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+1 Police Interaction :)


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Guest Torrin

When my son was a senior in high school, he rear-ended a guy two miles from our house driving about 50mph. He took his eyes off the road for a second and the guy in front of him locked his brakes for another guy in front of him. I don't know how many times I told him "never take your eyes off the road". Anyway, totaled the car, but he was unhurt (Mitsubishi has excellent safety features in their vehicles!) and the guy he hit had some minor back injury that a trip to his doctor took care of. It could have been so much worse.

Anyway, the TN state trooper who arrived at the scene could NOT have been more understanding and kind, especially when he found out my son is diabetic. He ended up not issuing a citation so that it would not go on his record, and our insurance did not suffer as a result. He did give my son a strong lecture about putting down the phone while driving, which he needed to hear and I was grateful that he did.

I am indebted to this trooper who did us a HUGE favor and I wish I'd had the presence of mind that night to get his name to commend him to his superiors for the professional and compassionate manner in which he treated us that night.

I had the complete opposite experience, my son was involved in a minor collision with a large SUV, no one was hurt, it was clearly his fault, he admitted that he was confused by the driver in front of him behavior (she was taking a right turn and swung into the oncoming traffic lane, coming nearly to a complete stop). My son was horribly polite and his first move was to has the lady in the SUV if she was alright. The trooper issued him THREE citations (Failure to use due care, Improper Passing (Even though she was in the wrong lane), and a proof of insurance citation, even though my wife brought the valid card to the accident site BEFORE he wrote the ticket.

My interactions with LEO's have almost always been great, but this state trooper was a complete asshat and f-d my kid over because he was having a bad day (he was bitching to me about how his shift was a long one that day and he had already been at several wrecks, like I was his buddy as he was f-n my kid). Now we have to go to court and hope we can get traffic school for both moving violations.

Edited by Torrin
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With the exception of one POS, lying, incompetent THP officer, I've always had pleasant experiences with LEOs.

I must admit, that one experience from years ago has not been easy to get over. I keep telling myself that it was just payback for all the times I got away with a ticketable offense.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch using Tapatalk 2

Edited by TripleDigitRide
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I had the complete opposite experience...

My interactions with LEO's have almost always been great, but this state trooper was a complete asshat and f-d my kid over because he was having a bad day (he was bitching to me about how his shift was a long one that day and he had already been at several wrecks, like I was his buddy as he was f-n my kid). Now we have to go to court and hope we can get traffic school for both moving violations.

Every once in a while, one gets issued a badge with a muthaphucker switch on it. Thank goodness it's not the norm.

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I was pulled over in Georgia when I was young and the deputy asked me if I had any drugs in the vehicle to which i responded "no". After The stop I realized my response should have been "nope, dun smoked 'em all!" Been waiting a long time to use that one!

Well that is a dream you can make happen anytime you want. lol.

This seems like a good time and place to ask. When an LEO asks if you know why you were stopped, shouldn't you play dumb and let him tell you why? I thought confessions only worked out well if you gave them to a priest.

The last time I was stopped, he ask me if I knew how fast I was going. I had an idea but in my polite southern accent I just said Honestly I don't exactly know. The number he came back with was pretty close to want I had in mind. Like others I had already accepted in my mind I was getting a ticket. He ask me a few follow up questions, Very professional and non threatening, he did all the call ins and checked then gave me a warning with he would like me to slow it down a bit and even advised me where the posted speed limit signs I had just recently passed were. I actually believe I have slowed down since that stop a little over a year ago. Just yesterday I was driving on a road that was posted 55, but it was a not the best of roads and not one I drive allot. I looked in the mirror and found myself being followed by a county sheriff's car. I checked and I was just doing 45. I didn't change. He followed me about 5 miles and pulled over himself. Edited by vontar
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Yes, I have. You got a problem with that?

Nope. I just honestly didn't know they could be set that low. My old heap that has one seems to be about 50 minimum.

Comment was because all but one of the speeding tickets I've ever gotten were "low speed" ones, around town, never have had one on the big road where most folks set the cruise, as was apparently case with the OP too.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Guest uofmeet

Last time i got pulled over was for speeding, and i knew i was speeding, so i deserved the ticket. But all he ask for was a license, didn't ask for ins, registration or anything else. My wife had noticed it was a new ticket book. Pulled over me and the car in front of me at the same time. It was clear he was only interested in writing tickets. It was a AR state trooper. I paid the ticket and went on my way. He only said I was doing a few mph over what mine said. So I took the ticket and went on my way.

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