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Jeff Knox summarizes stunning story of Fast & Furious hypocrisy


This whole situation absolutely disgusts me to no end!

The more stiff like this I read the more convinced I am that we've lost and the idiots, socialists, and dregs of the country have won.

I guess I should not install any solar power cells at my house or drill a well when you combine that with the fact I own firearms and am former military I would obviously be branded as a terrorist and I will simply be arrested because of what they are sure I must be planning to do.

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But...I thought solar made you a good person? hum.gif WHEN will they make up there minds??? I just want to be a good person and have liberals love me! Waaaaaaaahhhh! cryin.gif

Well, I think the solar panels are okay IF you also own an electric/hybrid car (or better yet, no car at all and you either walk, use public transit or ride a bicycle for all your transportation needs).

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I wish in blatant cases like this the investigators could be charged criminally or at a minimum in civil court.

How about if an officer accuses you of something and you are proven by a jury to be innocent the officer should be held responsible in civil court for out of pocket court costs. And in egregious cases, like this one, the officer should be help responsible criminally. If an officer knows they stand a chance of loosing some of their hard earned money they will make damn sure they have the evidence to support the arrest.

There are officers that arrest people on a suspicion and without proof. In the years I was in LE I heard all the time "I don't care if they are innocent or guilty that is for the courts to decide". And while that is true there were officers would arrest people knowing full well the person wouldn't be convicted in hopes the arrestee would plea out to avoid jail time.

I am not saying all officers do it but there are some that do. And those in LE know the officer type I am talking about. The one who makes constant arrests as you have a hard time finding anything close to the numbers they are.

I guess I am at the top of the list, ex military, ex LE, I have a well, a pit bull and a "few" guns. Oh and we don't recycle and we drive an SUV.


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I guess I am almost as bad as you dolomite. I was excluded from military service(diabetic) have one child in ROTC, the other going for enlistment physical next week, am moving out of town to the country, own guns and a pit bull and work regularly with SPCA to save pit bulls all over the area. We are doomed. And had 6 police officers in my yard a couple of months ago for shooting a 750 fps air rifle in the back yard. Oh no he has a gun.


Sent from my iPhone

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And had 6 police officers in my yard a couple of months ago for shooting a 750 fps air rifle in the back yard. Oh no he has a gun.

Remember cap pistols? Ahhhh...the good ol' non-sissified days when men were men and boys actually grew up to become men. Nowadays, it's a three-way coin toss. And the Pansy-In-Chief is not providing a good role model for anyone. I hope we don't get invaded by Martians while o-bozo is in there, they'll really think we are a stupid society and probably decide to put us out of our misery.

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Guest ThePunisher

Remember cap pistols? Ahhhh...the good ol' non-sissified days when men were men and boys actually grew up to become men. Nowadays, it's a three-way coin toss. And the Pansy-In-Chief is not providing a good role model for anyone. I hope we don't get invaded by Martians while o-bozo is in there, they'll really think we are a stupid society and probably decide to put us out of our misery.

I believe the Martians landed a few years ago, and realized that our society was so stupid that we were going to destroy ourselves, so they left to try to find a smarter society they could communicate with.

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Remember cap pistols? Ahhhh...the good ol' non-sissified days when men were men and boys actually grew up to become men.

Yes I do...I had a couple pairs of "six shooters" as well as other variations (even a "ray gun)...it was fun just to set off the caps themselves either with a hammer or outside in the sun with a magnifying glass.

Can you even buy a cap gun and caps anymore (outside of an antique toy shop)?

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U.S. Attorney Ken Gonzales indicated that he is going to seek asset forfeiture of the Reese’s home and 25-acre property (including the shooting range on the property that he leased to various law enforcement agencies), all of the cash and valuables seized, their vehicles and a monetary judgment of at least $36,000 of whatever assets might be left.

He needs a conviction on something to be able to steal all their property.

In a prepared statement to the press, U.S. Attorney Gonzales stated, “This case serves to put firearms dealers on notice that they will be held accountable for any failure to comply with federal firearms laws.â€

It’s too bad that this all stated over a tip phoned in by Terri Reese.

I guess we will have to wait until the trial to find out what “Failure to comply with Federal Firearm laws" took place.

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Guest 6.8 AR

No, he doesn't, Dave. All he needs to use the

forfeiture law is go before a judge. The defendant

has to fight to get back his property. It's total

crap the way those laws work. You're guilty

until proven innocent and are left without assets

to use to properly defend yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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May I pull just one word out of my hat?


tyr·an·ny [tírrÉ™nee] (plural tyr·an·nies) noun

1. cruel use of power: cruelty and injustice in the exercising of power or authority over others

2. POLITICS oppressive government: oppressive government by one or more people who exercise absolute power cruelly and unjustly

3. POLITICS state ruled by tyrant: a country or state under the power of an oppressive ruler

4. cruel act: an act of cruelty committed by somebody with great power

[14th century. Via French, from, ultimately, Greek turannos, (see TYRANT).]

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Based on the article any half-witted defense attorney could raise reasonable doubt with a jury on very little effort. I'm thinking there might be a chance there is more to this case than what the article says, considering the source.

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