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Millions of People To Be Inconvenienced By Obama Visit To NYC

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PPD operations are massive, and they cause inconvenience no matter where they are, or what time the occur. This is nothing different than what happened under past Presidents. However, the fact that the uber-liberals in NYC are the ones being inconvenienced, kind of gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling.

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PPD operations are massive, and they cause inconvenience no matter where they are, or what time the occur. This is nothing different than what happened under past Presidents.

This is also true regardless of political orientation of said President.

Anyway I'd of said "Millions of people inconvenienced by NY officials due to poor planning of Obama visit."

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Stopping traffic and transportation in NYC makes me think of the time my sewer backed up. All that poo and no where for it to go. I wonder if it'll look and smell the same there? Oh wait...

There is a a strange similarity. I'm sure bloomburg has a solution.

Edited by tnhawk
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Not that he hasn't already inconvenienced out of their jobs, homes, retirement investments, etc.

Shut down the roads and the subways at rush hour - BRILLIANT!

Banana Republic One has just landed!


lets back up a sec........I lived in NYC and every time a Prez came to down the place was a mess

I remember when Reagan came and pretty much shut down half of manhattan

While Im not a fan of Obama,The Prez has always made it hard for locals when he showed up

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lets back up a sec........I lived in NYC and every time a Prez came to down the place was a mess

I remember when Reagan came and pretty much shut down half of manhattan

While Im not a fan of Obama,The Prez has always made it hard for locals when he showed up

Just commenting on the shutdown of roads and subways, during rush hour no less. How do they expect millions of people to get home from work? Walk a'la 9/11?

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Just commenting on the shutdown of roads and subways, during rush hour no less. How do they expect millions of people to get home from work? Walk a'la 9/11?

I don't get it. You're acting like all the roads and subways in NYC were shut down. If you actually read the article, you will see that only the PATH service to the WTC was to be shut down during his visit. People just took the subway to another PATH station, where the trains were rerouted. Roads along the motorcade route were closed, but that is no different from any other presidential visit to anywhere. Sure, many people were inconvenienced by this, but "millions" inconvenienced? Hardly.

This is all normal stuff for a presidential visit. You are probably the only person outside of the NYC area that is upset over this. :drama:

Edited by Reservoir Dog
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