the surrounding communities to perform their yearly 2 wk AT. I know this b/c I flew in tonight from CA after my AT time. The Reserves is filled with people who only associate with the Army 2 days a month....hardly the populace assaulting, gun stealing, Constitution burning shock troops the idiot crack pots fear (Coincidentally enough, those same crackpots are almost certain never to have served their country in any military branch :down: ).

I would be VERY, VERY surprised if those guys had any sort of weapons on them. That's not how it works. In the Reserves, you draw your weapons for ranges (typically 1-2 times a year) or specific training events. Not 2wk AT's. Probably not a universal rule, but solid enough.

Primarily made up of students (hence why AT is almost always done during the summer) and other working professionals, they're normal citizens who desire to serve their country within their work/school schedules or wanted to keep their feet wet after leaving active duty (like me). People like to create drama in their own little make believe worlds and read WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY into normal things.

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Personally, it doesn't concern me in the least. The TN national guard sets up across the street from me on a regularly basis. They show force on Friday afternoon and Saturday. Come Sunday night, you can't spot a Humvee or tank. I' glad they are training.

Excuse my youth, but i think the gun owners of this fine state are an asset to our defense--not a liability. Train where you must--however--it's not the military's job to actively patrol the streets of the USA

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It wasn't specifically directed at you but if the shoe fits.......a better option would be to scroll down to post #8. Then you'll see what I was preemptively talking about.

If you were looking for information on why the Reserves are training in St. Louis, you could've worded it better. The Reserves are soft skill MOS's. About the hardest people they have are the CA and MISO (formerly PsyOps). During the summer, they actively go into the surrounding communities to perform their yearly 2 wk AT. I know this b/c I flew in tonight from CA after my AT time. The Reserves is filled with people who only associate with the Army 2 days a month....hardly the populace assaulting, gun stealing, Constitution burning shock troops the idiot crack pots fear (Coincidentally enough, those same crackpots are almost certain never to have served their country in any military branch :down: ).

I would be VERY, VERY surprised if those guys had any sort of weapons on them. That's not how it works. In the Reserves, you draw your weapons for ranges (typically 1-2 times a year) or specific training events. Not 2wk AT's. Probably not a universal rule, but solid enough.

Primarily made up of students (hence why AT is almost always done during the summer) and other working professionals, they're normal citizens who desire to serve their country within their work/school schedules or wanted to keep their feet wet after leaving active duty (like me). People like to create drama in their own little make believe worlds and read WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY into normal things.

Thanks! This was all I wanted to know without all the attacks or remarks of the typical tin-foil-hat-bot responses some folks on here like to post anytime they assume it is a right-wing conspiracy post. :usa:

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Guest ThePunisher


it's not the military's job to actively patrol the streets of the USA

+1 I've never seen it in my lifetime, and when it starts to happen, it is time to be alarmed. You don't have to wear a tin foil hat to know that.

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If anything came across as a direct attack, I apologize. It is simply frustration at the lack of common sense and some of the typical and predictable responses withing a certain subset of our culture. Some people want to see conspiracies behind every door.

A vast majority of the military are people just like you and me. They are responsible, gun owning people who love their country (which is why they volunteered to serve it). They do not blindly follow illegal orders. We are not thugs practicing to subvert the Constitution, which we swore to uphold, and we are not setting up concentration FEMA camps throughout the US. We are Americans first and foremost.

I am, as an American and a Soldier, offended every time I read such blatant nonsense.

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I wouldn't read too much into it at this point.

Those neighborhoods are ideal places for urban combat training. They resemble many urban ghetto's through out the world our Army may face.

Then again, history shows the military has done stupid things in the past, such as; In the 1950's, spraying hazardous chemicals by airplane over St. Louis, MO. to simulate the effects of nuclear fall out.

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If anything came across as a direct attack, I apologize. It is simply frustration at the lack of common sense and some of the typical and predictable responses withing a certain subset of our culture. Some people want to see conspiracies behind every door.

A vast majority of the military are people just like you and me. They are responsible, gun owning people who love their country (which is why they volunteered to serve it). They do not blindly follow illegal orders. We are not thugs practicing to subvert the Constitution, which we swore to uphold, and we are not setting up concentration FEMA camps throughout the US. We are Americans first and foremost.

I am, as an American and a Soldier, offended every time I read such blatant nonsense.

It's cool. I'm glad to get some factual clarity on it from inside. And thanks for your service. :usa:

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Guest TNLC9

St. Louis has streets that are blocked off at one end by iron gates, barricades in the roads to slow traffic, and speed bumps in resisential areas. Parts of this city resemble a war zone. It is an excellent place to train, besides, at night the crips and bloods come out and add realism to the situation with random gunfire.

Having been shot and nearly killed in a robbery attempt years ago may have tainted my opinion of St. Louis ... but IMHO, the best tourist attraction is seeing the Arch - in your rear view mirror.

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It wasn't specifically directed at you but if the shoe fits.......a better option would be to scroll down to post #8. Then you'll see what I was preemptively talking about.

If you were looking for information on why the Reserves are training in St. Louis, you could've worded it better. The Reserves are soft skill MOS's. About the hardest people they have are the CA and MISO (formerly PsyOps). During the summer, they actively go into the surrounding communities to perform their yearly 2 wk AT. I know this b/c I flew in tonight from CA after my AT time. The Reserves is filled with people who only associate with the Army 2 days a month....hardly the populace assaulting, gun stealing, Constitution burning shock troops the idiot crack pots fear (Coincidentally enough, those same crackpots are almost certain never to have served their country in any military branch :down: ).

I would be VERY, VERY surprised if those guys had any sort of weapons on them. That's not how it works. In the Reserves, you draw your weapons for ranges (typically 1-2 times a year) or specific training events. Not 2wk AT's. Probably not a universal rule, but solid enough.

Primarily made up of students (hence why AT is almost always done during the summer) and other working professionals, they're normal citizens who desire to serve their country within their work/school schedules or wanted to keep their feet wet after leaving active duty (like me). People like to create drama in their own little make believe worlds and read WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY into normal things.

Not a bad post, except for saying that the Reserves are made up of mostly soft MOS's. In Tennessee, that is not the case. The 278th is an Armored Calvary Reg (NG), based over most of the state and comprised of several thousand members. The 844th Engr BN (CBT)(HV) (AR) is based in East Tennessee and is about 800 strong. There is also the 181st artillery battalion (NG)e early . All these units have seen active service in Iraq and in the case of the 278th and the 844th, multiple tours starting with Desert Storm. And all these units are combat arms units.

I was a member of one of those units and while you are correct that we only drew our weapons for range time, we also drew them for our AT's. And our range times were usually local as well, and not held at Ft. Campbell or Tullahoma.

As for the article. I don't think its anything to get all worked up about. And there have been many cases where the active duty military has been called in to restore order during national emergencies. The 82nd was called into New Orleans after Katrina. The 7th Infantry Division was ordered into LA after the Rodney King beating started riots there. And in Washington DC back in 1932, during what was called the "Bonus War", the Army was used to move some 20,000 veterans and their families, who were protesting the Governments refusal to pay bonuses the veterans had been promised. The troops were under the command of Douglas McArthur and included tanks and calvary, led by none other than George Patton. You can read about it here. http://www.historyne...-washington.htm

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The government has radio and TV ads about being prepared. This forum has a whole section dedicated to that. The military will absolutely be involved in the job of law enforcement, medical help, clearing debris and reconstruction. I see no reason why they would not have drills in the area they would be.

My first though was “Are residential side streets made to handle tank traffic?†biggrin.gif

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Not a bad post, except for saying that the Reserves are made up of mostly soft MOS's. In Tennessee, that is not the case. The 278th is an Armored Calvary Reg (NG), based over most of the state and comprised of several thousand members. The 844th Engr BN (CBT)(HV) (AR) is based in East Tennessee and is about 800 strong. There is also the 181st artillery battalion (NG)e early . All these units have seen active service in Iraq and in the case of the 278th and the 844th, multiple tours starting with Desert Storm. And all these units are combat arms units.

I was a member of one of those units and while you are correct that we only drew our weapons for range time, we also drew them for our AT's. And our range times were usually local as well, and not held at Ft. Campbell or Tullahoma.


I don't consider the National Guard part of the Army Reserves. NG definitely has combat arms units. The Reserves no longer does. The ENG guys are as close as you're going to get to combat arms, then MISO, and pulling up the rear, CA.

Did you draw weapons as a regular part of AT (the whole 2wks) or did you draw them for specific tasks? I know I was overly broad with my post....there's always an exception to the norm. I don't and can't speak for the entire Army....just my experiences. And with the Reserves, that's been limited to the past year that I came off of AD.

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The military is presently under the civilian command of some pretty pukey people. I cant think of anyone worse than Leon Panetta; let alone this socialist handlers and buddies in the whitehouse. That civilian authority may, indeed, be thinking some pretty heinous thoughts. I do not believe, however, that those heinous thoughts can be turned to treasonous actions blindly perpetrated by the United States Military. Abraham Lincon wuz the last guy to think (...and act...) on the thought of domestic military action against his own brothers and sisters; and he wuz provoked pretty bad by the happenings at Fort Sumpter.

I say, let em practice. It is awakening more and more citizens.

Remember, there is an election this year. Vote early and often. The opposition will.


PS-- Found this interesting read RE: possee comitatus. Note where its from.

Link here:http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/publication/227/war_on_terrorism_will_compel_revisions_to_posse_comitatus.html

Somethin to think about.

Edited by leroy
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