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i am not a dealer!

Guest agt.dealer

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Guest adamoxtwo

Could be just me but the last post seems kinda left field to anyone but me.....and the AK deal I said the owner of tgi and legal team said it WAS INDEED LEGAL.but I'm already over it!I've already wasted way to much time over this.but again!I WAS WORRIED PEOPLE MAY THINK I'M A SLEAZY DEALER!and my name dosnt help cause tgo David has even ask me!lol

Dude I'm never going to your shop for anything.

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And I'd be willing to bet that fellow TGO'er ''WD-40'' isn't really a lubricant, either - although he may very well know some 'oily' people... :-\

And I think I can prove it. He tried to set himself on fire, and only scorched himself a little. He didn't burst into flames.

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Okay….. Now that we have all that straightened out… For those of us not familiar with the world of black Ops, what is agt?

All Google tells me is that either you were on Americas Got Talent, or you are a dealer for Electric Cars in Canada.

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Now I'm pissed you mean to tell me the doctor is suppose to use Vaseline and a Glove?! That's is I'm never going to Mexico for a checkup ever again! Next you are going to tell me that Tequila isn't a form of antibiotic...

You shouldn't feel both hands on your shoulder during that check.

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Okay….. Now that we have all that straightened out… For those of us not familiar with the world of black Ops, what is agt?

All Google tells me is that either you were on Americas Got Talent, or you are a dealer for Electric Cars in Canada.

I would tell you but it's classified. If I tell you I'm on double secret probation.

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Okay….. Now that we have all that straightened out… For those of us not familiar with the world of black Ops, what is agt?

All Google tells me is that either you were on Americas Got Talent, or you are a dealer for Electric Cars in Canada.

Google is Black Water's bitch.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch using Tapatalk 2

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Guest agt.dealer

This is just getting too funny!if I broke the name down IDE be legally obligated to kill everyone that reads it...and all and all I like you all!rofl!!

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I will tell you guys what.

If anyone can find where I personally bashed agt.dealer I will send them a couple of free trigger kits.


I found several, but top secrecy prevents me from revealing their locations.

PM inbound with my address.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch using Tapatalk 2

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This is just getting too funny!if I broke the name down IDE be legally obligated to kill everyone that reads it...and all and all I like you all!rofl!!

Aw, c'mon, tell us! (If you kill like you type, we won't have much to worry about.)

Seriously, if you can't use it, why use it? That's like carrying a canteen of water that you can't drink - not much good for anything except slinging around and saying, "Hey, look at this useless thing I've got"

Dang man, don't mean to tell you how to live your life or anything, but I think right now might be a real good time to slink back into obscurity...

(Please don't kill me, I know a secret too, and if I'm gone then no one will ever know what I'm not supposed to tell them!)

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Guest agt.dealer


Aw, c'mon, tell us! (If you kill like you type, we won't have much to worry about.)

Seriously, if you can't use it, why use it? That's like carrying a canteen of water that you can't drink - not much good for anything except slinging around and saying, "Hey, look at this useless thing I've got"

Dang man, don't mean to tell you how to live your life or anything, but I think right now might be a real good time to slink back into obscurity...

(Please don't kill me, I know a secret too, and if I'm gone then no one will ever know what I'm not supposed to tell them!)

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Guest agt.dealer

Sorry my "smart"phone is retarded with the spell check!I think I pointed it out as well.....

Edited by agt.dealer
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Sorry my "smart"phone is retarded with the spell check!I think I pointed it out as well.....

Are you saying your smart phone hasn't obtained the necessary level of top secret clearance needed to reveal the proper spelling of such words as cat, dog, and the?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch using Tapatalk 2

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Okay, enough with the postulating. I am changing the word. The new word is "diphthong".

1: a gliding monosyllabic speech sound (as the vowel combination at the end of toy) that starts at or near the articulatory position for one vowel and moves to or toward the position of another

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