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Judge Shuts Down Mega-Mosque Construction - Murfreesboro, TN

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Posted (edited)
  On 6/1/2012 at 9:47 PM, BigK said:

....One big difference I see is that Islam is out-breeding Christianity by leaps and bounds all over the world. By the time they outgrow the violence, they will be plentiful enough to achieve all their goals (whatever they are?).

Dunno about rest of the world but it's not true in US. Here, Hispanic is leading the expansion and will be the majority race ere long. And they're predominately Catholic.

(for the first time, in 2011 white births were outnumbered in US)

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
  On 6/1/2012 at 9:47 PM, BigK said:
By the time they outgrow the violence,

I don't think that's ever going to happen. Neither do a lot of people. Hence their concern with these mosques.

Guest adurbin
  On 5/31/2012 at 12:13 PM, 6.8 AR said:

Ah! Epiphany! Code. That implies a restriction. Something you now acknowledge. I don't know the restrictions

in Rutherford County and I sure don't care to impose my thoughts or wishes on them, either.

You go tolerate a muslim mosque if you wish, but don't go telling them what they do or don't want. It's none of

your business. Maybe the fair people in that community don't want FBI surveillance in their community, like that

which is probably the case on 4th Avenue, near the fairgrounds in Nashville. Ever been around there?

You evidently think I'm being biased about this, but I have left my desires out of it until now. Personally, I side with

the locals for their own determination. There may be more to it than just a decision, just like there has been all

around the country.

If I didn't consider the muslim "religion" more than a theo-political construct, I might have a different attitude, but

ever since the WTC buildings fell, I decided that part of the problem included that segment, also. You can believe

whatever you wish, but muslims have been an enemy of this country for far too long than 9/11 to make me change

my mind on it.

I think it's tragic that some would rather trash christianity, and at the same time allow the muslims to do as they wish

within our country. Ironic, to say the least. That's part of the destruction of our civilization. Have at it, friend. Use

whatever tool you wish, in the name of religious freedom to tear it down.

It sounds like something the Rev. Jeremiah Wright said once about America. I would rather remember part of a certain

song that included "the shores of Tripoli".

Maybe some of us Americans are racist and bigots, after all. If that's the case, include me in the group.

Please, by all means, include me as well. I agree with you entirely.

  On 6/1/2012 at 2:47 PM, mcurrier said:

Agreed, however "jews" had a good part in writing the New Testament as well. Jesus was a Jew and most of the writers of the NT were Jews, including Paul/Saul who wrote 2/3 of the NT. Let's say that about that time after spending time with Jesus and hearing His teachings, their thinking "evolved". ;) Now where have I heard that recently?

I am not sure how Jesus or his disciples were Jews. It seems they were the first Christians.

And as for evolving, that example doesn't work in your favor.

  • Like 1
  On 6/1/2012 at 8:04 PM, OhShoot said:

Well, outcast or not, Ishmael is part of all this theoretical bloodline, and Islam calls Abraham the "First Muslim" and "Our Father Abraham".

- OS

And that is why i don't see the TN constitution offering any protection to them building a mosque. If the locals say no to it, that should be the end of it.

Posted (edited)
  On 6/2/2012 at 4:06 AM, Mike.357 said:

And that is why i don't see the TN constitution offering any protection to them building a mosque. If the locals say no to it, that should be the end of it.

Seems you might have left in wrong quote, but ...

AFAIK, the federal anti-discrimination laws would apply here since religion is one of the protected classes? Meaning, if any other business (or church) could occupy that ground, you couldn't prevent the mosque either.

Also, not sure but hasn't the first amendment been incorporated to apply to all government levels, not just the fed?

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
Posted (edited)
  On 6/2/2012 at 3:54 AM, Mike.357 said:

I am not sure how Jesus or his disciples were Jews. It seems they were the first Christians.

Not sure how you came to that conclusion. hum.gif They were Jewish first, then became Christians (after Jesus departure). Then weren't born as Christians.

  On 6/2/2012 at 3:54 AM, Mike.357 said:
And as for evolving, that example doesn't work in your favor.

That was a very sarcastic joke in reference to Obama "evolving" his thinking on the 'gay' 'marriage' issue. Honestly guys, these jokes are no good if I have to explain them. banghead.gif

Edited by mcurrier

This Mosque has been in the spotlight for a long time. If one dollar can be traced from that Mosque to a terrorist group the Feds will seize that building and property so fast it will make their Kufi’s spin.

Guest 6.8 AR

I think that's wishful thinking with this current administration.

  On 6/9/2012 at 3:50 PM, DaveTN said:

This Mosque has been in the spotlight for a long time. If one dollar can be traced from that Mosque to a terrorist group the Feds will seize that building and property so fast it will make their Kufi’s spin.

I don't see that happening. The current regime seems to grant special rights/priviliges to mulims/terrorists these days.

  On 6/9/2012 at 4:21 PM, 6.8 AR said:

I think that's wishful thinking with this current administration.

More likely they'll just sue TN, Holder really has that procedure down.

- OS


As East TN Patriot touched on ....... Maybe a few of you have forgotten our own past. It's pretty scary what skeletons lie in our own closet - yet we are often the first to criticise others.

I also question the Muslim faith yet find myself torn as our constitutional rights protect us as Americans - and that should always be our first priority. We cannot pick and choose based on feelings or fear - less we will lose those same rights, one by one, that keep us truely free.

We are a unique nation where all people and all religions are welcomed and protected by constitutional rights. On the other hand, we must work together - to not only protect those same rights, but to preserve our one common language; protect this great country from all enemies and promote one common people - Americans.

If the intentions of any individual, religion or group are proven to be anti-american, then I, for one, see that as treason - which punishable by death. So go ahead and build a mosque if laws allow it. But, if in doing so it becomes a form of anti-american teaching or practice - it, and any supporters must also be found guilty of treason.

Freedoms such as speech and religion are always going to be tested to the extreme (such as our deep history with Christianity, witchcraft and communism) - but one thing must remain, the basic rights of the people must not be infringed unless it puts America herself in harms way. If communism is tolerated in America why not muslim? I myself find both of these just as anti-american.

Here is a little sample of the true brutality of Christianity for your reading pleasure. Let us not forget our own past ...........

THE INQUISITION: A Study in Absolute Catholic Power


Posted (edited)

Muslims are not coming to America to flee some oppression of their religion as those who first came to America from Europe did. Muslims are spreading throughout the world and attempting to force their political (what they call 'religion') ideologies on other countries with established laws. They want sharia law enacted, embraced and validated every where they go. That is their plan and goal. It has been effective so far in that those countries who welcomed them at first and have appeased them by saying that nothing was wrong with it, yet those countries aren't singing that tune any longer. The writing is one the wall. We can either acknowledge that and recognize what is taking place in other countries and prevent it from happening here, or we can stick our head in the sand, sing kumbaya and welcome our new muslim overlords. There is a difference between freedom of practicing ones religion and having a publicly stated goal of replacing what laws one finds in their new country of residence. Multiculturalism and appeasement work to tear countries apart, not bring them closer together. Being passive, apathetic, indifferent - that is not the way to go on this subject.

Edited by mcurrier
  On 6/1/2012 at 10:18 PM, OhShoot said:

Dunno about rest of the world but it's not true in US. Here, Hispanic is leading the expansion and will be the majority race ere long. And they're predominately Catholic.

(for the first time, in 2011 white births were outnumbered in US)

- OS


  • Like 1
  On 6/13/2012 at 4:57 PM, BryanP said:


Damn good point.

One of the two greatest shameful parts of American history.

- OS

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Hmm, and all these years I thought America IS made up of multiculturalism - at its finest. Every people from every country in the world. A melting pot ........ Free to practice a religion of choosing. Does that mean they can freely support or run a terrorist network? No ......of course not. Will Muslims rule at some point? I hope not. But, things will surely continue to change here - as a democracy is ruled by majority vote and white Christian folk are rapidly being out numbered.

But, in the same token, majority and voting power changes things ........ So, if the Spanish race become the next majority will Christians be forced into becoming Catholic? Will Spanish become the primary language? Or is that OK with you as long as they are not Muslims?

I'll be honest, I'm not comfortable with Muslims and I don't understand very much about them. But, I'm not comfortable with a lot of people in this country lately ...... but I will stand up for the freedoms that we all enjoy.

If we offer freedom to all - it comes with a price. If we take away select freedoms from a few - it will also come with a price. Scores of people have died to protect the very freedoms that we enjoy today - even if we don't all agree as to what extent those freedoms should entail. Are you willing to give up one for the other? I'm not

  On 6/13/2012 at 4:53 PM, mcurrier said:
Muslims are not coming to America to flee some oppression of their religion as those who first came to America from Europe did....

...... or we can stick our head in the sand, sing kumbaya and welcome our new muslim overlords. There is a difference between freedom of practicing ones religion and having a publicly stated goal of replacing what laws one finds in their new country of residence. Multiculturalism and appeasement work to tear countries apart, not bring them closer together. Being passive, apathetic, indifferent - that is not the way to go on this subject.

My family came to America looking for new opportunities and something about potato famine. I dunno, those are pretty good reasons too. I guess they changed the country a little from what it was too. They have much more in common with current immigrants than the very first pilgrims. I don't see what any of that has to do with who has more of a right to practice their religion according to our Constitution.

Just because folks believe that Muslims should have a right to practice their religion freely doesn't mean they're bleeding heart tree hugger. I could give a wag bag about Islam and whether it continues to exist or if it hurts their feelings that some folks think they're all freedom hating terrorists. I don't care. I DO care about folks who try to violate their rights to practice their religion. It's their property. The religion here is not the issue; the issue is folks trying to use our courts to prevent them from practicing their religion.

The lawyer stirring all this up has made it clear that this isn't about code enforcement or improper notification. He has said repeatedly that Islam is not a religion and doesn't deserve protection. Well you don't get to go around and decide who's religion is valid and who's isn't. That is more anti-American than a bunch of brown people bowing down to a big cube.


You guys are mixing up freedom of religion with their intent to force upon us islam and sharia law, both of which are political and governmental ideologies, neither of which is a 'religion' in a standard sense.

I welcome them to worship whomever or whatever they like, as long as that is what they are actually doing. When they try to push it into the political, legal and governing realm, which is what they are doing, intend to do and have done in other countries that they moved to, that is where I draw the line of accepting them.

You also are confused about multiculturalism. Immigrants in the past came to the United States of America to become Americans. Many shunned their former language even as a statement of, "I am now an American". No one is saying that people can't or shouldn't hang on to their traditions, customs, lifestyle, language. But they need to identify themselves as being an American. Have loyalty to America. Recognize the American flag. Unfortunately, many, many do not. They merely think of America as a place that they either temporarily or long-term reside where they form their own little country neighborhoods and communities that to them are still whatever country they came from and think only of America as the geographical place where their Iraq, or Iran, or Libya or (insert country) now exists. They don't think of themselves as Americans and could not care overall for the general well being of America in general as long as everything is alright in their little community and with them. Many even hate America while sitting here on American soil and reaping the benefits of living in America. That is the main reason that the founding fathers required candidates for President to be a natural-born American citizen. Others don't have the love for America and would hold a special place in their heart for their 'home' country, which causes both a probability for special treatment to that country or an allegiance to that country with underlying detrimental intentions. Obama has proven that he hates America. That's due to his not being born here, not being raised here and being told how evil America was as he was growing up.

Come to America to be an American. All others, stay home.


I just got this email report.

Stuff like this is ridiculous and unreasonable -


What would happen to a business owner who failed to institute a safety policy and an employee was injured as a result? Asked another way, how quickly would a lawsuit be filed?

Muslim employees at a Minnesota business have gone to CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) asking for help in their opposition to just such a safety-inspired policy. (See the KSMP-TV story below.)

They claim the policy infringes on their beliefs.

But what if one of them got injured if the owner did NOT institute the safety policy? They would sue the owner!

A few years ago Muslim organizations in the UK protested a policy that required surgical staff to thoroughly sterilize up to their elbows. They protested because they said it required Muslim women to expose their arms.

The policy was rescinded. Accommodating unreasonable Muslim demands trumped sound public health policies, putting patients at risk.

Now these Minnesota Muslim employees are demanding that the business owner be put in an impossible situation—rescind the safety requirement and risk being sued if someone is injured, or keep the requirement and get slapped with a discrimination lawsuit.



More than 30 Somali employees walked out in protest of dress code changes at a privately-owned business in Le Center, Minn.

The former employees of Dianne's Fine Desserts claim a new uniform policy was instituted to force them off the job because of their Islamic beliefs.

The owner of the bakery, Mike Knowles, told the Faribault Daily News a woman's long dress recently got caught in a boot washer and the new guidelines were instated over safety concerns.

Knowles, who bought the business just 11 days before the accident, said the company leaders went out of their way to try to work with the Somali Community. Originally, they had recommended knee-high skirts but later agreed to boot-high or mid-calf skirts before making the policy public at a meeting on Friday.

On Monday, many devout women reported back to work in their full-length attire, saying the new dress code conflicts with their religious beliefs. They were then given the option adjust their skirt lengths or leave.

Eleven women walked out and were joined by about 20 Somali men.

The workers have asked the Council on American-Islamic Relations to intercede, and CAIR has previously helped 25 Muslim employees who were terminated in December 2010.

At the time, the business was called Dianne's Gourmet Desserts and was under a different owner who fired the employees after the break schedule was altered into conflict with employees' prayer schedule, but employees prayed anyway. A complaint was forwarded to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the workers were reinstated.

The walk-off has also been brought to the attention of the American Civil Liberties Union.

  On 6/14/2012 at 2:16 PM, mcurrier said:

You also are confused about multiculturalism. Immigrants in the past came to the United States of America to become Americans. Many shunned their former language even as a statement of, "I am now an American". No one is saying that people can't or shouldn't hang on to their traditions, customs, lifestyle, language. But they need to identify themselves as being an American. Have loyalty to America. Recognize the American flag. Unfortunately, many, many do not. They merely think of America as a place that they either temporarily or long-term reside where they form their own little country neighborhoods and communities that to them are still whatever country they came from and think only of America as the geographical place where their Iraq, or Iran, or Libya or (insert country) now exists. They don't think of themselves as Americans and could not care overall for the general well being of America in general as long as everything is alright in their little community and with them. Many even hate America while sitting here on American soil and reaping the benefits of living in America. That is the main reason that the founding fathers required candidates for President to be a natural-born American citizen. Others don't have the love for America and would hold a special place in their heart for their 'home' country, which causes both a probability for special treatment to that country or an allegiance to that country with underlying detrimental intentions. Obama has proven that he hates America. That's due to his not being born here, not being raised here and being told how evil America was as he was growing up.

Come to America to be an American. All others, stay home.

Lots of truth here


Stuff like this concerns me and a lot of other folks -


"Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said he had banned the Salafist organization Millatu Ibrahim, saying that it has been calling on Muslims to fight against Germany's "constitutional order.

Friedrich said authorities believed there are "preparations for the founding of replacement organizations" and warned that anyone who does so can expect to face prosecution.

Among other things, Millatu Ibrahim taught followers to reject German law and follow Islamic Sharia law and that "the unbelievers are the enemy," a German security official said on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue."


Not looking forward to this coming to America -






The problem is that they come to America and don't want to assimilate, but they expect America to assimilate to them and their culture, including our Constitution and laws.


It seems there is an assumption that accepting Islam means rejecting American ideals. It doesn't. Anyone who is curious can PM me and ask me about all the Kurds I worked with in Iraq that live in the Nashville area and have done so since the 90's. They went back to Iraq to use their language skills to serve their country at a critical time. Some didn't come back. They all loved Bush, hate Obama and never want to go back to the days of being oppressed by their government. All the while they were Muslim.

Most recently I played a hand in getting another "evil" Muslim to the states who is enjoying freedom from oppression and violence, attends college and has a full time job. All the while he loves our country and still practices Islam; albeit, not to a "T".

Maybe we should assume that all Muslims don't hate American ideals. For the American Muslims that do, maybe we can start making their feelings towards the government a crime so we can rid our country of them. Maybe we can call them "thought crimes"... perhaps round them up into camps until we figure out what to do with them. Yes, that sounds like the "American" thing to do.

  • Like 5
  On 6/15/2012 at 4:28 PM, mcurrier said:
Syrian Atrocities Condemned While Slaughter of Nigerian Christians Ignored

Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/5681/syrian-atrocities-condemned-while-slaughter-nigerian-christians-ignored/#ixzz1xsd70x32

So the media doesn't care about Christian oppression and nobody cares about Africa. I agree on both accounts; what's it got to do with opening up a religious institution in Mboro?

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