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Man vs Man Steel Match - Music City Tactical Shooters June 24th

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Music City Tactical Shooters will host a man vs man shooting competition. 4 bay setup with single elimination. Buy back in for 10.00 one time only. Winners of each bay will compete in an approx 30 plus round count stage double elimination. Plaque and money to the winner. Eliminated competitors will still have the option to shoot other stages so that they get their money worth!

Hope to see you there!

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I realized that I miscounted the 28inch poppers (26 total in the original design and I only have 16 at this moment....looks like another order is in my future because I hate going back and fixing my mistake. I would rather buy more). I could not leave work to come home and make the changes sooner.

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Just got off the phone with your fellow officer Don. He wished he could make it so he could beat you with his stock M&P vs your OPEN Glock. I wished he could make it out also however he came up with a lame excuse. If things change, you probably will get 2nd place in the LE division.....LOL.

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Maybe you will get lucky and Bob or Ron don't show up either. I heard from that same source that they need extra trigger time after the CMG. Ron and Bob, I was not there and know that you are proficient with the weapons. Hint: it was the guy who got 25th.

Edited by HOGNUT
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WOW, I hear a challenge being laid out, Kind of like Rocky Balboa Vs Clubber Lang. It looks like Don is Rocky and Hog is Clubber and Hog "PITTIES THE FOOL" that tries to take what he has. LOL.

Edited by kcevans
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  • 2 weeks later...

Glad to hear! Bring whatever gives you the best advantage. You know Brad should sport a Glock also...LOL. We all know he loves the polymer gun. Interested in seeing him without optics trying to find the targets. I bet he doesn't own a practical weapon. Maybe Andy could show up and sport the Glock. I went with the M&P lately and will stick with it for a while longer.

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Guest Moverfive

Glad to hear! Bring whatever gives you the best advantage. You know Brad should sport a Glock also...LOL. We all know he loves the polymer gun. Interested in seeing him without optics trying to find the targets. I bet he doesn't own a practical weapon. Maybe Andy could show up and sport the Glock. I went with the M&P lately and will stick with it for a while longer.

I beg your pardon! I have XD's in both 40 and 9 and a pair of Gold Cups in 45 and Super. And then I have three limited guns (one in 5 inch and 2 in 6 inch)! .......and three open guns, of course.

I can cover just about all of the bases. :-)

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Guest Moverfive

Michael, probably because it is a bit late........but I want to make sure I am understanding everything, and hopefully I am not the only with this dumb question. :eek:

We are going to be assigned to a bay with the option of buying up to three tickets PER BAY? So if we want to shoot all four bays, we could buy up to 12 tickets? And then when would be know when to transfer to a new bay?

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No sir. That is a good concept though and will have to think about that on future match formats(buying that many tickets may need to be a 2 day event). The intention(which may be a complete cluster job by me), is to allow people to shoot against other competitors at the same level or above to hone their skills against another. What I would like to do is not to overwhelm the staff with people shooting until dark. As this is still new to me and the area matches for being a regular event(I am trying man vs man, best 4 out of 5 run event format, outlaw scenario format, etc), A competitor can buy up to 3 tickets to be used for any stage they want to compete in(the initial bay assignment was to attempt an even flow of competitors on each stage which may not work depending on the number of participants on the day). When a competitor uses a ticket in a bay and competes against another shooter, the winner will get his ticket back and the loser gets his ticket torn up. The winner can use the same ticket again in another bay or the same one until he loses it. Once a competitor loses all of his tickets, he/she is done for the day. When there are only 8 competitors left, I will setup the final showdown and then it will be a bracket.

I may have to fail to some extent to see what works better for future matches. I would like to have 4 complete sets of steel props to have two setups for a man vs man setup in the future. I have been speaking to Brian about some of his past match experience and it has been really insightfull. I will be there Saturday for setup and review of the stages so that it is completely ready for Sunday.

Call me tomorrow and we can discuss some alternatives based on your shooting expertise and experiences at other places. I am really hoping that this takes off as I am in the testing phase and considering a best 4 out of 5 run event sorta like that belongs in your association.

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not sure, but i think for me it will suck, only needing to loss once, it will be short day. man on man going against the guys on Moverfive side i been beat down before i could even get my gun to full draw!

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It is not just once. Everyone you will be going against will be at random. You and Wanda may have to go against one another.



Music City Tactical Shooters – Man vs Man Steel

• Best 2 out of 3 Elimination runs in each bay. We will pick the bay that you will start in at random to make sure that the bays start out even.

• Competitor shooting order at the bay will be by random drawing by MCTS representative.

• Shooters must present ticket to shoot the bay. Tickets are $10.00 each(Limit of 3 tickets per competitor). Winner keeps ticket and loser relinquish their ticket. Competitors pick their shooting bay after the initial random drawing at registration. When all of your tickets are gone, you are done.

• No limit on the amount of magazines one can carry. Iron Sights weapons fully loaded. Optic weapons 10 rounds max capacity to keep things even.

• If you run out of ammo without all of the steel targets down, you lose. If both competitors run out of ammo, you both lose one elimination credit.

• Fastest time with all steel down wins!

• Divisions: None

• Classifications: None, Heads up

• The last 8 people competing will be in the Final Showdown(with daylight permitting). Fastest time with all steel down wins. Single Elimination drawn at random. Final winner will receive a plaque celebrating their win!

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Bieda just txt me that he will be there. Tad excused himself this morning. Something about shooting too much and his front door locks being changed(like I believe him.....LOL). NTPS guys will be there, regular guys and gals from MCTS wil be in attendance. Can't ask for a better day at the range with friends.

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Guest adamparker86

I would realy like to shoot one of these matches, but im brand new to this and need a little help. I got a glock 21 a little whole ago, and dont know what kinda gear I need. I got 2 13 round mags. Do I need more? how many rounds do I need, and what are the shooting distances

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I have extra G21 magazines if you need it. Really, one magazine will get you thru the course, unless you start to miss a lot. It is always better to have some spare mags for jams, reloads, etc. Also it is best 2 out of 3 runs against another competitor before there is declared a winner.

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