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Luke, I am your faaaaather....

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your attitude sucks--why do you always have to be hatin' on the resident ninja know-it-all? You know Mars is smarter than the rest of us put together! His "professional experience" is an asset to us all, and you should kiss his ass every day, the same way some on this forum do. Now go buy a nice, safe 15 pound double action with a padlock over both manual safeties so you can safely point it at all your friends or squeeze the trigger before it clears your holster.

well said 14104_clap_1.gif

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There seems to be a mutual admiration society thing going here.

Reminds me of Question Time in the House of Commons.

"Mr. Prime Minister, why do you continue to tell the truth about Glocks when we do not wish to hear it?" And the party members reply, "Here, here." :hyper:

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I couldn't care any less what members of this forum chose to carry. I find myself in no position to talk down about anyones choices. It's their money, their lives, their decision. The least I can do is respect that.

I prefer to PM people and ask them for their opinions from time to time and seem to get very well thought out honest opinion.

The only downside I can see to posting what ends up into a shouting match is when new people join the boards and do a search on a particular firearm. Then they end up sifting through a lot of pages to get to any real discussion of the firearm it's self.

I tire quickly of the "my gun can beat up your gun" rhetoric.

*I mean no offense to anyone. Post as you wish.

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  • Administrator
I couldn't care any less what members of this forum chose to carry. I find myself in no position to talk down about anyones choices. It's their money, their lives, their decision. The least I can do is respect that.

I prefer to PM people and ask them for their opinions from time to time and seem to get very well thought out honest opinion.

The only downside I can see to posting what ends up into a shouting match is when new people join the boards and do a search on a particular firearm. Then they end up sifting through a lot of pages to get to any real discussion of the firearm it's self.

I tire quickly of the "my gun can beat up your gun" rhetoric.

*I mean no offense to anyone. Post as you wish.

I agree with this completely. We as a community (TGO) really need to strive to move beyond this sort of thing.

Closing this thread as it seems to have outlived it's usefulness. :)

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