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i am not a dealer!

Guest agt.dealer

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Guest adamoxtwo

And I'd be willing to bet that fellow TGO'er ''WD-40'' isn't really a lubricant, either - although he may very well know some 'oily' people... :-\

I might challenge that one :stir:

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Wow!lol...sorry I just don't have the time to point them out but the last one I saw a few days ago on the ask. Gas block thread and I said think about a piston set up and I said I get get them cheap for one or 20 lol,a few days later you posted I'm just trying to help you not be a dealer and sell you something.....the AK 922r be over a thread a guy asked about buying one you jumped on me cause I said the owner of t.g.I said I could a different fcg....

With all due respect, I was raised that if you've got time to do something, you've got time to un-do it. Put another way, if you've got time to start it, you'd better darned well have time to finish it. Otherwise, it devolves into exactly what this thread has devolved into: "You said something bad about me and you suck!" "I didn't neither - you take that back!" "Nuh-uh, I don't gotta'!" "Okay, so what did I say?" "Doesn't matter - I don't have time to remember it all, but someone somewhere said it and you still suck!"

Come and get me, Lord, but please don't punish me for being dumb enough to click on this thread. SHEESH! :surrender:

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Guest pfries

For the most part, if they aren't supposed to talk about it they don't even make reference to it.

Unless it’s Roswell related


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My screen name comes from my blackwater past!I can't go into details cause its somewhat classified,I do sell a lot of spikes items cause I know the guy that makes most parts they sell.if I ever put in my 2 cents on other threads and offer parts to help its not to make money!people talk out of their rears thinking I'm a dealer but I'm just smarter then paying retail,I've sold about 10 spikes uppers and made $30 witch didn't even cover has cost for running around.I do this cause I pray I'm not the only one here that thinks with their heart and not my pocket! All and all I just don't think I would want anyone to pay retail!most of us work way to hard for the money to pay retail,if I ever recommend a part or gun its how I fell about it not what I'm trying to sell.but if I have a line on what someone's wanting or thinkn about I will offer it at a whole sale price!or my price! Sorry for the rant but I've always just tried to help out not make money,but I feel as others are trying to bash me and call me a dealer and I'm just out to make something!

"agt. dealer"...is that short for "AGRACULTUR DEALER...You deal in tomatoe plants for Haji? Spikes...you mean "Maggots" for fishing or Tomato fertilizer? If this is "somewhat classified"...you're already a security risk as you've mentioend it!

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Wow!lol...sorry I just don't have the time to point them out but the last one I saw a few days ago on the ask. Gas block thread and I said think about a piston set up and I said I get get them cheap for one or 20 lol,a few days later you posted I'm just trying to help you not be a dealer and sell you something.....the AK 922r be over a thread a guy asked about buying one you jumped on me cause I said the owner of t.g.I said I could a different fcg....


If you feel wronged, by all means make your case but try to have some structure and cohesion to what you write. Call me a grammar nazi if you like, but if you're going to postulate an argument at least make it easier to understand what you're talking about. The above paragraph sounds like an excerpt from a typical facebook page or twitter reply.

Edited by Caster
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verb |ˈpäs ch əˌlÄt| [ trans. ]

1 suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief : his theory postulated a rotatory movement for hurricanes | [with clause ] he postulated that the environmentalists might have a case.

2 (in ecclesiastical law) nominate or elect (someone) to an ecclesiastical office subject to the sanction of a higher authority.

noun |ˈpäs ch ələt| formal

a thing suggested or assumed as true as the basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief : perhaps the postulate of Babylonian influence on Greek astronomy is incorrect.

• Mathematics an assumption used as a basis for mathematical reasoning.

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I remember the thread.

You said your "dealer" told you not to worry about 922r compliance.

And I responded that I would not use a dealer who made those recommendations to a customer.

Of course that is the short story.

Wow!lol...sorry I just don't have the time to point them out but the last one I saw a few days ago on the ask. Gas block thread and I said think about a piston set up and I said I get get them cheap for one or 20 lol,a few days later you posted I'm just trying to help you not be a dealer and sell you something.....the AK 922r be over a thread a guy asked about buying one you jumped on me cause I said the owner of t.g.I said I could a different fcg....

No, you said the dealer told you not to worry about 922r. And to that I said a dealer telling a customer not to worry about federal law is a dealer I would not use. I am paraphrasing but that was the short of it. I have looked and cannot find the thread now but if you can please post it up for all to see.

I stood by my words then and still will.

And here is the gas block thread you referenced, please quote me where I bashed you.


Please, everyone read this thread and find where I said something hurtful to him.

Please agt.dealer, I beg you, find somewhere where I bashed you.


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Guest agt.dealer

Sorry for the miss spells my phone has a mind of its own! I just don't want anyone to think I'm some sleazy dealer trying to sell.and buy things!it looked like someone was trying to make me look that way,I just thought it was rude! I would go and find all the post but what good would it do? I'm not into pissing contest!over the past year I have caught flak from someone in most post I comment on.the last one was below the belt and untrue!I just don't want others that haven't met to judge me that way!I'm a A$$h**e not a crook!LOL

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AGT? Is that you, Timothy Michael Poe?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch using Tapatalk 2

It was a secret mission so it can't be proven it didn't happen. I heard he was presented his Purple Heart in the basement of the Pentagon.

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Guest agt.dealer

Could be just me but the last post seems kinda left field to anyone but me.....and the AK deal I said the owner of tgi and legal team said it WAS INDEED LEGAL.but I'm already over it!I've already wasted way to much time over this.but again!I WAS WORRIED PEOPLE MAY THINK I'M A SLEAZY DEALER!and my name dosnt help cause tgo David has even ask me!lol

I remember the thread.

You said your "dealer" told you not to worry about 922r compliance.

And I responded that I would not use a dealer who made those recommendations to a customer.

Of course that is the short story.

No, you said the dealer told you not to worry about 922r. And to that I said a dealer telling a customer not to worry about federal law is a dealer I would not use. I am paraphrasing but that was the short of it. I have looked and cannot find the thread now but if you can please post it up for all to see.

I stood by my words then and still will.

And here is the gas block thread you referenced, please quote me where I bashed you.


Please, everyone read this thread and find where I said something hurtful to him.

Please agt.dealer, I beg you, find somewhere where I bashed you.


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Guest adamoxtwo

Now I'm pissed you mean to tell me the doctor is suppose to use Vaseline and a Glove?! That's is I'm never going to Mexico for a checkup ever again! Next you are going to tell me that Tequila isn't a form of antibiotic...

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