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Finally got to meet Dolomite

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Cool. One of these days I will get off my duff and meet more of the folks on here. Or maybe thats a bad idea, as I have only meet two folks so far and after meeting me one of them moved 600 plus miles away.... Maybe I should shower more often. LOL

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Guest nysos

I've only met OhShoot, and I got scared. He kept trying to bribe me with candy to get in his truck.

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Guest bkelm18

Only the truck? At least it wasn't the van...

I'm pretty sure he offered to let me sleep in the van with him at the Survival Meetup/Campout this past December. :ugh:

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Behind every great man is a better woman. :D

And behind every good woman is a man... staring at her butt!

I look forward to meeting both Mr. & Mrs. Dolomite (as well as several other TGO'ers!) in a week and a half at our primitive skills get together. (Gettin' so close I can almost taste it!) :lol:

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Never claimed to be a spelling bee champion. Put a gun in my hand and I can hold my own though.


That's KO Dolomite, I misspelled hammer in the 8th grade Spelling Bee, Principal gave me 3 licks, said as much as I had used one. I should be able to spell it, (he knew I had been working with my Father in the concrete business since I could walk basically). I told him rather indignantly that I had never heard it pronounced ham-mer, round these here parts they called it ham-er. Upon reflection he reckoned I was right about local dialect having an effect, and said my next infraction was free, I had received my beating for it...

Edited by Worriedman
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