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Gun Contentment?

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Just curious, I just reached an odd place in my life. I am perfecctly content with my firearm collection. Nothing I would ever want to sell/trade and nothing really gnawing at me to pick up. I mean sure there are a few pieces i would like to have, but nothing i couldn't live without. Is there something wrong with me? do i need help or am I complete?:D

FYI - here's my inventory

1. Walther P99

2. FN Hi-Power .40 S&W with a 357 SIG conversion barrel.

3. Ko-Tonics 6.8 SPC on a Sabre lower

4. Saiga AK 7.62x39 converted to AK-10

5. Saiga 12g being converted (what I hope it looks like)

Edited by Smith
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It passes. The awkward feeling that you have enough guns, I mean. Use this time to stock up on more ammo. Preferably ammo in a caliber that you don't presently own a gun chambered in. See where I'm going with that? :D

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As others have said it tends to pass. I was content for a long time, several years, then recently started buying and trading some too. I usually regret trading anything as some of my favorite guns were talked out of my hands. But usually it was because I had a need or a huge desire for something and couldn't get it w/o selling something else. Unless you are a very very high end collector, there's always another or that gun. One of the guns I sold recently I can almost guarantee you I'll be able to buy it in six months for less than what I sold this one for. That's the way I rationalized it anyway.

I regularly visit collectors with enormous collections, massive vaults worth millions. I have known some of them to sell off or give away to charity hundreds of their collections saying they don't want to buy anymore and are done with it. I'll see them a year or two later and they started adding again.

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Guest DrBoomBoom


That's understandable. I'm almost content. Guns are tools, most of my uses are covered. Within the next year or two, I might get two more handguns, upgrade one I've already got, and get a couple of long guns. I know guys who collect, one fellow has almost a dozen guns of the same model. I'm not criticizing him, but that's just not my thing.

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4 guns and you are complete? You are sick. :screwy:You are sadly missing in several areas.

I see no revolver, no .22, no bolt rifle.

Seriously, how can you even say you are complete

without these pieces? :shrug:

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Guest Grout

I have been weeding out my collection the last few years down what I need.I am getting on up in years and have no children to leave anything to and what relatives I do have don't care for me nor I for them.A small,medium,and full size carry gun,a .22 pistol and rifle,a CAR 15,and a short bbl 870 are all I need anymore.I have plenty of ammo and or reloading componets for each.When I was younger though I felt I had to have one of each gun made.

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I feel you Grout, I am pretty much done with buying new guns. I only need one more rifle, and then maybe one more revolver. Not even sure about the revolver.

I just counted them up and have 14 guns, shotgun, 30 cal bolt rifle, 30 cal semi auto,.22 bolt, .22 semi auto, .22 lever action, .45acp semi handgun, .357 revolver, 9mm semi auto, .22 single action revolver, 4 black powder revolvers (and that is overkill). Aside from the pump .22 there is nothing i need, maybe a semi auto .22 handgun???.

I am blessed though that I have someone to leave them too.

PS: I do need a flintlock rifle in case of anarchy and ammo being impossible to acquire.

I can always knap flints, make BP and mold lead.

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Guest sling

Reminds me of when i was really wanting to buy an XD... then i shot one... and then i realized it was just gas. It passed.

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Guest CleanSeries80

by the way i really like the grips on the high power! very neat celtic look. how do u like the gun overall? i'm wanting one, but i'm thinkin 9mm for a range pistol. any problems with the .40?

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by the way i really like the grips on the high power! very neat celtic look. how do u like the gun overall? i'm wanting one, but i'm thinkin 9mm for a range pistol. any problems with the .40?

Absolutely love it. It is my favorite gun to shoot. It is one with the SFS system that works great, no hammer bite! I used to have a 9mm and the .40 has a little heavier slide, which i think is a benefit.

Many of the experts (C&S etc.) say the ticket to get with the Hi Power is a .40 with a 9mm conversion barrel. Mainly to handle the higher pressure 9mm loads better and a little less felt recoil.

I have the EFK 357 SIG barrel and it works great as well. I also installed the C&S wide combat trigger and it made a huge difference in weight of pull and the smoothness of the pull.

BTW - the grips are from Esmeralda. They are a little different than the usual utilitarian look I go for, but I like them as well. I also have some C&S Cocobolo grips as well.

Edited by Smith
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4 guns and you are complete? You are sick. :screwy:You are sadly missing in several areas.

I see no revolver, no .22, no bolt rifle.

Seriously, how can you even say you are complete

without these pieces? :stare:

Actually I have my dad's old Winchester lever .22 that was his dad's (in mint condition despite being used quite a bit!), as well as my grandfather's 30-30 Savage bolt action (also in excellent condition) that is about 60+ yrs old. It is what I have always used to hunt with in AR till I got my 6.8 SPC. I also have my dad's 357 Rossi revolver. He doesn't keep them so i get to!

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Nate you need to add pics of them other guns, they sounds like nice ones, especially the Winchester. Would love to see that one.

Looks like you had my list covered!

Edited by Mike.357
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