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Drunken teen killed by own ricocheted gunshot in southern Texas

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Lots of things to criticize on safe handling of firearms in this story. As news, how does ..."Torres' family was living in the U.S. illegally" have anything to do with the fact that a teen was drunk and shooting a handgun? Fox news...

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Must be a fake news story or someone got the facts wrong. We all know a 380 can't even hurt you when shot directly, much less from a riccochet.

For once, I do not blame the alcohol here. I think that in this case, they could have done the same thing sober: it is a lack of understanding about what will and what will not be dangerous to shoot at and at what ranges. I highly doubt that the fellow would have known, if totally sober, that such a target is going to bounce the bullet back.

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Lots of things to criticize on safe handling of firearms in this story. As news, how does ..."Torres' family was living in the U.S. illegally" have anything to do with the fact that a teen was drunk and shooting a handgun? Fox news...

Maybe they were trying to make it sound less tragic. Worked for me.

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Lots of things to criticize on safe handling of firearms in this story. As news, how does ..."Torres' family was living in the U.S. illegally" have anything to do with the fact that a teen was drunk and shooting a handgun? Fox news...

Probably goes along the lines of...

The guy didn't care about illegally crossing the border of and entering a sovereign nation, so he has already established his disdain for law, and thus it should be no surprise that he would act stupidly in other decisions and aspects of life.

Something like that.

If that doesn't float your boat, then...what mikegideon said.

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Must be a fake news story or someone got the facts wrong. We all know a 380 can't even hurt you when shot directly, much less from a riccochet.

For once, I do not blame the alcohol here. I think that in this case, they could have done the same thing sober: it is a lack of understanding about what will and what will not be dangerous to shoot at and at what ranges. I highly doubt that the fellow would have known, if totally sober, that such a target is going to bounce the bullet back.

Absolutely right...we all know those "mouse guns" are worthless. :)

Whether alcohol had a significant impact on this or not I think the phrase "stupid is as stupid does" applies here.

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So, .380s use clips instead of magazines, huh?

I learn something new every day...

"When the teen's girlfriend refused to handle the gun, Torres pulled out the gun's clip and turned to a butane tank, the Monitor reported."

yup haven't you noticed magazines are only used by leo, military & law abiding citizens. clips kill people all the time. we probably need some legislation and a special counsel and a senate oversight committee to review the business practices of Universal, Acco, Sterling, & Jam corporations. you know.. like in the movies.. they're always using clips to escape the handcuffs. damned if I can find one when I need it though...

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I want to know why the dad was getting drunk with his minor kids. Sounds like the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

Well, that is another place where the fact that they are illegal aliens comes into play. After all, if someone doesn't mind breaking the law by being here in the first place then what makes anyone think they'd mind breaking any other laws, especially something as 'piddling' as those pertaining to underage drinking?

Edited by JAB
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I don't know about in Texas, but around here they are propane tanks, not butane. But whatever, if the bullet head pierced the tank it might have been a even worse outcome.


Yes but you forget it was only a .380. No one expected it would pierce the tank, never mind do a 180 and .... well you know the rest of the story. I just had to get a jab in at caliber as well. I don't care for .380 either.

Edited by vontar
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Im surprised that this happened, I know tons of people who have been hit by bullet fragments or the whole round itself from ricochet while shooting steel and the worst I have ever seen is a nice cut and thats with everything from handguns to 5.56. If you had told me this happened with anything from 9mm to 45acp I would be shocked much less a 380. I would love to have more info about this,see the target,the distance it was shot from,the type of ammo used, the angle he shot it at,all of that good stuff.

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Yes but you forget it was only a .380. No one expected it would pierce the tank, never mind do a 180 and .... well you know the rest of the story. I just had to get a jab in at caliber as well. I don't care for .380 either.

It was just a lucky shot. I'd be willing to bet he couldn't it again.

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