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Introducing the, uh, um... Survival Tampon

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I have a couple cases of those real thick maxi pad things in my bug out camper. Multi purpose. Make great bandages and just about any woman without them would probably be glad to wash my dirty clothes in the river in exchange for a handful of them. Barter system you know.

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"Pads" have been used as a humorous substitute for bandages in movies for many years. Don't really remember when I first saw it; but seems like back in the 80's. And I do believe they've been mentioned in several survival and post-apocolypse books I've read as well. Mainly in fictional readings though, but I have seen references in some emergency first aid practices as well.

Edited by hipower
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I've carried these from Vietnam, to my THP kit, to all over South America in medical kits. They are a perfect fit for most gunshot wounds. I now keep them in my shooter's first aid kit in my gun cart that I use at all Cowboy matches. Tampon plugs the hole and pads, 4x4s or whatever covers it.

Cherokee Slim

Edited by Cherokee Slim
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