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Judge Shuts Down Mega-Mosque Construction - Murfreesboro, TN

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I wish I could be objective. I was in Beirut when they blew up Marines I had just brought there. Islam is not a religion of peace. I don't hate every muslim I just don't trust a one.

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That's understandable. I don't have any hatred towards those that tried to kill my buddies and I or the bad guys that were successful at it. My hatred was for those that intentionally targeted civilians. But then again, that was an open conflict. I would feel differently about an unprovoked attack such as the one in Beirut.

In my experience I've fought those that I respect as well as those I had no respect or empathy for. The line was drawn at honor. I have no tolerance for a lack of it from the enemy or from our side.

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You sound so "Un-American".....WOW.....


Dave Sayre


Dave, I took an oath to uphold the constitution and wore a uniform for this country...

I'm educated well enough to know that blind alligence to a government is not being a true patriot.

Our founding fathers were well educated men, most of which had either first hand experience with Islam, or were well informed of the religion. They knew all of the same things we know about Islam today, the only change being humans have discovered high power explosives.

Are there things we should be doing to stop groups who want to subvert our God given rights to worship as we see fit (within the boundaries of not harming others)... Yes but Islam is a much smaller threat to me than progressives and neocons are...

Let's focus on restoring our God given rights and getting rid of our Unconstitutional laws... Then in 4 or 5 generations if people are still pushing Shari law... We can fight that battle then... When it poses a real threat to our freedoms...

The fact is if we allow the government power to regulate religions to fight off a largely fake threat to our freedoms... The government will start abusing that unconstitutional authority long before Islam could possible pose a serious threat to our way of life.

And learn a little more history before you start calling people unamerican... I'm 100% American.... My values are much more in line with our founding fathers than somebody who would ban a religion for something that might be a serious problem 80 to 100 years from now.

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And learn a little more history before you start calling people unamerican... I'm 100% American.... My values are much more in line with our founding fathers than somebody who would ban a religion for something that might be a serious problem 80 to 100 years from now.

The US paid 1/10 to 1/5 of its entire yearly budget in tribute and ransom to the Muslim pirate states for over 15 years.

Ever wonder why "shores of Tripoli" is in the Marine Hymn?

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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The US paid 1/10 to 1/5 of its entire yearly budget in tribute and ransom to the Muslim pirate states for over 15 years.

Ever wonder why "shores of Tripoli" is in the Marine Hymn?

- OS

If you go back to my last post I commented on how our first war as a country was a fight against radical Islam. Our founding fathers were well aware of Islam... There were a number of legal cases here in the American colonies before the revolution concerning the status of muslim person, including cases of being sold into slavery and then being released by British and American courts because they were considered equals to whites under the law.

And just to be clear... I do think that radical Islam could pose a threat to our freedoms sometime in the future... I just don't consider it to be in the top ten, or even in the top twenty threats... IMHO we have more pressing threats to our liberty, that we should focus on fixing before worrying about a threat that might pose a serious risk decades from now...

How about we focus on real problems such as our national debt or the over reach of all levels of government? Those are issues that directly mpactour liberty today, not in 60 years.

The first amendment is difficult to appreciate at times, but our founding fathers placed it there for a very valid reason, knowing full well the dangers of some religions to corrupt our freedoms if given the chance.

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I see radical islam as a matter of urgency and consider it in the top 5 threats which can not be ignored and must be dealt with.

Taxpayer Funded Sharia Law (funded in AIG bailout) -


“It is one thing that our government felt compelled to bail out AIG after its fortunes were destroyed due to the company’s own recklessness and bad acts. It is quite another thing to use U.S. taxpayer dollars to promote and support AIG’s Shariah businesses,†Yerushalmi said.


A comment from the article (I agree with what the commentor says) -

The damage Muslims are creating in the West is almost incalculable...England, Holland, France, Australia, the Netherlands etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseam are overrun with these fleas- AND nobody stops them or even complains until they learn a 'fact' like this. Bush 'trusted' them (big mistake 9/11), Obama loves his brothers and the US is losing daily in all areas of our lives. Active in the US are the (powerful) Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR,....nobody cares....even though the MB is the group who just put a Muslim in power in Egyypt and Egypt now delcares their capital will be Jerusalam (and their flag will fly over the White House),

Obama has put Muslims in high places in the Fed. Gov't,......some needing security clearance - (smart move....duh - but they're his people). Muslim is synonamous w/Sharia Law - you get one, you get the other.

After 9/11, the Ft. Hood murders, and sundry bombs planted in the past year or so around the US, these people have the unmitigate gall to write the US Military Academy not to have a retired Army general (who writes negatively re: Islam...Muslims) speak to their corp of Cadets as the General puts Muslims in a bad light. The General's invitation was rescinded. Right now, they are suing the New York City Police Dep't for using 9/11 terrorist (Muslim) tactics in training their recruits, and for constant surveillance in the NYC area. They think, rather than a breed of murderers (all over the world), they are a choir of Angels.

If the country does not come to terms with what these people actually are, you will never know what hit you. Their goal is the Islamization of the West - actually the world - to bring all into Islam and to worship their god...death is the alternative.

They ignore our laws (they want us to use Sharia Law), make demands on our schools to serve Halal meals (check out how they kill their meat animals), and educate our children in Islam. Now children will have to learn Islam and theh GLBT is pushing homosexual education - no time for reading, writing, arithmatic - they have to learn the obscene parts of life. (But I digress)....

Go online - read the Koran - it's ugly.


U.S. Troops to be Punished For Burning Korans (under orders) -


NO ONE...EVER! ...makes a big deal about burning bibles. Ever! Christians don't go berzerk and start killing people like muslims do.


Thomas Jefferson protested paying tribute money to muslims at Tripoli and sent the newly reformed U.S. Navy to take care of the problem.


"Thomas Jefferson, United States minister to France, opposed the payment of tribute, as he later testified in words that have a particular resonance today."

"Paying the ransom would only lead to further demands, Jefferson argued in letters to future presidents John Adams, then America's minister to Great Britain, and James Monroe, then a member of Congress."

"When Jefferson became president in 1801 he refused to accede to Tripoli's demands for an immediate payment of $225,000 and an annual payment of $25,000."

"President Jefferson dispatched a squadron of naval vessels to the Mediterranean. As he declared in his first annual message to Congress: "To this state of general peace with which we have been blessed, one only exception exists. Tripoli, the least considerable of the Barbary States, had come forward with demands unfounded either in right or in compact, and had permitted itself to denounce war, on our failure to comply before a given day. The style of the demand admitted but one answer. I sent a small squadron of frigates into the Mediterranean. . . ."

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Guest colombianito1021

I am honestly disappointed in TGO. To not want Muslims to build a place of worship is just bull####. We argue for our 2nd Amendment Rights. This is their 1st Amendment Rights. I did not read all the pages of this thread because I could not take all the RACISM that is being put on here. Just like ANY other group of people, they have their bad apples.

I am Colombian-American. Guess what, yes, I just hyphenated it. My parents were born in Colombia but now they are American Citizens. They have never been drug dealers. Yes, Colombia had issues with drugs but not every person is involved in it.

Most people here are white. Does that mean you are all back woods meth selling hillbillies? Of course not.

Are all gun owners, Wild West style shooters looking to blast anything that moves like how they portray it on movies or liberal propaganda? Of course not.

They are Muslims. Some are just as peaceful as you and I. And guess what, SOME HAVE A HCP and love guns just like us! Oh no, run for the woods.

Before anybody tries to question my loyalty or anything else, I too have lived with Muslims overseas for 3 years. I have had friends killed and injured. I have seen the good and ugly.

I am also from NYC and even had WTC dust covering my bedroom because my windows were open on 9/11. I was there, I have seen the ugly, yet I am still not IGNORANT to think that they are all "evil".

I commend you TMF 18B and everyone else who are standing by the Muslims and for them to have a place to worship. I am from Clarksville as well, hit me up and we can go shooting any day.

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I am honestly disappointed in TGO. To not want Muslims to build a place of worship is just bull####. We argue for our 2nd Amendment Rights. This is their 1st Amendment Rights. I did not read all the pages of this thread because I could not take all the RACISM that is being put on here. Just like ANY other group of people, they have their bad apples.

I am Colombian-American. Guess what, yes, I just hyphenated it. My parents were born in Colombia but now they are American Citizens. They have never been drug dealers. Yes, Colombia had issues with drugs but not every person is involved in it.

Most people here are white. Does that mean you are all back woods meth selling hillbillies? Of course not.

Are all gun owners, Wild West style shooters looking to blast anything that moves like how they portray it on movies or liberal propaganda? Of course not.

They are Muslims. Some are just as peaceful as you and I. And guess what, SOME HAVE A HCP and love guns just like us! Oh no, run for the woods.

Before anybody tries to question my loyalty or anything else, I too have lived with Muslims overseas for 3 years. I have had friends killed and injured. I have seen the good and ugly.

I am also from NYC and even had WTC dust covering my bedroom because my windows were open on 9/11. I was there, I have seen the ugly, yet I am still not IGNORANT to think that they are all "evil".

I commend you TMF 18B and everyone else who are standing by the Muslims and for them to have a place to worship. I am from Clarksville as well, hit me up and we can go shooting any day.

Good post. It won't be well received by the fear and hate mongers here, but still very good.

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You're focusing on the wrong issues my friend... focus on the root cause of the problem...

The issue isn't AIG's Sharia Law insurance... they as a private business should be able to sell whatever product they want... The issue is the government bailed AIG out to begin with... No bail out, no questionable use of taxpayer funding to bail our Sharia Law based 'insurance'.

The problem isn't that Islam is about to take over, the problem is that our own government is violating the constitution day in and day out...

What are the chances you'll ever live a single day under Sharia law here in the United States? Virtually none...

The chances that we have another civil war? Economic Meltdown? Live in a Police State?

How on earth does Islamic invasion make it into your top 5?

I see radical islam as a matter of urgency and consider it in the top 5 threats which can not be ignored and must be dealt with.

Taxpayer Funded Sharia Law (funded in AIG bailout) -


“It is one thing that our government felt compelled to bail out AIG after its fortunes were destroyed due to the company’s own recklessness and bad acts. It is quite another thing to use U.S. taxpayer dollars to promote and support AIG’s Shariah businesses,†Yerushalmi said.


A comment from the article (I agree with what the commentor says) -

The damage Muslims are creating in the West is almost incalculable...England, Holland, France, Australia, the Netherlands etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseam are overrun with these fleas- AND nobody stops them or even complains until they learn a 'fact' like this. Bush 'trusted' them (big mistake 9/11), Obama loves his brothers and the US is losing daily in all areas of our lives. Active in the US are the (powerful) Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR,....nobody cares....even though the MB is the group who just put a Muslim in power in Egyypt and Egypt now delcares their capital will be Jerusalam (and their flag will fly over the White House),

Obama has put Muslims in high places in the Fed. Gov't,......some needing security clearance - (smart move....duh - but they're his people). Muslim is synonamous w/Sharia Law - you get one, you get the other.

After 9/11, the Ft. Hood murders, and sundry bombs planted in the past year or so around the US, these people have the unmitigate gall to write the US Military Academy not to have a retired Army general (who writes negatively re: Islam...Muslims) speak to their corp of Cadets as the General puts Muslims in a bad light. The General's invitation was rescinded. Right now, they are suing the New York City Police Dep't for using 9/11 terrorist (Muslim) tactics in training their recruits, and for constant surveillance in the NYC area. They think, rather than a breed of murderers (all over the world), they are a choir of Angels.

If the country does not come to terms with what these people actually are, you will never know what hit you. Their goal is the Islamization of the West - actually the world - to bring all into Islam and to worship their god...death is the alternative.

They ignore our laws (they want us to use Sharia Law), make demands on our schools to serve Halal meals (check out how they kill their meat animals), and educate our children in Islam. Now children will have to learn Islam and theh GLBT is pushing homosexual education - no time for reading, writing, arithmatic - they have to learn the obscene parts of life. (But I digress)....

Go online - read the Koran - it's ugly.


U.S. Troops to be Punished For Burning Korans (under orders) -


NO ONE...EVER! ...makes a big deal about burning bibles. Ever! Christians don't go berzerk and start killing people like muslims do.


Thomas Jefferson protested paying tribute money to muslims at Tripoli and sent the newly reformed U.S. Navy to take care of the problem.


"Thomas Jefferson, United States minister to France, opposed the payment of tribute, as he later testified in words that have a particular resonance today."

"Paying the ransom would only lead to further demands, Jefferson argued in letters to future presidents John Adams, then America's minister to Great Britain, and James Monroe, then a member of Congress."

"When Jefferson became president in 1801 he refused to accede to Tripoli's demands for an immediate payment of $225,000 and an annual payment of $25,000."

"President Jefferson dispatched a squadron of naval vessels to the Mediterranean. As he declared in his first annual message to Congress: "To this state of general peace with which we have been blessed, one only exception exists. Tripoli, the least considerable of the Barbary States, had come forward with demands unfounded either in right or in compact, and had permitted itself to denounce war, on our failure to comply before a given day. The style of the demand admitted but one answer. I sent a small squadron of frigates into the Mediterranean. . . ."

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Guest bkelm18

I am honestly disappointed in TGO. To not want Muslims to build a place of worship is just bull####. We argue for our 2nd Amendment Rights. This is their 1st Amendment Rights. I did not read all the pages of this thread because I could not take all the RACISM that is being put on here. Just like ANY other group of people, they have their bad apples.

I am Colombian-American. Guess what, yes, I just hyphenated it. My parents were born in Colombia but now they are American Citizens. They have never been drug dealers. Yes, Colombia had issues with drugs but not every person is involved in it.

Most people here are white. Does that mean you are all back woods meth selling hillbillies? Of course not.

Are all gun owners, Wild West style shooters looking to blast anything that moves like how they portray it on movies or liberal propaganda? Of course not.

They are Muslims. Some are just as peaceful as you and I. And guess what, SOME HAVE A HCP and love guns just like us! Oh no, run for the woods.

Before anybody tries to question my loyalty or anything else, I too have lived with Muslims overseas for 3 years. I have had friends killed and injured. I have seen the good and ugly.

I am also from NYC and even had WTC dust covering my bedroom because my windows were open on 9/11. I was there, I have seen the ugly, yet I am still not IGNORANT to think that they are all "evil".

I commend you TMF 18B and everyone else who are standing by the Muslims and for them to have a place to worship. I am from Clarksville as well, hit me up and we can go shooting any day.

Excellent post. Honestly this place has been starting to dissapoint me overall more and more as time goes on, but that's just my own view, but I'm still here so I guess what does that say. It's all too unfortunate the hipocracy that some have toward various freedoms. It's almost as if they believe that freedom only applies to white conservative christians. Truly sad. Any citizen should have the exact same rights as any other citizen in this country. No matter their race, religion, sexuality, or political leanings.

Edited by bkelm18
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I am honestly disappointed in TGO. To not want Muslims to build a place of worship is just bull####. We argue for our 2nd Amendment Rights. This is their 1st Amendment Rights. I did not read all the pages of this thread because I could not take all the RACISM that is being put on here. Just like ANY other group of people, they have their bad apples.

I am Colombian-American. Guess what, yes, I just hyphenated it. My parents were born in Colombia but now they are American Citizens. They have never been drug dealers. Yes, Colombia had issues with drugs but not every person is involved in it.

Most people here are white. Does that mean you are all back woods meth selling hillbillies? Of course not.

Are all gun owners, Wild West style shooters looking to blast anything that moves like how they portray it on movies or liberal propaganda? Of course not.

They are Muslims. Some are just as peaceful as you and I. And guess what, SOME HAVE A HCP and love guns just like us! Oh no, run for the woods.

Before anybody tries to question my loyalty or anything else, I too have lived with Muslims overseas for 3 years. I have had friends killed and injured. I have seen the good and ugly.

I am also from NYC and even had WTC dust covering my bedroom because my windows were open on 9/11. I was there, I have seen the ugly, yet I am still not IGNORANT to think that they are all "evil".

I commend you TMF 18B and everyone else who are standing by the Muslims and for them to have a place to worship. I am from Clarksville as well, hit me up and we can go shooting any day.

Right on Rakkasan. I'll be back in town at the end of the summer. I'm planning to hit the Montgomery shooting range to brush up on pistol and skeet around that time. Haven't used the skeet range there yet and I've been itching to give it a whirl. Always good to hear NCOs who know what they're talking about.

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I am honestly disappointed in TGO. To not want Muslims to build a place of worship is just bull####. We argue for our 2nd Amendment Rights. This is their 1st Amendment Rights. I did not read all the pages of this thread because I could not take all the RACISM that is being put on here. Just like ANY other group of people, they have their bad apples.

Perhaps what we've been discussing lately should have been in a separate thread titled something more like - The Problems With Islam In America - or something to that effect.

It appears that many of you are taking issue with my, and others, issue with islam due to it being in this thread about the mosque. Fine, let's move it out of here. I don't give a hoot about their stupid mosque, they can have it if they want. Want I have been discussing is the creeping infiltration of islam into christian countries and its clear and declared intent on taking over. It is done the same way termites eat an entire house, slowly and from within. Many are blind to what is going on. I feel a duty to expose the danger to people and sound the alarm. If this discussion bothers you, then, by all means, don't participate. That is your choice.

However, it seems that some people wish to silence the message, just as the NYC PD has been silenced by CAIR and the ACLU and others are being silenced to accommodate political correctness (which is very dangerous).



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Guest ThePunisher

Perhaps what we've been discussing lately should have been in a separate thread titled something more like - The Problems With Islam In America - or something to that effect.

It appears that many of you are taking issue with my, and others, issue with islam due to it being in this thread about the mosque. Fine, let's move it out of here. I don't give a hoot about their stupid mosque, they can have it if they want. Want I have been discussing is the creeping infiltration of islam into christian countries and its clear and declared intent on taking over. It is done the same way termites eat an entire house, slowly and from within. Many are blind to what is going on. I feel a duty to expose the danger to people and sound the alarm. If this discussion bothers you, then, by all means, don't participate. That is your choice.

However, it seems that some people wish to silence the message, just as the NYC PD has been silenced by CAIR and the ACLU and others are being silenced to accommodate political correctness (which is very dangerous).



+1 ,you're right on mcurrier.

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Perhaps what we've been discussing lately should have been in a separate thread titled something more like - The Problems With Islam In America - or something to that effect.

It appears that many of you are taking issue with my, and others, issue with islam due to it being in this thread about the mosque. Fine, let's move it out of here. I don't give a hoot about their stupid mosque, they can have it if they want. Want I have been discussing is the creeping infiltration of islam into christian countries and its clear and declared intent on taking over. It is done the same way termites eat an entire house, slowly and from within. Many are blind to what is going on. I feel a duty to expose the danger to people and sound the alarm. If this discussion bothers you, then, by all means, don't participate. That is your choice.

However, it seems that some people wish to silence the message, just as the NYC PD has been silenced by CAIR and the ACLU and others are being silenced to accommodate political correctness (which is very dangerous).



Ugghhh... if we're gonna start throwing stones about who got off topic then you should look at my first post. It is very clear.

"Are these Americans?"

They are. They have rights. I don't care if they're worshipping Satan, Hitler or Joy Behar. They are still Americans. If they step over the line into sabotage, espionage, terrorism or what have you, then by all mean, lets throw 'em in jail and shut the operation down.

I believe that internment camps during WWII that held Japanese-Americans absolutely prevented acts of sabotage. However, I would gladly prefer that we would put American lives at risk before we violate the rights of other Americans. On paper that doesn't make sense, but I believe in freedom, and deciding who gets to be free and who doesn't based soley on race, culture or religion is such a dangerous and slippery slope that I can't fit it into my head. If that is the country we become then the flag on the front of my house will come down until such time as it can be flown honorably again.

If we want to have a bash Islam thread then by all means, have a go. But let's not play the "I'm taking my ball and going home because you guys can't play by the rules" when you are the one that made it about the Mboro mosque. That's what we're talking about. The lawyer stirring the s*** pot is a xenophobic POS that wants to control the religious practices of others. If I thought for a second that there was a remote chance of being about codes I would stop participating in this thread. However, I use the Googler and there are so many sound bytes on this guy making it clear that this is a Christianity vs Islam issue that no reasonable person could conclude that this has anything to do with code or poor notification. That is disgusting, un-American and a whole bunch of other things that can't be adequately articulated via keyboard.

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"Are these Americans?"

They are. They have rights. I don't care if they're worshipping Satan, Hitler or Joy Behar. They are still Americans. If they step over the line into sabotage, espionage, terrorism or what have you, then by all mean, lets throw 'em in jail and shut the operation down.

Neither do I. Until it affects me. But islam eventually affects everyone, not just those involved in it.

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Guest ThePunisher

Will everyone feel comfortable when they start wearing Islamic burqas and full length robe clothing with bombs strapped to themselves. I don't believe so. Will everyone be ok with Sharia law instead of US Constitutional law. Again I don't believe so. As mcurrier said, Islam eventually affects everyone.

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An American female attorney who was recently defending some of the 9/11 terrorists suggested to the judge that, for the "benefit of her defendant(s)", she asked the judge to require all women present in the courtroom to wear burqas and full length robe clothing. In an American court! Under American law! I would say, "where does it end?", but this is only the beginning.



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Sorry, but i am confused. What race is Islam?

Please do read my original post

To summarize my position in a few sentences :

I support the right to build the mosque

I am deeply concerned about the political ideology of Islam and the global organized effort to expand Islamic law (shariah) into western law and to replace western values of modernity, acceptance if other lifestyles ans religions and equality with strict sharia based values of misogyny, barbarism and subjugation of all that it not Islamic ( kafir status)

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