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Man vs Man Steel Match - Music City Tactical Shooters June 24th

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I would realy like to shoot one of these matches, but im brand new to this and need a little help. I got a glock 21 a little whole ago, and dont know what kinda gear I need. I got 2 13 round mags. Do I need more? how many rounds do I need, and what are the shooting distances

if you are truely new to this you do need to go (to both sides of the hill) but kept in mind this is a odd ball match, and the rules and your 45 will work against you. so do not be let down, in most cases you only go against others with a 45.

like i said, the guys on the other side of the hill have drawn, and shot down all there steel before even got my front sight on my target, but still shot mine anyway.

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OK, a 45 is a disadvantage....that is what I am going to shoot then. The caliber of a gun is not the disadvantage, it is someone's shooting ability under pressure. They may be able to bulleye shoot at an indoor range all day. When the buzzer goes off some people freeze up. This is where they find their shooting weakness and learn what they need to work on to get better. Don't be afraid, every match up will be at random. Yes you could shoot against a master level shooter or you could shoot against a new shooter also. Everyone starts somewhere. REGARDLESS it will be fun and a GREATday on the range with new friends and like minded people.

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Guest Moverfive

Hey everyone, these steel matches, in various forms, have been going on for a while now and they have consistently drawn people from all skill levels with all types of guns. More importantly, everyone typically has a great time and learns a new thing or two. So please don't think that just because you shoot a certain caliber gun with only a certain number of rounds in the mags and/or are not the most experienced shooter that this isn't a match where you can compete or enjoy......that isnt' the case. I think you will find that there will probably be more folks there like you than there than those 'from the other side of the hill.'

I am one of those GM's with the loud open gun.......but for these matches, I typically shoot my STI limited gun (no comps or electronic sights). Since that isn't the type of gun I normally shoot, it makes these matches tougher for me. And it is that extra "challenge" that makes these type of matches fun. So if I brought that open gun, I might be more competitive if my goal was to win.........but instead, my goal is to try and maximize my performance with a gun I don't shoot as often. If in the process I can hang with those better shooters, then that is my 'small victory.'

So for those that are questioning if they should attend this match for competive reasons, I think if you come out with a 'compete against yourself' mentality, you will do well and have a lot of fun.

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Well put! The competitive aspect is not there for me anymore like in the early years of my shooting hobby. I enjoy shooting with like minded people and close friends more. Whether I win or lose, I enjoy my time every time. Even on those days I just work on the range. We are a club with a lot of new shooters that visit the range. When they come back on a regular basis, they are exposed to better techniques being used, thus getting better themselves.

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Hey everyone, these steel matches, in various forms, have been going on for a while now and they have consistently drawn people from all skill levels with all types of guns. More importantly, everyone typically has a great time and learns a new thing or two. So please don't think that just because you shoot a certain caliber gun with only a certain number of rounds in the mags and/or are not the most experienced shooter that this isn't a match where you can compete or enjoy......that isnt' the case. I think you will find that there will probably be more folks there like you than there than those 'from the other side of the hill.'

I am one of those GM's with the loud open gun.......but for these matches, I typically shoot my STI limited gun (no comps or electronic sights). Since that isn't the type of gun I normally shoot, it makes these matches tougher for me. And it is that extra "challenge" that makes these type of matches fun. So if I brought that open gun, I might be more competitive if my goal was to win.........but instead, my goal is to try and maximize my performance with a gun I don't shoot as often. If in the process I can hang with those better shooters, then that is my 'small victory.'

So for those that are questioning if they should attend this match for competive reasons, I think if you come out with a 'compete against yourself' mentality, you will do well and have a lot of fun.

well, that is what i was trying to say, just do not have the way with words, like i said you need to go

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Shot like crap and still had a blast.

Seriously - when was the last time you saw a bay set up with 2 Texas stars, 2 Polish plate racks, and 2 6-plate racks?

If you missed this match you missed a lot of fun.

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Missed all the regular faces but loved seeing the new ones. This was a bigger setup of the man vs man than we did in the past but absolutely loved shooting against better competitors. Learned a lot about match flow on this day.

Many thanks goes out to everyone that showed up on a really hot day! Brian Smith was the winner of the man vs man shoot off. An engraved plaque and money will be ready soon.

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Guest Moverfive

Without a doubt, that was the wildest shoot-offs I have seen. As Aaron stated, the final shoot-off required 20 rounds via a star, plate rack, polish plate rack, and then the finishing small popper.

The really cool aspect of this match was that you were free to go to any stage and shoot against anyone you wanted. You were not restricted to only those folks in your initial squad.

Good match! Thanks Michael for putting this on.

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Guest Moverfive

Enjoyed you spanking my butt in the first round there Brad. You are lucky my popper did not fall because I had you that round. As far as the match goes, anytime. I enjoyed it.

What is that biggest word in the dictionary? Oh yeah - "IF." :D

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