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i am not a dealer!

Guest agt.dealer

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Guest bkelm18

Some one needs to shut this down it's going no where lock it up .

I'm quite sure the mods and David are quite capable of moderating this thread by themselves and don't need someone to tell them to "lock it up". :P

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Dude it's never wise to go on a forum and accuse a respected member of anything. We all know better. It'd be best to apologize and move on.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2

I'll second that and add there's folks here I don't even need to read the accusations to know they're bogus. Dolomite's one of them.

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Guest agt.dealer

Dolo even posted the thread but I guess noone read it!the point was I am not a dealer!its been mixed up before,Dolo has come at me the wrong way a few times and I thought he had a problem and In p.ms he said he didn't and I was happy with that!but now someone has to prove a point,and a gang of groupies just can't stop!I could talk out of my ass on every thread as well and gain the respect of a bunch of idiots I guess,but I feel a lot different about this forum after this....I'm a northerner as well so poke at that too.sorry I have a life and don't wanna waste my time with finding the screwed up comments,sorry my past and issues got every half wit in a bunch!

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Guest agt.dealer

Dude, what kind of drugs do they have you on over there at the super double secret agent place? Oh and your mom said you can come upstairs now, dinner is ready.

wow?did your boyfriend come up with that or you?
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...but now someone has to prove a point,and a gang of groupies just can't stop!I could talk out of my ass on every thread as well and gain the respect of a bunch of idiots I guess,but I feel a lot different about this forum after this....I'm a northerner as well so poke at that too.sorry I have a life and don't wanna waste my time with finding the screwed up comments,sorry my past and issues got every half wit in a bunch!

Wow, I see your point. All is forgiven now that you're making nice.

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Dolo even posted the thread but I guess noone read it!the point was I am not a dealer!its been mixed up before,Dolo has come at me the wrong way a few times and I thought he had a problem and In p.ms he said he didn't and I was happy with that!but now someone has to prove a point,and a gang of groupies just can't stop!I could talk out of my ass on every thread as well and gain the respect of a bunch of idiots I guess,but I feel a lot different about this forum after this....I'm a northerner as well so poke at that too.sorry I have a life and don't wanna waste my time with finding the screwed up comments,sorry my past and issues got every half wit in a bunch!

I'll be a half wit. I'm not here defending anyone; Dolomite is a big boy I'm sure and can defend himself. I just have a pet peeve which happens to be folks that go out of their way to say they can't say something because it's classified/confidential/secret/TS. I rank that up there with folks that claim combat exploits that aren't true or are a gross exaggeration. It gets under my skin and so I can't help but throw up the BS flag.

Beyond that I'm just amused by your first and second post on the thread lobbing accusations then saying you don't have time to back it up. It makes the answer here pretty evident. If you weren't prepared to back up your claim you shouldn't have posted the thread in the first place. What did you think was going to happen?

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Dolo even posted the thread but I guess noone read it!the point was I am not a dealer!its been mixed up before,Dolo has come at me the wrong way a few times and I thought he had a problem and In p.ms he said he didn't and I was happy with that!but now someone has to prove a point,and a gang of groupies just can't stop!I could talk out of my ass on every thread as well and gain the respect of a bunch of idiots I guess,but I feel a lot different about this forum after this....I'm a northerner as well so poke at that too.sorry I have a life and don't wanna waste my time with finding the screwed up comments,sorry my past and issues got every half wit in a bunch!

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