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Threats Made By New Black Panthers Leader

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NBPP: All mouth, no balls, no numbers. What are there, a dozen of them? They're just the sticks stirring the ####-pot. They're the dark-brown versions of mall ninjas, strutting in their paramilitary clown suits. It is to laugh. In a conflict, they'd be the first hiding under the bed or behind the skirts of their women.

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NBPP: All mouth, no balls, no numbers. What are there, a dozen of them? They're just the sticks stirring the ####-pot. They're the dark-brown versions of mall ninjas, strutting in their paramilitary clown suits. It is to laugh. In a conflict, they'd be the first hiding under the bed or behind the skirts of their women.

In other words... :taunt:

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I dunno about anyone else here, but I am neither scared nor angry. I'm just genuinely tired of hearing this kinda mess. Always with the talking. Never with the doing. They talk about what they want to do.....Well? Get up, come on down and get your fill. Panthers are just like every other gang out there. They are chicken :poop: pansies who bully people at the right time and place to make themselves look big. That's nothing to be scared of.

Why wait? Be proactive. Nothing like a good ambush. I hate to make light of this but those little groups don't do anything but run off at the mouth. If the panther party starts receiving donations that will be as good as they want.

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I wonder how long it would take for me to be in Federal custody on hate crime and conspiracy charges if I offered a $10K reward, alive or dead, for someone that is a minority?

There definitely needs to be jail time for the person that placed that bounty.

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NBPP: All mouth, no balls, no numbers. What are there, a dozen of them? They're just the sticks stirring the ####-pot. They're the dark-brown versions of mall ninjas, strutting in their paramilitary clown suits. It is to laugh. In a conflict, they'd be the first hiding under the bed or behind the skirts of their women.

No doubt about that.

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I get that from a lot of these threads. Angry and scared, but mostly scared. There is no real threat. Yet some allow a small percentage of 13% of the general population to freak them out.

I have too much fear tied up in flesh eating bacteria to volunteer any to some pretend militants. Not that I was ever impressed with Sunni militants in Iraq, but at least they'd shoot at us from time to time. The fact that NBPP is so many tiers below a bunch a sheep raping cavemen makes them a non-threat. If ever aggressed by any of these fools I would go out of my way not to shoot them because it would be way more satisfying to witness them evacuate their bowels into their overly clean looking fatigues as they look down the large diameter barrel I have presented them with. The NBPP does nothing but provide comic relief to tense situations like the one in Sanford.

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I have too much fear tied up in flesh eating bacteria to volunteer any to some pretend militants. Not that I was ever impressed with Sunni militants in Iraq, but at least they'd shoot at us from time to time. The fact that NBPP is so many tiers below a bunch a sheep raping cavemen makes them a non-threat. If ever aggressed by any of these fools I would go out of my way not to shoot them because it would be way more satisfying to witness them evacuate their bowels into their overly clean looking fatigues as they look down the large diameter barrel I have presented them with. The NBPP does nothing but provide comic relief to tense situations like the one in Sanford.

You get the picture.

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