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Modified handicap logo :)


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Just cause the regular one was boring...





If anyone wants a higher quality version for printing just let me know and I can email them to you. Have the copyright, so feel free to use them for whatever(Just ask that if you do sell stuff with them, that you donate part of the $ to Wounded Warriors or DAV)

Edited by Sam1
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There's a guy who is disabled and has taken quite a few Magpul Dynamics classes and has kicked massive ass each time. I want to say he's a wounded Marine. Total badass. Totally revoked any excuse I could ever have for not taking training.

I can't... it's cold outside.

I can't... my feet hurt.

I can't... I have a headache.

I can't... I need to lose weight first.

Yep. All of those = total bull#### in the face of what this dude overcomes every time he gets out on the range and has the RO's lay his chair on it's side so he can practice shooting from a supine position right along with his classmates. Did I mention badass? Look the word up in the dictionary and you'll see this guy's photo, him laying on his side in the dirt, in his chair, busting caps, putting rounds on target down range.

He's the first thing I thought of when I saw the pictures. I bet he'd think this is cool as crap.

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So are you also disabled?


have almost 11 pounds of rods, plates and screws holding me together. I had so many broken bones that they didn't find one severe one until 2 months after my accident. This xray was taken in July, and my accident was back in May. The therapist kept telling me that the pain was normal when I said there was something wrong with my arm... Unfortunately I listened to her advice instead of talking to the surgeon again.


here's my hip


This is the stuff that was in that xray, they had to remove it and install different parts because they were incorrectly installed and were the wrong degree of angle




lower leg




So.. yep, I'm technically "disabled" but I usually don't even mention it to anyone because people start thinking that they need to cater to your needs and stuff (they usually just think I had knee surgery or something light since I walk with a cane). I may have to work twice as hard now, but can still pump out the same amount of work as before the accident.

Before this I never understood how people like David's friend could do what he does, but after being in the situation you understand that giving up and going on a pity fest is just not an option that would even be remotely considered. If anything, it causes subconscious dedication to show everyone that you can do it just so they don't think differently of you.

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Wow, you had more damage than I did without a doubt. I can't imagine what you have had to endure and it sounds like you are still postitive despite all that has happened. I think the biggest part of healing is keeping a postitive attitude as much as you can. I know the year after my accident I got pretty down. I had went from ~195 pounds down to 147 pounds.

My injuries are mostly nerve damage and a little bit of damage to hard structures. I wish mine would have been more hard structures and less nerve damage. Hard structures heal with time but nerve damage tends to take a bit longer to heal if it ever does. Your injuries are, without a doubt, some of the worst I have ever seen.

It has been 4 years since the helicopter accident and the doctors say I am about as good as I am going to get. I walk with crutches and will for the rest of my life. I use them mostly to keep me from falling but they also help me stay on my feet longer. Without them I get about 20 minutes on my feet before my legs go numb and I start to stumble. With the crutches it stretches that out to about 45 minutes. Sitting causes me the most problems, probably because I was seated during crash. For me going from a seated position to standing postition is very painful. Because of the nerve damage I also piss on myself daily and have other issues. I can't ride in a car for very long before it becomes unbearable. I, just like you I am sure, have good days and bad days. On good days I am almost normal but on bad days I literally curl up in a ball and never leave the bed. I get a good day a day or two a week then a few mediocre days then a few miserable days.

I walk like an old man, taking guarded steps. My wife helps me get dressed regularly as well as helps me with getting in and out of the bath. She is always by my side and has to drive me most places I go. And without her I would have given up a long time ago. She has been my rock and never gave up on me and for that I will always be thankful to her.

I wish you well in your healing and if you ever feel like talking send me a PM and I will give you my number. I know there were times when talking to people helped me out of a slump. Or if you ever make it to Knoxville we can grab lunch or hit a local range.


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