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i am not a dealer!

Guest agt.dealer

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Guest agt.dealer

My screen name comes from my blackwater past!I can't go into details cause its somewhat classified,I do sell a lot of spikes items cause I know the guy that makes most parts they sell.if I ever put in my 2 cents on other threads and offer parts to help its not to make money!people talk out of their rears thinking I'm a dealer but I'm just smarter then paying retail,I've sold about 10 spikes uppers and made $30 witch didn't even cover has cost for running around.I do this cause I pray I'm not the only one here that thinks with their heart and not my pocket! All and all I just don't think I would want anyone to pay retail!most of us work way to hard for the money to pay retail,if I ever recommend a part or gun its how I fell about it not what I'm trying to sell.but if I have a line on what someone's wanting or thinkn about I will offer it at a whole sale price!or my price! Sorry for the rant but I've always just tried to help out not make money,but I feel as others are trying to bash me and call me a dealer and I'm just out to make something!

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Guest agt.dealer

If I put my squad down that puts me in a place and time.... Sorry but it is...we are not to talk about where and when ,missions we did for NATO are classified!!kinda a no brainer....that has nothing to do with that post,just want everyone to know the deal with me,instead of your other half bashing everything I post!

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Guest bkelm18

It's five o'clock somewhere, I reckon. However just using past experiences here, anti-Dolomite threads usually don't fair too well. :P

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that has nothing to do with that post,just want everyone to know the deal with me,instead of your other half bashing everything I post!

Ok, I reached out to talk to a fellow BW guy and you said you feel I have a problem with you and that I have bashed you in every post (your words not mine) in which I commented. There are exactly 9 threads where you and I are in the same thread.

And here they are:










Please point out where I have bashed you or even repsonded, quoted or even disagreed with you in any of these posts. I have read every single one and cannot find where I might have done anything to upset you.

I go out of my way to try to remain as neutral as I can when it comes to personal stuff. I also go out of my way to try to help each and every person on the board that has asked for my help. I even offer my help, as well as my number, regularly to those who do not ask but I think I might be able to help them.

If you feel I bashed you in some way then something I have done must have upset you and for whatever that was I appologize. But honestly I don't think I have or at least not intentionally bashed you. Sometimes thoughts, ideas and feelings are kind of hard to express without face to face communication.


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Ok, I reached out to talk to a fellow BW guy and you said you feel I have a problem with you and that I have bashed you in every post (your words not mine) in which I commented. There are exactly 9 threads where you and I are in the same thread.

And here they are:










Please point out where I have bashed you or even repsonded, quoted or even disagreed with you in any of these posts. I have read every single one and cannot find where I might have done anything to upset you.

I go out of my way to try to remain as neutral as I can when it comes to personal stuff. I also go out of my way to try to help each and every person on the board that has asked for my help. I even offer my help, as well as my number, regularly to those who do not ask but I think I might be able to help them.

If you feel I bashed you in some way then something I have done must have upset you and for whatever that was I appologize. But honestly I don't think I have or at least not intentionally bashed you. Sometimes thoughts, ideas and feelings are kind of hard to express without face to face communication.


Well said.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2

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  • Admin Team

This type of thread is generally discouraged; they never end well.

Three suggestions, in order:

1. If you've got a problem with someone, work it out via PM, email, phone or carrier pigeon. The key here is to do it privately. No one cares or wants to see all this drama played out in public.

2. Your name does contain the word "dealer". If you're also selling something on a regular basis, I can see how people get confused. Heck, I'm a little confused. You have the ability to change your screen name via your control panel.

3. If neither of the above work, report offensive posts and the moderating team will check it out.

Oh, and just as a matter of semantics, do non- disclosure statements still apply if the company is no longer in existence? I've signed plenty over the years and always figured they would be moot if the agency/organization were no longer a viable concern.

Edited by MacGyver
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I explained to my ex-wife once that when you die you get reincarnated, but must come back as a different creature.

She said she would like to come back as a cow.

I said, "You're obviously not listening."

(My apologies, but it seems that the previous bad joke is at least as relevant as this thread. :-\ )

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My screen name comes from my blackwater past!I can't go into details cause its somewhat classified,I do sell a lot of spikes items cause I know the guy that makes most parts they sell.if I ever put in my 2 cents on other threads and offer parts to help its not to make money!people talk out of their rears thinking I'm a dealer but I'm just smarter then paying retail,I've sold about 10 spikes uppers and made $30 witch didn't even cover has cost for running around.I do this cause I pray I'm not the only one here that thinks with their heart and not my pocket! All and all I just don't think I would want anyone to pay retail!most of us work way to hard for the money to pay retail,if I ever recommend a part or gun its how I fell about it not what I'm trying to sell.but if I have a line on what someone's wanting or thinkn about I will offer it at a whole sale price!or my price! Sorry for the rant but I've always just tried to help out not make money,but I feel as others are trying to bash me and call me a dealer and I'm just out to make something!

I am not a dealer either. I prefer "Gear Acquisition Specialist".

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Pointing out that something is "classified, I can't talk about it" sounds really cool I guess. Especially when the comment is unsolicited and just thrown out there.

Over the years I've known people who actually did things they "aren't supposed to talk about." I've also known people who like to make reference to the fact that they've done things they "aren't supposed to talk about." There is very little overlap between these two groups. For the most part, if they aren't supposed to talk about it they don't even make reference to it.

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Guest agt.dealer

Wow!lol...sorry I just don't have the time to point them out but the last one I saw a few days ago on the ask. Gas block thread and I said think about a piston set up and I said I get get them cheap for one or 20 lol,a few days later you posted I'm just trying to help you not be a dealer and sell you something.....the AK 922r be over a thread a guy asked about buying one you jumped on me cause I said the owner of t.g.I said I could a different fcg....

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Guest bkelm18

Why am I not surprised BW wasn't concerned about employing those who have the ability to use proper spelling and grammar?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch using Tapatalk 2

Shhh. It's G-14 classified.

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