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Dogs: family or property?

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your question was about MY yard...since you seem to want to direct this to me, my neighborhood is far from "iffy" so a driver that works for ANY delivery company has absolutley NO business in my backyard. period.

By "iffy" I meant whether or not a front porch passes the "out of sight/out of weather" test--it has nothing to do with a good or bad neighborhood. Your porch may be a fine place to leave a box, or it may be a lousy one. Packages get stolen all the time from good neighborhoods with $500K mansions.

I am not even going to entertain such an assanine assumption/suspicion....you know NOTHING about me.

True enough, but I was just going by what you said earlier.

I would call corporate offices and raise serious hell...and the driver would also get an earful.

And corporate would laugh at you--drivers are told to do this. They are not doing it to snoop around your house, they are simply trying to make sure you get your stuff. Lighten up :eek:

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Now, the other side...you advance on my property unannounced, or in a threatening manner my dog WILL protect, and for that, you get the bullet, the bite, and he gets a Snausages :eek:

A delivery guy often "advances on your property unannounced." You mention bullets and getting bitten--this is what "triggered" my mention of a possibly itchy trigger finger. I just got the impression that you thought you would always be justified to shoot a stranger on your property. Sometimes you are, but you sounded a little overaggressive. My apologies if I misunderstood.

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Guest canynracer
By "iffy" I meant whether or not a front porch passes the "out of sight/out of weather" test--it has nothing to do with a good or bad neighborhood. Your porch maybe a fine place to leave a box, or it may be a lousy one. Packages get stolen all the time from good neighborhoods with $500K mansions.

good point....my porch is covered well

True enough, but I was just going by what you said earlier.
never said I was shooting a UPS driver, matter of fact

I did say UPS wears a uniform, and let it go...

So would you blast the UPS guy? He is usually unannounced.

A.) The UPS guy is not in my backyard

B.) The UPS guy always knocks...evenwhen they drop packages, the ring they bell and go...

and I think the brown suit kinda gives the dude away...lets let this one go...LOL

I said this cause you specifically took one part of an entire statement and focused on that...looks like you didnt read the entire thing anyway...the entire statement said "in a threatening manner" as well, you choose to leave that out...

And corporate would laugh at you--drivers are told to do this. They are not doing it to snoop around your house, they are simply trying to make sure you get your stuff. Lighten up

I doubt very highly corporate says, "go in their backyard unannounced"

I also know they would definatley take the call serious...we work in a customer based business.

so yeah, I agree Lighten up and lets let the thread about shooting an attacking DOG rest

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Guest canynracer
A delivery guy often "advances on your property unannounced." You mention bullets and getting bitten--this is what "triggered" my mention of a possibly itchy trigger finger. I just got the impression that you thought you would always be justified to shoot a stranger on your property. Sometimes you are, but you sounded a little overaggressive. My apologies if I misunderstood.

no biggie...I promise I wont shoot the UPS guys...even though I work for FedEx...LMAO

I also apologize for not being clear

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I said this cause you specifically took one part of an entire statement and focused on that...looks like you didnt read the entire thing anyway...the entire statement said "in a threatening manner" as well, you choose to leave that out...

I didn't leave out anything--you said advances unannounced OR in a threatening manner. Just don't freak if you see a UPS or FedEx guy looking for a better place to put a box.

Agreed, let's let it go--it's time to go watch Tennessee lose anyway.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest ui_cleirigh

I assume this is related to Self/Home/Property Defense . . .

I was reading somewhere recently about whether it is legal or not to shoot a dog that attacks your dog.

Scenario: You are walking your dog in the neighborhood and a much larger breed appears growling and showing teeth. Upon trying to turn the other direction the dog lunges and begins to attack your leashed dog. Clearly, your dog is outmatched. What do you do?

My response: Shoot. Besides the fact that my dog is family, I fear that the dog would then turn on me once he has finished off my dog. Is this reasonable and within the confines of the law?

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Guest kwikrnu

As long as your dog is on a leash and the other dog is loose I don't see a problem. If both dogs are loose you could have a problem. Dogs move pretty quick, make sure you do not shoot your own dog.

As far as the legal aspect I don't know.

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Guest jackdog

based on the leash law you would be legal to shoot providing your pooch was on a leash.

Mine are family, and I would damn sure be shooting.

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Guest Todd@CIS

My response: Shoot. Besides the fact that my dog is family, I fear that the dog would then turn on me once he has finished off my dog. Is this reasonable and within the confines of the law?

In my jurisdiction it is.

Edited by Todd@CIS
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Guest grimel
I think the proper canned response is.

The dog growled and lunged at me and thankfully my dog got between us and defended me long enough for me to draw my weapon.

This is the proper response. There has been a lot of lobbing by certain groups (coon hunters mostly) to make it nearly impossible to shoot a free roaming dog in Tn without legal trouble unless it is attacking a human.

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Guest darkstar

I have been wondering about this as well. I would shoot. As far as I'm concerned my dog is family and I would protect as I would any other family member.

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This happened to me in my own yard, with my dog on a leash. Had I been armed, I would have shot it. I was'nt. Luckily I had a loose piece of the railing from my deck (3' long 2"x2"), and I swung for the fences and landed a hit square across the side of the other dog's face. It fled back across the street. Next time it's a bullet.

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Guest jam

as long as the dog is not on private property then you should be in the clear. However, of course they could probably try a civil suite.

I think that if this is a path you regularly travel then I would call animal control

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