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He Was a Good Kid

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Really? They said that the police didn't need to use a gun? They are right, they shouldn't have used their guns, they should have cut his head off and placed it on a damn stick for everyone to see.

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Really? They said that the police didn't need to use a gun? They are right, they shouldn't have used their guns, they should have cut his head off and placed it on a damn stick for everyone to see.

For some reason that made me think of a scene in the old T.V. show "Sledge Hammer" where a television reporter is interviewing the title character after he stopped a robbery in progress:

Sledge Hammer: Well, Miss, I was in this store when two thugs entered and threatened the owner with shotguns. At that time I drew my magnum and killed them both. Then I bought some eggs, some milk, and some of those little cocktail weenies.

News reporter: Inspector, was what you did in the store absolutely necessary?

Sledge Hammer: Oh yes, I have no groceries at all back home.

Edited by JAB
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Guest bkelm18

If I'm a police officer and I come upon a person consuming another person I'm not pulling out my Taser. You've got to sever the head or destroy the brain.

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If I'm a police officer and I come upon a person consuming another person I'm not pulling out my Taser. You've got to sever the head or destroy the brain.

Still have to destroy the brain, a severed head can still present a bite risk.

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Really? They said that the police didn't need to use a gun? They are right, they shouldn't have used their guns, they should have cut his head off and placed it on a damn stick for everyone to see.

I don't know about y'all, but if I come upon some fella eatin another fella's face off, I damn sure aint gonna taze the sucker.

Probably just piss him off.

I would not have used a taser, they acted to save the man that was being attacked. This time the officer if I remember right shot 5 times and only hit the intended target. Time at the range paid off. I bet that morning he wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary and certainly not being on point with an attack like this.

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Guest rebeldrummer

i thought ZOMBIE RULE # 1 was " Cardio"


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Guest Victor9er

Really? They said that the police didn't need to use a gun? They are right, they shouldn't have used their guns, they should have cut his head off and placed it on a damn stick for everyone to see.

I would not have used a taser, they acted to save the man that was being attacked. This time the officer if I remember right shot 5 times and only hit the intended target. Time at the range paid off. I bet that morning he wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary and certainly not being on point with an attack like this.

Everything I've read on it actually said that the cop shot the guy once and he continued to "eat" the victim. THEN the cop fired a few more rounds till he finally stopped.

I can't argue with that at all, if one bullet isn't enough to make a guy stop then I have no problem with the cop emptying his mag after that.

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